Doug Seybert
Location: Dallas, TX
Joined: Thursday, August 16, 2001
Last Update: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Email: seybertd@msu.eduWeb Page:
2001 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 - SOLD About This Vehicle:
It's my second J-body that i have owned, i love it to death, other than being stock and having a few appearance mods and audio. Body Style: Coupe Color: Indigo Blue Engine: 2.4L DOHC Transmission: Manual Interior: Lght Gray/charcoal Purchase Date: June 12, 2001 Purchased From: Shaheen Chevrolet Build Date: April 02, 2001
Engine:- AEM Short Intake
- Denso IridiumPlugs
Interior:- ilicit switch for amp and neon in console
- varad alarm with viper 770 alarm system
Exterior:- Xenon 80/100 headlights
- 37.5 watt Eurolite Fogs
Audio:- Alpine 7863 HU
- Rockford Fosgate 250.2
- Cerwin Vega HD 1693 6x9's
- RF Riot gamma wiring
- Pioneer DVC 800 12
- Clarion electronic Crossover.
Miscellaneous:- Greddy Clutch.(promo test version)
- Sparco Seats(on order)
- and cf shifter knob also on order.
Future:- Carbon Fiber Hood
- Ground Control or APC Coilovers
- Focal F5's or such with Toyos'(in the mail I hope)
- single catback by BBK to a Tunable Arospeed Bomb or Borla Exhaust
- Tint to the three back winders!! Toyota Tails from Lenko
- hopefully
