my 2.4 auto chirps second gear when i shift it manually, seems kinda weird for an auto.. do they all do it?
lol... if you want a stick, buy a stick.
Sold 2/2/05
it is the tires, it leaves 2 black marks on the pavement after..
Yes, you can do that in many cars. The transmission is going into the gear as a jerk instead of a smooth transition due to excessive line pressure. Shifting it manually could induce that situation. A lot of people install 'shift kits' or other devices on their transmissions which make them shift hard all the time. It really isn't needed. Chirping the tires doesn't really help your performance.
Yea, ummmm. I used to have a J-body...
thanks.. i was just wondering cuz i thought it was weird
shifted if you can hear like a blowoff vavle sound when the tranny shifts thats the pressure being released it happens when i turn on the bm shift kit just wondering how bad this is for my tranny????
Thanx Charles
Mine does that from First to Second..... Then Second to Third. LOL
New Picture comming this summer.
When I increase the line pressure to like 60% (DD @~40
with the Auto-Trans Interceptor, I can cherp 2nd easily. 3rd, I hear the ptshh from the valve lines. I've had it for over a year and its one of my favorite mods.
same but im not sure...i have a small leak on one of my lines and im not sure if its from extra presure from the shift kit or jsut a leak....who knows i still sound like a bov when it shifts tho.....
Thanx Charles