Maintenance and Repair Forum - Page 365

Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
  Topics Author Replies Latest Reply
Tranny Out???  lssportcoupe 0 10/22/2005 1:31 AM
by lssportcoupe 
1995 Cluster on a 1996 Cavalier  Croatian Z24 0 10/21/2005 10:45 PM
by Croatian Z24 
LOCKED LOCKED: E-85 ETHONAL GAS IS IT OK ?  jake larsen 15 10/21/2005 8:45 PM
by Frank the Tank, baby!!! 
WHY?!?!  Hott98Z 9 10/21/2005 8:14 PM
by CrAzY Z24 
tensioner what should i do?  2tyt4u 7 10/21/2005 7:18 PM
by Dave Denman 
Went to the dealership Today  Mike M 6 10/21/2005 4:11 PM
by 89Sunbird 
water pump leaking  turboz24 11 10/21/2005 2:55 PM
by Old Wolf 
It wont start  2tyt4u 4 10/21/2005 5:08 AM
by sunfirepower97 
CEL Code question...  inDgoFL0w 10 10/21/2005 4:51 AM
by sunfirepower97 
Are starters the Same on all 2.2s? How about 1993  Chris Fontana 1 10/21/2005 4:43 AM
by Ron Love 
How can I tell my 1996 sunfire is a OBOI or OBOII  Xtreme96Sunfire 1 10/21/2005 4:24 AM
by Kardain 
Engine bogged out and died...any ideas why?  ChrisH4Life 7 10/21/2005 2:40 AM
by sean duvall 
03 and up Cavalier/Sunfire owners....  Bomex03Cavalier (1CAV2NV) 10 10/21/2005 1:34 AM
by Mark Eco 
2.4L motor  Neal Sibley 3 10/21/2005 1:09 AM
by Neal Sibley 
Tork Spec for Valve Cover  Kyle Gibbons 1 10/20/2005 11:24 PM
by 99fireSE 
Changed My Battery, Now SERVICE, FUEL, THEFT, etc.  r-emz ( 4 10/20/2005 9:53 PM
by Mikedirntrulez 
Reverse Lights OUT?! HOw to fix?  rick weissbach 5 10/20/2005 9:24 PM
by Polo 
Need various connectors for engine wiring...where?  fisher2w2 1 10/20/2005 5:01 PM
by Dave Denman 
door hinges  Dwayne Barnes 6 10/20/2005 4:12 PM
by david pethe 
Greasing the strut bearings  Old Wolf 3 10/20/2005 8:31 AM
by Old Wolf 
Maintenance manuals for ecotec's ?  khaserwolf 4 10/20/2005 5:27 AM
by michael groves 
ENGINE TROUBLES!!!!!!  BlackWidow 3 10/20/2005 1:49 AM
by sean duvall 
help...battery won't stay charged!!!  Arsonist 6 10/20/2005 1:40 AM
by sean duvall 
Part code for oil filter so i can get 1 here in UK  Ian 2 10/20/2005 1:07 AM
by Ender_Wiggin 
RIVET SIZE QUESTION:Window Motor Removeal  drivemybrosZ24 10 10/19/2005 11:54 PM
by Sunfires rule! (Tom) 
Light numbers  Dan Kruse 2 10/19/2005 10:12 PM
by Dan Kruse 
ignition module...  sean duvall 0 10/19/2005 6:52 AM
by sean duvall 
Base timing...  sean duvall 0 10/19/2005 6:47 AM
by sean duvall 
Possible tire rod bushing problem  khaserwolf 2 10/19/2005 4:50 AM
by VanquisherOfTheVariance (Zach) 
sending unit & fuel level sensor part number  lawrence joven 0 10/19/2005 3:51 AM
by lawrence joven 
fuel level sending unit.  lawrence joven 1 10/19/2005 2:16 AM
by alont 
O5 cobalt oil capacity  Richard Singleton 9 10/19/2005 1:35 AM
by Richard Singleton 
PCM on a 2000 2.2L cavalier?  saavycavypilot 6 10/18/2005 11:52 PM
by Cinny 
urgent help soon  Andrew Smith 6 10/18/2005 9:19 PM
by Andrew Smith 
Knocking Noise?  Stevin Burton 2 10/18/2005 9:06 PM
by Stevin Burton 

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