Once I installed them the driver side is sitting lower than passenger side.
any ideas why this could be?
are you on level ground? is one of the springs turned up side down?
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:are you on level ground? is one of the springs turned up side down?
or is one not seated correctly?
a majority of jbodies will have the front passenger side about 1/4-1/2" higher than the driver side. nobody to this day has been able to figure out why, but there are theories based on engine/tranny center of gravity, the battery is on the driver side, and normally the one person in the car (the driver) is also on that side.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
^^ i always wondered why I would see posts like this alot. lucky for me my D-specs and goldlines never did that when i had them.
I was on level ground, I will check the springs to make sure they are seated and its way more than a half inch off.
I only put the springs on the front so far could that be the problem?
or could the springs need to be on a certin side?
did you use the same springs for the fronts?