the black one with tint and chrome rims dont look all that bad, but the one with the spoiler on top is by far the worse.imo
The first green one is sweet!!!
^ yeah, this one looks ok:
not saying i would do that, but it isn't awful. i mean, at least it's a sahara (the "luxury" model)
I for one hate big bling wheels on jeeps. It just looks tacky.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Unless you're Chuck Norris.
Then two wrongs make a roundhouse kick to the face.

<--- Thats how you use a Jeep

<--- Thats just wrong
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
I wanted to know if anyone has lowered a jeep but this is why I never asked.

wtf is this garbage. everyone that buys these wings always manages to put them in such unique places on a vehicle. next, this this is gonna be on someones hood on under the damn car. the owner should be shot so that this thing could be out of its misery
i remember seeing that green one probably 3-4 years ago online. Not my style but i thought it looked pretty good just because it was different. The owner probably received death threats from other jeep enthusiasts lol.

"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
I for one don't care for anyone lowering Jeeps or anything of that nature, but I didn't mind that pink CJ at the end of the page.
Have a good one,
one of my managers at Advance has a 05 Grand Cherokee with 20's on it... it looks seriously good. plus it has a Hemi with Flowmasters

(no, he doesn't sell crack, he has a full-time job as a sales rep)
I'll take a picture the next time he brings it to work
the orange one with the chrome would have to be the pick of the litter, that one actually isn't to bad, it would look better if they left the body and everythign liek that but raised it with huge tires (not wheels)
urban wrote:
^^ I think that Jeep looks awesome, but here's the problem:
that jeep will never see a trail. In other words, that wrangler
is no different from my Cherokee (I'm going with 18s/ a thick
55 tire profile, and no lift -- like a landrover LR3 or BMW X5)
If I am correct, the owner of that Jeep above posted on the Jeep Forum a couple months ago. He has those wheels and tires for the street and another set of 15" wheels with 35's that he puts on when he goes off-roading. I'll see if I can find the post that he created and post it on here.
Have a good one,
The orange one with the chrome looks classy. The rims aren't too bad... little big though.