Interview with John Marcotte, Author of the 2010 California Protection of Marriage Act
Rob Cockerham: John Marcotte. You've filed a petition with the Secretary of State, in an effort to get a voter's initative on the California 2010 ballot.
John Marcotte: Yes. Filed the paperwork on September 1. It's the "2010 California Marriage Protection Act." I am trying to ban divorce in the state of California.
RC: Ok. So your act, if it became law, would make marriage undissolvable.
John: Exactly. The only exception would be if the marriage was "voidable" -- if you married an 8-year-old, you don't get to keep her. She goes back on the shelf. You can't marry the mentally incapacitated, etc.
RC: Ah, ok, so most normal marriages would be irreversable.
John: 99.99% of all marriages would be set in stone. It's a return to traditional values.
RC: Wow, that is amazing. Could it really happen? What steps remain to make this initiative into a valid, enforced law?
John: I am trying to extend the good work done with Proposition 8 last year. It could really happen. The United States has not always had divorce as an institution the way we do now. As a ballot initiative it bypasses the legislature and the governor. It's the will of the people made law.
RC: How long has divorce been around?
John: As a concept, pretty much forever, but in the past, divorces were at the very least difficult to get and frowned upon by society. Now they pass them out like Tic-Tacs.
RC: Who is providing the bulk of funding for this initiative?
John: It began as a self-funded initiative, but we've been collecting donations and already recouped a fair percentage of the filing fees. We hope to collect more donations and maybe start selling t-shirts, etc. to raise more funds.
RC: Are you going to hit the streets collecting signatures for the initiative?
John: We're going to set up a table in front of Wal*Mart and ask people to sign a petition to protect traditional marriage. We're going to interview them about why they thing traditional marriage is important, and then we'll tell them that we are trying to ban divorce.
People who supported Prop 8 weren't trying to take rights away from gays, they just wanted to protect traditional marriage. That's why I'm confident that they will support this initiative, even though this time it will be their rights that are diminished. To not support it would be hypocritical.
We're also going to collect signatures in front of "Faces," the largest gay nightclub in Sacramento.
RC: Can gay and unmarried people sign the petition to make this California Law?
John: Anyone can sign the petition as long as they are a registered voter in California. Sinners signatures work just as well as saints.
That brings up and interesting point. We are a Christian nation.
Jesus said, "What God has put together, let no man separate." Divorce is a sin.
Fun fact: Jesus never once mentioned homosexuality. Probably some sort of clerical oversight that will be rectified in the end of days...
RC: I think about half of the 10 commandments are against the law in California. Are you trying to increase that percentage?
John: Being gay is a sin, but it didn't even make the "top 10." I can't covet my neighbor's wife...that's close, but it doesn't hit the nail on the head.
RC: This initiative does seem like it would "Protect Marriage", but if two people decide to not be married anymore, shouldn't they be in charge of their own lives?
John: Sometimes other people need to sacrifice in order to protect my ideas about traditional marriage. It's just a fact of life. It's not about their soul-sucking sham of a marriage, it's about what we value as a society. We live in a divorce-promiscuous society. It's on the television, it's in movies, the newspapers. It's even in our kids textbooks.
I'm Catholic. In my religion, divorce is a sin -- completely impermissable.
RC: Sounds like you'd like to shield kids from learning too much about divorce.
John: I don't want the government teaching my child is "cool" or "legally permisable." That's a conversation that should happen in the family. It's the parents' role to teach the kids about reality -- not the state's.
RC: well, this is a bold step. Do you think you face a strong opposition?
John: The opposition will always be there. The secular progressives, gays and MSNBC hosts -- but we beat them once with Prop 8 and we'll beat them again. If people are thinking about getting a divorce, just remember "Hell is eternal, just like your marriage was supposed to be." Jesus still loves you if you get divorced, just not as much as before.
RC: What about people who are currently married? Will this law apply to them, or only new marriages?
John: I wish that I could force people that hate each other with the intensity of a thousand white suns back into a loveless marriage, but my attorneys tell me that getting that law passed would be unlikely in the current political climate.
