Maintenance and Repair Forum - Page 284

Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
  Topics Author Replies Latest Reply
Code P0141 - which O2 Sensor?  Andrew Gillan 2 09/14/2006 6:46 PM
by Andrew Gillan 
Clicking sound, clutch pedal odd, 01 Cavalier Z24  Ben Atkinson 18 09/14/2006 6:32 PM
by Z Speed aka FORCED 2 
brands of brake pads  john w 5 09/14/2006 4:32 PM
by Joe (Modified-MotorSports) 
exhaust system/header suggestions  Dave Denman 13 09/14/2006 1:34 PM
by Don Austin 
02 Sunfire bad brakes again  corey kuzmak 6 09/14/2006 6:48 AM
by rock 
Change tranny mounts?  darkbladej 2 09/14/2006 4:06 AM
by Bad Boy P-Noy 
Transaxle Seal Install  Jay 6 09/14/2006 3:56 AM
by Jay 
Windshield wiper problem?!  Mark Britz 6 09/14/2006 3:09 AM
by Pearl WhiteZ 
recall switch acting up  Jeffery briand 2 09/13/2006 9:02 PM
by Jeffery briand 
strange ln2 quirk  Capn Bloodbeard 5 09/13/2006 8:05 PM
by Capn Bloodbeard 
service engine light?  Rich 5 09/13/2006 3:53 AM
by Rich 
No power steering.  Koncep Vega 2 09/13/2006 1:43 AM
by Koncep Vega 
Fuel pressure regulator??  Silver Z 1 09/12/2006 11:04 PM
by Jonathan shumacker 
high idle  stan andreski 9 09/12/2006 7:29 PM
by Koncep Vega 
kinda weird clutch thing...  Tim 4 09/12/2006 5:37 PM
by RDG 
Coolant issue... Pics included! Please help!  98black2200 5 09/12/2006 5:17 PM
by 98black2200 
conversion  Jay 1 09/12/2006 4:50 AM
by Lenko 
Help w/ plug  Jay 1 09/12/2006 4:48 AM
by Lenko 
alternater not charging battery cant figure out!!  Cale Green 6 09/12/2006 12:23 AM
by Ryan1 
starting issue on my gf's car  lone_wolf 2 09/11/2006 10:31 PM
by lone_wolf 
AC Drier  spidydan023 6 09/11/2006 9:17 PM
by John Wilken 
radiator  Juan Morales 0 09/11/2006 4:56 PM
by Juan Morales 
oil change killed my car???  Johnny 7 3 09/11/2006 1:32 PM
by Jason (Pilz-E) 
Picture or description of the Alternator Harness  Mike Wilson 4 09/11/2006 10:53 AM
by alont 
1997 2.2 Engine Replacement  Mike 6 09/11/2006 6:12 AM
by Kardain 
Help, trunk latch broken!  shawn brynelson 15 09/11/2006 6:11 AM
by Kardain 
New engine swapped in, what next  Jay 3 09/11/2006 2:04 AM
by Jay 
coolant leaking cant find it.. preasure test?  CzapskiKandyKav 1 09/10/2006 10:31 PM
by NoMoreCav 
02 dies randomly...  Jeremiah Fox 6 09/10/2006 7:01 PM
by Jeremiah Fox 
Starter Questions...  Qwibby PTE Powered 2 09/10/2006 3:58 PM
by Qwibby PTE Powered 
car won't start need help  Jeffery briand 7 09/10/2006 2:41 PM
by Jeffery briand 
BOSCH vs. NGK vs Delco plugs, something wrong...  locdizzel 2 09/10/2006 9:22 AM
by Jonathan shumacker 
Differences Between 2.4 engines?  Cody Bolt 14 09/10/2006 9:17 AM
by Jonathan shumacker 
Blueish White Smoke  Holloween xXx (teh Sushi Eata) 8 09/10/2006 5:04 AM
by novaracer 
seafoam  angeloflight85 18 09/10/2006 5:00 AM
by novaracer 

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