To be entirely honest, I've heard about the French protests, but as with most things French, I wasn't interested. Then I started reading articles today...looking at the pics.....ah the French.
Turns out that the European tax system (approx 40% of the GDP of Franc is taxes) isn't working so well. In fact its sooo bad, that to qualify for their pensions, workers now have to work until they are 62....up from the previous 60. Maybe I'm off on a few details with the percentages and actual name of the pension thing.....but seems to me, that rioting and looting small businesses isn't the way to convince your parliament to work up an alternative plan.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Turns out that the European tax system (approx 40% of the GDP of Franc is taxes) isn't working so well. In fact its sooo bad, that to qualify for their pensions, workers now have to work until they are 62....up from the previous 60.
62 isn't that bad IMO. But that is a very small piece of the picture, and nothing to base much of an opinion on. I'm not honestly versed well enough in French government to tell you how good(or bad) their system works.
But then again, they're the French - hire about 5-6 German cops armed with sharp pointed sticks and all the protesters nationwide will surrender.
Wouldn't it be nice to qualify for retirement at 62? For us that would be great. For most other European countries they have a drastically different work ethic then we do.
Almost all work a hell of a lot less then we do with double the vacation time we have. Many countries have periods of the year where virtually every business shuts down and everyone is on break. Many countries aren't accustomed to working like dogs as we do in America.
Bottom line they're doing it the right way and we are not.
To this day, I don't understand the hatred towards the French... It must be the "cool" thing to do. If were not for the French, we might be still be under British Crown rule or maybe delayed the American Revolution.
But part of the reason is the immigration is exploding and they are not contributing to the system that has been working for so long.
I drive a silver car wrote:Wouldn't it be nice to qualify for retirement at 62? For us that would be great. For most other European countries they have a drastically different work ethic then we do.
Almost all work a hell of a lot less then we do with double the vacation time we have. Many countries have periods of the year where virtually every business shuts down and everyone is on break. Many countries aren't accustomed to working like dogs as we do in America.
Bottom line they're doing it the right way and we are not.
But I would say parts of Asia works like dogs for an average worker in a work week.

I've watched Europe's easy work weeks, early retirement, and long vacation breaks with envy too. However, I suspect they may regret them in the long run as other more ambitious nations stay ahead of them in productivity and revenue vs. outflow. With all the taxpayer-supported programs they have, this could be a real revenue detriment someday!
American worker productivity is the highest in the Western world. We should be proud of that.
Oh, and yes...the lingering "anti-French" silliness is just another way less sophisticated, more paranoid and xenophobic people prove to us why they are behind the curve. Fortunately, it's their problem, not ours.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, October 22, 2010 2:47 PM
you sure like to toss the "H" word around quite a bit. I hate the smell of wet cheerios, lady gaga music, and muslim terrorists about equal. The French merely annoy me and their rabble rousing is quite stupid.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:you sure like to toss the "H" word around quite a bit. I hate the smell of wet cheerios, lady gaga music, and muslim terrorists about equal. The French merely annoy me and their rabble rousing is quite stupid.
It is indeed unfortunate that you choose targets such as this which demonstrate your attraction to established hate groups.
Nonetheless, it's also ironically entertaining to see you squirm about the results of your choices. C'est la vie!
Squirm? Me? Never. Do you think I type a big long post, then later on go "aww man, what was I thinking? What are Bill and Goodwrench gonna say about it now?" In your wettest dream perhaps.
I work with an Arab girl (orthadox christian) who insists she is a palestinian. I asked her to show me a map that had Palestine as a recognized country....ever. She says she is from palestine (which is a region of land btw, not a country) so that makes her a palestinian. I asked her if someone was born in the sahara desert, does that make them a saharan? Just a blank stare. Do I hate Nermeen? Not at all. If she was some radical muzzie plotting to blow up a train....different story.
Back to the French,
The govt should say: "oh, you want to riot in the streets, loot, and block access to the airport?, fine you had 62, now its wanna go for 64 Francois??"
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Um, every creed known to man is out there working jobs. Chances are, you'll run into them. I work with whites, blacks, latino, one arabic, but no asians as of yet. Btw, your bit made no sense.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Um, every creed known to man is out there working jobs. Chances are, you'll run into them.
Already did. Which is why I am not making ignorant statements like you are.
Btw, your bit made no sense.
It sure did. It's just that I called your bluff as your dumbass statements speaks volumes that you don't know $hit on the other creeds, then you come here and claim you know a group because you work with them. Right Scotty (pat on your head head again).
You're better off telling your stories to the Sarah Palin supporters, as they tend to believe Big Foot exist too.

Not sure why you find it so unbelievable that I do not work with exclusively anglo co-workers. I guess it doesn't matter as you are simply engaged in an "I know you are but what am I" spat all solo-style. But you have piqued my interest about bluffing. What did you perceive as a bluff?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
I'd offer that anyone Scotta works or interacts with who isn't from his preferred ethnic group are also very aware of his, umm...
views, even if he doesn't realize they are.
Take Back the Republican Party wrote:I've watched Europe's easy work weeks, early retirement, and long vacation breaks with envy too. However, I suspect they may regret them in the long run as other more ambitious nations stay ahead of them in productivity and revenue vs. outflow. With all the taxpayer-supported programs they have, this could be a real revenue detriment someday!
American worker productivity is the highest in the Western world. We should be proud of that.
And there in lies the balance of work and life, finding that key happy spot that the battle.