I'll try to get a "win" by banning divorce and save that for 2012 -- when Sarah Palin will be president and/or the end of the world will occur.
RC: Its good to have a plan.
John: One step at a time. We can return this country back to it's proud, traditional Judeo-Christian roots.
RC: Thank you. We are almost done, and I appreciate you typing your responses.
John: No worries.
Thank you.
John's website is
As hilarious as that interview is to read - this guy is 100% correct. If people game a damn about the "sanctity of marriage" (and if they apparently think the government should have any role in deciding who marries who), divorce would be the first thing outlawed. As it stands now - I could go to Las Vegas, do some blow with a hooker, marry that hooker within hours of meeting her, and divorce that same hooker a couple hours later. Then I could meet a different cumdumpster... Rinse and repeat. I could walk out from a single trip to Vegas with 17 ex-wives. Yet people where worried about gay marriage destroying the "sanctity of marriage?" What a joke! I'll tell you another joke.
I promise to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, til death do we part...
(3 years later)
and that is marriage in modern America.
I think the real answer to the question of "who can marry who" shouldn't be answered by the government at all. I think that the government should officially recognize no marriage what-so-ever. Let the churches recognize it if they should want to do so, and let anyone recognize it between themselves if they want too. Legally, let anyone make anyone their beneficiary etc - but without regard to any status. They can make a legal contract just like any other. The government has no need to recognize any such thing as marriage.
If you are swearing your life to another before God(assuming a Christian wedding), that is between the newly married couple and God - it doesn't really matter what the heck the US Government thinks about it anyways.
bk3k wrote:I think that the government should officially recognize no marriage what-so-ever. Let the churches recognize it if they should want to do so, and let anyone recognize it between themselves if they want too. Legally, let anyone make anyone their beneficiary etc - but without regard to any status. They can make a legal contract just like any other. The government has no need to recognize any such thing as marriage.
If you are swearing your life to another before God(assuming a Christian wedding), that is between the newly married couple and God - it doesn't really matter what the heck the US Government thinks about it anyways.
I agree with this completely. Marriage has always been a religious institution, and there is no need for it to be a legal one.
Civil unions are the only thing that should be recognized under the law, which is merely for the purpose of gaining certain rights as a family.
I forgot to add that this woman's petition will go nowhere, even if it makes it onto a ballot, because of all of the money that is going to come from the divorce lawyers to defeat it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, September 12, 2009 6:04 AM
Never even get off the ground. If the gov should stay out, why should a church have to sanction it? Really, why not one guy working a job with 47 wives and 12 husbands at home? I think the guy is a publicity hound, but without absolutes, you have anarchy
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
sndsgood wrote:is that guy really for real. my husband beats me. " oh well sorry for your luck" this guy is a fruitcake. if the mentally handicapped can't get married, then they shouldn't be allowed to file the 2010 californian marriage protection act.
Clearly you have no respect for the institute of marriage, traditional family, or the fabric of society.

I recommend you read around his website a bit. I already linked it. I think something will dawn upon you that apparently that interview didn't quite give away. That page and people's comments on there had me laughing my ass off.
This is all BS
While I agree that way to many people foolishly jump into marriage and just get a divorce like its no big deal.... the government should have no say in it at all...
If you want a divorce...... you should get a divorce.... plain and simple...
I could see something like a 5 year waiting period before you can get divorced after your married.... maybee.... but that would be it...
It also irritates the hell out of me that people get married and divorced like its not a big deal...... but enacting laws trying to keep these irresponsible idiots from doing that.... highly infringes on the rights of us that take marriage very seriousley and would actually have a very good reason for divorce if it went that far...
As for the same sex marriage stuff.... BK3K.... from what you typed.... im wondering if your gay.... most streight people are either against that or just plain dont care either way.... if ya are.... thats fine...... but you got me wondering...
As for same sex marriage being legal.... right or wrong..... my beliefs are that it should be between a man and a woman.... and thats it.......
Weebel wrote:As for the same sex marriage stuff.... BK3K.... from what you typed.... im wondering if your gay.... most streight people are either against that or just plain dont care either way.... if ya are.... thats fine...... but you got me wondering..
