Maintenance and Repair Forum - Page 342

Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
  Topics Author Replies Latest Reply
Power Window Issue?  William Robertson 2 01/20/2006 1:25 AM
by jz 
siloniod?  blink 777069 4 01/20/2006 1:24 AM
by Shifted 
92 Cavy Headlight Issue  Josh Gross 1 01/19/2006 8:36 PM
by STLWACO (Mike S) 
Down Cylinder  RattDadd- E 1 01/19/2006 4:22 PM
by Justin Hudson 
Switching to synthetic  Wicked1 7 01/19/2006 4:05 PM
by Justin Hudson 
speedo cluster swap  Chris Rabey 2 01/19/2006 1:06 AM
by KJRich 
idle while in drive  Brian Lindsay 1 01/19/2006 12:09 AM
by Ty W 
no wiper fluid??????  Trevor Greenough 8 01/18/2006 11:51 PM
by William Robertson 
ecotec issues?please help!  darkbladej 10 01/18/2006 9:58 PM
by Eric Flint 
Broken fuel filter fitting  Johnathan (Der Schlafwanderer) 2 01/18/2006 5:34 PM
by 05 Skittle 
High Octane to help pass smog???  Brandon Schmidt 20 01/18/2006 5:12 PM
by BlackCav04 
horn and cigarette lighter not working  NateDoGG 6 01/18/2006 10:26 AM
by FReQ Z 
Speedometer is broken.  renegade_cav 6 01/18/2006 4:34 AM
by Chris Rabey 
VSS (not one of those)  WhininZ 6 01/18/2006 4:30 AM
by Chris Rabey 
here's one for ya  WhininZ 6 01/18/2006 3:25 AM
by WhininZ 
Stumbling?  TurboSportCavlier 3 01/17/2006 10:18 PM
by IrshGuy 
Airbag sensing & Diagnostic Module (SDM)  tacan1417 0 01/17/2006 8:43 PM
by tacan1417 
Reversed into a Ditch  ecotecflow 4 01/17/2006 6:42 PM
by ecotecflow 
Tune up  Deputy D Styl3 3 01/17/2006 4:34 PM
by The Redneck 
Engine light  01sunfire 8 01/17/2006 4:30 PM
by Z Speed aka FORCED 2 
Power Mirror Wiring  Grimor 5 01/17/2006 1:51 PM
by STLWACO (Mike S) 
is it possible to break a lifter ?  sunstealth 11 01/17/2006 9:49 AM
by Daniel - (DSLaBuda) 
Ecotec Idle Problems  Mike Belliveau 16 01/16/2006 11:38 PM
by Ty W 
Cavalier engine swap  jason shoop 1 01/16/2006 8:49 PM
by William ONeill 
Clicking Noise?  newbee 10 01/16/2006 8:27 PM
by Nytemare 
shifter light bulb change  Mike Wong 4 01/16/2006 7:02 PM
by Evan Bare 
throttle body  Corey Hayman 1 01/16/2006 2:31 PM
by STLWACO (Mike S) 
ABS light on with BRAKE light on... Fuse?  DarknessZ28 3 01/16/2006 2:16 PM
by alont 
Creeking on the left when i turn right?  julian rodriguez 3 01/16/2006 1:22 PM
by julian rodriguez 
autolite plugs???  Garrett R. 13 01/16/2006 1:00 PM
by judgez24 
ign relay recall and now car wont start???  judgez24 13 01/16/2006 12:57 PM
by judgez24 
speedo help, please need help fast  Chris Rabey 1 01/16/2006 7:14 AM
by Shifted 
alternator dying again  k Conklin 2 01/16/2006 4:09 AM
by Rob 
Failed emissions help  Roman Sotelo 8 01/16/2006 4:06 AM
by Rob 
ETS with p0440  Rollinredcavi 1 01/16/2006 2:08 AM
by wet96cav 

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