So lately... i've been driving around and for some reason, randomly... perhaps once every 4-5 shifts, my clutch will not engage smoothly throughout the clutch pedal travel, but it will engage immediately as the clutch is lifted from the floor with the remaining 3/4 of pedal travel completely soft doing nothing...
kinda hard to explain but thats it...
Clutch fluid reservoir is full... maybe i need to bleed the line?
Aftermarket clutch? Age? Type? No harm in trying to bleed the lines, worth a shot. Post back here if you still have a problem. If it is an aftermarket one, you might try posting in the transmission forum, or performance forum.
Stock clutch... 13k miles...
If you -- don't ride the clutch, idle in neutral at lights, avoid burnouts at every pull-away, then take it to the dealership and wave the warranty at them. Clutches are a wear item, yes, but you have something else wrong in there.
Tim, did you ever find what the problem was? I also drive an 04, and it has 20k on it. This problem with inconsistant clutch engagement has been getting worse over the past few months. Please post or email me ASAP. Thanks!
91 CAV