Nope. As insane as women are though, I wish I where LOL. If all that nonsense about being able to choose your sexuality where true - I'd choose gay. Men are hornier and no more female inspired drama. Most the gay men I know seem to have easier relationships from what I've seen. I think my bank account balance would look much less pathetic too.
But in reality - men don't do it for me, never have and never will. Penises themselves are repulsive no matter who you put them on. I'm addicted and enslaved to boobs and vagina. Curse you - my flawless heterosexuality!!
men should marry women, women should marry men.
marriage is a religious coupling of two people=man and a woman.
the gays, well they need to get over it, it's about a man and a woman. a man and a man wanna get a civil union go for it. but if they're religious they better damn well expect that they can't get married, in the eyes of their own religion, and for that matter even if it's not their own religion.
aside from that i choose no religion so two women wanna get it on......well that's ok in my
if you're a religious person than two women should b a no no, i'm not.
that being said, two women in my book is all good
so is two men, i just don't wanna watch that on the internet.
RC: This initiative does seem like it would "Protect Marriage", but if two people decide to not be married anymore, shouldn't they be in charge of their own lives?
John: Sometimes other people need to sacrifice in order to protect b]MY ideas about traditional marriage.
California can't even balance their state budget, they elect actors to govern them, and everyone with a different opinion wants laws written their way. Truly California is the land of fruits and nuts.
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OK... good to know your on the straight and narrow BK3L LOL
IDK... as for this gay and lesbian stuff... I have mixed feelings about that..... but I am still a firm believer that they shouldn't be allowed to get married... maybee be able to fill out some kind of union paperwork so they can file jointly on a tax return... but thats it..
On one side..... if 2 people want to mutually do something between closed doors that makes them happy.... I quess who am I to say they shouldn't..... but on the other hand..... It's still an unnatural perverted act that I feel shouldnt be be accepted so widely by the masses..
And before someone bashes me for saying unnatural and perverted act....... break down those words strictly on their definition... and then try to tell me im wrong...
I really dont know what to think about the subject.... so I choose to not really give a damn... other than the marriage part...
As for all this divorce crap... I think what the OP posted wont go anywhere..... he just sounds like a nut job..... although he does have a few points...
It is sickening that people so readily get married and divorced..... but you have to realize that the majority of our population is filled with irresponsible idiots.. soo what do you expect to happen....
they have civil unions but it doesnt entail the same rights as a legal marriage.if you dont want to call it marriage, fine thats cool, but at least give them the same rights as a married person.
as for unnatural, it happens in the animal kingdom. what about handicapped people or mentally challenged people. should they not be accepted? they are diffrent from the norm? they dont think like normal people do. should we shun then and banish them? or just go about knowing everyone may not be the same but we can treat everyone the same.
as for perverted, it all depends on the person, i once dated for a short time a girl who thought i was a pervert because i wanted her to blow me. guess what, that didn't last long. and i once nailed my wife in the ass. well okay a couple times. it problably makes me a pervert in the eyes of some. but hey, who cares.
i dont want to think of two guys getting it on any more then i want to think of a man and women who are ugly as hell getting it on. either way ewwwwwwwwww. i mean hey, i can @!#$ my wife in the ass, who cares if some dude @!#$ his man in the ass. is it really that diffrent. saying a man and a women were made to procreate is a good argument, but unless your a person who has never used any form of birthcontrol in your life then that excuse if pretty flimsy. me personally if two people love each other let them get married. it doesnt lessen the love i have for my wife.!/Square1Photography
as far as they gays, weather it is called a civil union, a marrage, or whatever, I have no personal problem with it. I know it makes my dad mad cause he thinks it somehow lowers the validity of his marrage to my mom. but I do not share this view.
as far as not being allowed divorces........that is bull@!#$.
