My point is that I dont have a problem with extra security becaue im scared to death to fly even when I do. i dont mind waiting an extra amount of time, I dont mind coming to the airport 3 hours early just to make my flight because its all for safety. My biggest issue is the way they are going about searching people as I said in my first post. I honestly do not think we can have too much security.
As Jason said, a plane can be taken down from inside the plane, doesnt have to be from in the cockpit. I.E. shoe bomber, and the dude that had explosives in his underwear. So im all for the extra safety. That vid of the kid getting searched just rubbed me the wrong way *no pun intended* lol
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I'd be more worried about something malfunctioning on the aircraft then a terrorist trying to take over the plane .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
WHITECAVY wrote:im scared to death to fly even when I do.
Then the terrorists have won. They have officially made us so terrified of flying that we willingly subject ourselves to these kind of tactics just so we "Feel safer". It will not detect someone with C-4 shoved up their ass. I suppose the next step is allowing full body cavity searches for anyone who wants to fly anywhere? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ this has gone way too far.
How many terrorists have we found/stopped at the check-in line? HOW MANY?
How many terrorists have we found/stopped at the check-in line? HOW MANY?
BUT.... I have a feeling, that the longer the anti-TSA outcry goes on, the greater the likelihood that we'll read a headline that goes something like this:
Man found with tungsten/ ceramic knife in underwear.....full body scan prevents possible hijacking...and he was a white christian militia member, proving you don't have to have a beard and a funny lttle hat to be a terrorist.
then we will all go "oooh, it prevented a terrorist attack". Of course we'll never find out what happened to said man.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Quote:
How many terrorists have we found/stopped at the check-in line? HOW MANY?
BUT.... I have a feeling, that the longer the anti-TSA outcry goes on, the greater the likelihood that we'll read a headline that goes something like this:
Man found with tungsten/ ceramic knife in underwear.....full body scan prevents possible hijacking...and he was a white christian militia member, proving you don't have to have a beard and a funny lttle hat to be a terrorist.
then we will all go "oooh, it prevented a terrorist attack". Of course we'll never find out what happened to said man.
Just to make it look like they've done good and then people will stop bitching about it ..
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
ThatGuy85 wrote:WHITECAVY wrote:im scared to death to fly even when I do.
Then the terrorists have won. They have officially made us so terrified of flying that we willingly subject ourselves to these kind of tactics just so we "Feel safer". It will not detect someone with C-4 shoved up their ass. I suppose the next step is allowing full body cavity searches for anyone who wants to fly anywhere? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ this has gone way too far.
How many terrorists have we found/stopped at the check-in line? HOW MANY?
i have no fear of flying, nor do i fear the simple body scanner. walking thru a body scanner is no more time consuming or fear inducing or a violation then walking thru the x-ray machine.
how many terrorist? nothing ive heard off hand. i guess security is doing its job so far?
its weird we live in the age where people will post there personal information phone numbers exact wereabouts and locations for millions of people to see. but cry about invasion of privacy for flying on a plane.!/Square1Photography
what those of you who say "oh, its no big deal" fail to realize, or care about, is that to lots of people it IS a big deal. even if you are fine with the new tactics personally doesnt mean that everyone feels the same way. some people just have a greater need for personal privacy than others and the new procedures are definitely a breach of that privacy.
its not always about embarrassment over one's body....its about being able to have a certain level of privacy over your own body. imagine if they change policy again in 10 years and make everyone go to a small room and get strip searched. even though it would just be you and whatever agent (or more, most likely) would you feel comfortable being stripped bare and ogled in front of people you dont know? because at the end of the day thats basically what is happening now with these scans.
same thing with the pat downs: its uncomfortable for many people because they touch your genitals. and even if its not in a sexually explicit way, its still something that shouldnt be done except in extreme circumstances--but definitely not as a blanket all for everyone. perhaps we should start putting these scanners and tactics in our high schools, many of which already use dogs and metal detectors/xray machines before kids can enter the buildings. i mean what harm could come from some skeevy 40-something looking at and touching your 14 year old daughter's breasts or ass or puss?
i mean if youre all for giving up the freedom of your own body under the false banner of security, why not just forfeit all privacy in the name of safety? just walk around the airport naked so everyone will know you dont have any bombs on you. offer to let random tsa agents give you the two fingered salute while youre at it. i mean only terrorists and fat people would think that was unreasonable, right?
sndsgood wrote:
i have no fear of flying, nor do i fear the simple body scanner. walking thru a body scanner is no more time consuming or fear inducing or a violation then walking thru the x-ray machine.
Actually, it is more time consuming because you can't just walk through. And an xray/metal detector isn't giving someone a full outline of your body.
how many terrorist? nothing ive heard off hand. i guess security is doing its job so far?
Exactly the point I'm trying to make. If it's done the job so far, why do we need to increase security now?
