Maintenance and Repair Forum - Page 354

Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
  Topics Author Replies Latest Reply
car is acting wierd  Brandon Evans 5 12/01/2005 12:27 PM
by Jago N 
Weird Vibration in Parl  LD 0 12/01/2005 6:07 AM
by LD 
3'rd Gear Grinds...Why is that? n now my 4'th Gear  Ec0tec2 4 12/01/2005 3:46 AM
by Ec0tec2 
weirddd noise  jason mcdaniel 1 12/01/2005 2:28 AM
by Evo Fire 
weird noise  BlackCav04 4 12/01/2005 12:53 AM
by Mike Jefferson 
air ratchets pricing?  NateDoGG 5 12/01/2005 12:47 AM
by chris m 
Getting the check engine light off?  HondaRapist 13 11/30/2005 11:46 PM
HELP! Did an engine swap,now engine wont spark :(  CaliforniaCavalier 18 11/30/2005 11:39 PM
by ZSleeper 
a/c questions and help please  Roman Sotelo 3 11/30/2005 8:41 PM
by Roman Sotelo 
Popping noise when brakes are depressed  russel reeves 4 11/30/2005 6:04 PM
by russel reeves 
spare key  russel reeves 14 11/30/2005 5:38 PM
by Juicez99cav 
Car Won't Start  Strwbrry Sport 4 11/30/2005 3:56 PM
by fst_99Z24 
car odometer isn't working  BronzeCav 7 11/30/2005 12:28 PM
by AWD GS 
Command start question  1996fire 5 11/30/2005 11:11 AM
by Mfk-223 
What will cause Crankshaft P.S to throw code?  Bake82 0 11/30/2005 7:04 AM
by Bake82 
97 2.2 trans fluid change  Nitrous Nate 5 11/30/2005 12:54 AM
by Nitrous Nate 
no washer fluid  THEREAL2005Z24 7 11/29/2005 10:50 PM
by THEREAL2005Z24 
Short or somthing HELP  Blue J 4 11/29/2005 9:29 PM
by Rob 
Clogged windshield washer nozzles  Wheelz 2 11/29/2005 6:10 PM
by ZSleeper 
DEAD BATTERY  Rex Randall 5 11/29/2005 5:59 PM
by El Fuego ( the unstable ) 
Reverse lights NOT working  redcav1 2 11/29/2005 5:02 PM
by redcav1 
fix my column  bob smith 0 11/29/2005 3:35 PM
by bob smith 
weird problems  blkcav98 7 11/29/2005 12:57 PM
by blkcav98 
can someone tell me if my ECU is bad? ill love u!  CaliforniaCavalier 3 11/29/2005 6:09 AM
by Red Alert 
Washer-Wiper Switch and Headlight Switch  Michael Smith 2 11/29/2005 6:07 AM
by JuggaloZeke 
TURN SIGNALS DON'T BLINK  BronzeCav 9 11/29/2005 5:20 AM
by Jon Stamos 
Damn headlights  Ridinonair 2 11/29/2005 3:45 AM
by Rob 
plug wires  Andrey B 2 11/29/2005 3:31 AM
by El Fuego ( the unstable ) 
my PCM went i right? help is wanted!  CaliforniaCavalier 4 11/29/2005 3:14 AM
by CaliforniaCavalier 
the smell of gas inside the car  fst_99Z24 8 11/29/2005 12:00 AM
by gucci 
OPINION-Spraying with oil  Giulio Cicora 18 11/28/2005 11:58 PM
by Rob Smith 
fuel filter issues....what to do  Eazy (no switches no bitches) 6 11/28/2005 9:31 PM
by The Redneck 
Stalling. I've checked everything I think.  Ronin Motorsports 4 11/28/2005 7:03 PM
by RX7guy 
Got this one from another shop, Kinda stumped.  Jamie B 8 11/28/2005 6:42 PM
by RX7guy 
I Got CODES  Robby002 10 11/28/2005 5:06 PM
by Robby002 

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