I did not marry some vages hooker, there was no shotgun wedding. when I married we were in love and we meant it. but @!#$ happens.
it took 6 years of living together, her cheating on me with at least 6 different guys if not more, a marriage counselor, and her seeing a psychiatrist and her being perscribed meds for her issues to surface. no, I wasant the perfect husband, but over the years it eventually surfaced that she had deeply set issues that it takes a professional to see and identify, and that these issues would of made both our lives miserable no matter how many meds you loaded her up with or no matter how many trips the the shrink could solve.
the fact was after 6 years she was miserable, and this was making me miserable, and theres nothing that could be done. you could make "divorce is illegal" all you want but there is a matter of nature vs. nurture that you have to contend with. if divorce was illegal I would still be miserable and getting cheated on regularly to this day. hell, she cheats on her new boyfriend, they guy who she thought was going to solve all her problems, repeatedly to this day. and she lives with him. hell, I am one of the guys she has cheated on her new BF with LOL.
and its not just that. my divorce has been a godsend on my life. I honestly thing that god, or whatever higher power is up there, has seen how I lived the first 27 years of my life and knew that this divorce was the only way to break me of all my old behavior patterns, realize the world for what it really is, and make me the man that I am today, two years later.
the pain, not only that I was in during the marrage, but the pain of 'she's gone, its over, and there is nothing I can do about it' was such an eye opener for me. since my divorce I have seen parts of the world I have never seen before, I have met hundreds of new people that have enriched my life, I have been inspired to research things like how the consouse mind works, I have partied, I have had relationships since then that though they ended for thier own reasons, I live now today knowing if a woman leaves me tomorrow I will live on and there is a whole world of women out there for me.
there is a world out there outside of YOUR books and YOUR religion. The day when I realized my divorce was inevitable, and realized that the world simply is not what I was raised to bieleve it was, I began shedding those old belifes and OLD limitations that things like tv, media, and religion install into your brain.
lock them in the box of the five sences..........THEN ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PROGRAM THE BOX. our perceptioin is such a small portion of what is reality. in recent years scientist are starting to discover how much of what we percieve is the real world is simply our consouce mind decoding sound waves, light waves, vibrations, and such.
but now I am getting off topic
-back on topic
if there was no shuch thing as divorce I shudder at the image of what my life could be like today. and like I said, we WERE in love for quite a long time and we were seriouse about our marrage for quite a long time.
Damn you SNDSGOOD for bringing up the "it depends on your point of view" argument when I'm trying to generalize things LOL
I get what your saying..... I was just arguing the point that a dick is meant to go into a pussy...... not in another guys mouth..... thats all..... I wasnt getting very technical because I really dont care much either way..
Ahhh... marriage..... one of the reason I broke up with my ex LOL
I was with her for 6 months.... lived together for about 4..... and she started bringing up marriage... kinda trying to push it on me.....
I told her that I never wanted to be without her.... and (at that time) I did want to spend the rest of my life with her..... but I wasnt ready to get married...... and when we eventually did... I wanted to make sure we where ready..... because I told her.... I want to be with the FIRST (and only) woman I marry for the rest of my life...... I didnt want to rush into things and screw it up...... I wanted to live together for a few years first... she didnt like that too much.
its a good thing I did that.... because she turned out to be a nut job that I was pretty sure was cheating on me...... and that fact she wanted kids (bad) and I was really adimate about no wanting kids... that was a problem from the start...... but if we where together long enough that I was really sure a marriage would work... and we got married..... my views might have changed..... and even if they didnt..... and we screwed up and had some..... I still would have loved her.... and the kid.... so it wouldnt have mattered......... The thing is that if I ever have kids..... I want the woman im impregnating to be my wife at the time..... not my girlfriend or fiancee.... then later my wife after conception...
Truthfully.... I highly doubt that I will ever get married... I know its just a piece of paper and shouldnt matter....... but it just does to me..... I have no problem with never getting married... and living a normal life with a woman and kids like you are (im kinda a hippy that way)..... I have a problem with getting married to someone for the wrong reasons and just getting divorced because its soo easy to do so...
I've known soo many people that got married after dating a few months..... had a kid or 3 and got divorced by the time the oldest was 3 years old because they are irresponsible worthless bastards... or whores..... I hate that....