Would you be against these scanners if you had to go through one to attend a concert?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Would you be against these scanners if you had to go through one to attend a concert?
Or school , mall , grocery store , sports stadiums , etc ,etc ..
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
lets not go overboard just yet. Would anyone be against full body scans if it was a prerequisite to attending a stadium concert?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:lets not go overboard just yet. Would anyone be against full body scans if it was a prerequisite to attending a stadium concert?
Because I still fail to see the reason it's a big deal. Imagine a large bomb going off at a concert, killings hundreds. Then scanners are implemented. People will bitch. It goes on for 10 years, then the scanners are removed. Then another bomb. People will ask- Why did we take the scanners away? And you will see that the same p[eople who bitched about them being there in the first place are going to be the first person to bitch when something happens after they're taken away. Some people just don't get it.
James Cahill wrote:Kevin Trudeau wrote:lets not go overboard just yet. Would anyone be against full body scans if it was a prerequisite to attending a stadium concert?
Because I still fail to see the reason it's a big deal. Imagine a large bomb going off at a concert, killings hundreds. Then scanners are implemented. People will bitch. It goes on for 10 years, then the scanners are removed. Then another bomb. People will ask- Why did we take the scanners away? And you will see that the same p[eople who bitched about them being there in the first place are going to be the first person to bitch when something happens after they're taken away. Some people just don't get it.
Some one will do it just to have them there but that doesn't have to happen because if the gov wants them there they will do it .
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
And oddly enough, it all started with the Bush administration's sweeping reductions to personal liberties and privacy. Away you go, revealing yet another of your inherent ideo-political conflicts. Oops!
Everyone: let's sit back and watch the stammering and "statistics" flow. This will be rich
Aww. Speechless. I don't blame ya, how could you possibly dig out of THIS hole...why, even quoting centuries-old politicians won't work this time.
You bet I will. Seeing you skulk away with your tail between your legs made it just that much better!
So, any other champions of the extreme right care to also step on their junk by criticizing the current administration for, of all laughable things,
heightened security? LOLZ!
Talk about a troll. Quik didn't participate in this thread at ALL until he saw a weaksauce chance to take a potshot at the administration he loves to hate. He's too agenda-driven to even admit his own mistake.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, November 28, 2010 2:59 PM
i really dont see why it should matter what administration did what...pointing the finger and saying the other guy was worse doesnt solve anything and merely trivializes the fact that yet another freedom/privacy is being taken away.
Meh, for me, hand-wringing over such stuff is right up there with buying into conspiracy theories...I have way better things to dispense my time and effort towards.
I don't feel any less "free" than I did 10 or 20 years ago. TSA stuff will level itself out over time. Currently, they are experimenting with new technologies and approaches, and there are bound to be some bumps and bruises along the way. It's all part of the process.
Surely we can find something more deserving of our time.
Take Back the Republican Party wrote:
I don't feel any less "free" than I did 10 or 20 years ago.
even though you are. time has a way of cauterizing the wound, but just because you dont feel its absence doesnt mean it was never there. the whole reason that personal freedoms are being taken away is for greater control over us as a population--as a country. we are slowly being boxed in with an ever decreasing amount of room left. so even though you dont feel it yet, you need to stop the walls from closing in anymore BEFORE you do feel less free. because by then itll be too late to stop it or change it.
No, frankly, I am not. With all due respect, I know quite well what my freedoms were then compared to what they are now. Therei s no significant difference.
I think you're drunk on the kool-aid, my friend. A group of particularly effective agendists has found a direct conduit into your head via your paranoia, and you've let them set up shop. Please don't think I am insulting you, or judging you, as I am not. I do feel some sadness for you in that this institutionalized suspicion has now apparently occupied a relatively significant portion of your consciousness and sensibilties. It's caused you to be cynical before your time. You deserve better, and you are entitled to more peace of mind than you are allowing yourself to achieve.
In short, I feel you are vastly overreacting to a situation that's nowhere near as sinister or far-reaching as you've been led to believe.
* rolls eyes *
yes, just because i have an opposing opinion means im a paranoid conspiracy freak nut job that has been tricked into following some sort of right wing cult. good job on devaluing my argument before even considering it.
but quite frankly, power corrupts. and the government (as an institution, not as individual representatives of that institution--and not just our government, but every form of govt) wants as much power over its people as possible because it puts those in charge of the government in greater power. its something that has always happened and will always happen. im not saying there is a master plan behind the erosion of our freedoms, but regardless of how you choose to view it the simple fact is that we should have certain privacy over ourselves and our bodies and the govt shouldnt require you to forgo that privacy. they sell it as a security issue, but its really a control issue.
but please dont bemoan me and try to paint me as some sort of crazed militia member hiding in an underground bunker just because i dont support these new initiatives. doing so makes a mockery out of civil discourse, something of which you claim to be a propagator.