You dont get married just to do it...... you marry someone that you love so much that you want to omit "till death till you part" from the vows... Im talking a love thats more powerfull than time or life itself.... with someone your compatible with...
But with all that said..... sometimes crap just happens.... or your truly blinded by said love...... and in the worst case scenario.... divorce can be the answer.... and saying you cant do that is wrong...... but it shouldnt be done on a whim and neither should be getting married.
I don't actually think divorce should be outlawed(as I think the government should have no role in such things to start with) - I don't think the guy who started this actually wants that to pass(as epic as it will be if it does). I think it is to make a point. The stuff he is saying is technically true though. If proposition 8 was really about protecting marriage - really nixing divorce is where to start. If there is anything that takes the value out of a lifetime vow - its saying "just kidding" down the line.
What Weeble just said is a great example - He didn't get married in a circumstance that most do. You might "be in love" with someone - but that really is not enough to swear your life to them. That kinda love is literally a chemical addiction in the brain. The brains of people who have "fallen in love" and a cocaine addicts brain are pretty damn similar looking on a brain scan. There is a deeper love that that - and I think far fewer people achieve that even once in their life. I don't think I have. But I'm sure that you DO NOT feel that kinda love within months of meeting someone. Your brain associates them with good feelings, you just feel the addiction, and you don't know the damn difference.
But that deeper love is what is really required for people to seriously dedicate their life to another. Instead you have marriages because the one of them is scared of loosing the other, one feels like they "owe it" to the other to get married, families/friends/society may pressure it, or the girl has been planning this day her whole life and she isn't letting you ruin it by being sensible! LOL. So many people also have "fallen in love" and get married because they think its just what you do when you fall in love. All of those reasons are nonsense.
Some have mentioned marrying someone and then finding out things about them. So you are telling me that you married someone WITHOUT knowing everything about them? You should know that person inside and out and there should be no surprises. Then you take the plunge. Weeble didn't marry her and found out things - exactly why he was right to hold off.
If it where in fact permanent, maybe knuckleheads would think a bit more about it before taking the plunge. What do those anti-abortion people say about that matter? They say that you made the mistake - now take responsibility and live with it the rest of your life(not that I actually agree) - and of course many of them would like the government to enforce this(just like this proposition except they are definitely serious). Couldn't you say the same for marriage? Not 110% sure on both sides? Then don't get married. There is nothing wrong about waiting.
Show me one vow that says "I promise to love and to hold you til death, unless you violate the following terms." I've never seen one. If people would be completely serious about it being
an unconditional lifetime commitment - then marriage actually WOULD mean something. Instead its treated like buying a car. So lets all protect the sanctity of car ownership as well.
hey look i agree with bk3k and weeble in the same post. talk about the odds of that happening lol
weeble if my wife had been like that at the 6 months point i would have left running, thered be two little buring feet path out the door like back to the future, as it was i was with my wife for 7 years before we got engaged and 3 years after that before we got married, and hell i still think i may have rushed into it lol.
bk3k i got the change to go to the link and read it and yeah, i gotta change my views on the guy. smart cookie there. his point really has nothing to do with banning divorce. pretty neat way of flipping things around. i just worry that most people wont really get it.!/Square1Photography
hey look i agree with bk3k and weeble in the same post. talk about the odds of that happening lol
I know..... all 3 off us agree on something LOL.... mark it on the calender LOL
Oh dont get me wrong...... I had one foot out the door... but she lived at my place..... so It was her that had to leave wich it complicated things..... I wasnt going to leave my place...
She was one of those girls that wanted to get married and have kids right away..... she even had her whole wedding already planned..... dress, invitations (with my name on it already), the cake... I mean everything..... it freaked me the hell out....
I looked her straight in the eye and said "I hope your parents are going to pay for all this fancy stuff because mine sure as hell arnt"..... and she was pissed LOL.... All she could think of it as was "her perfect day" and it irritated the crap put of me...
It's not about the color of the dress...... its about loving the other person.... I've never understood these wedding that cost more than a new car..... its about the occasion..... not the flowers.... I dont have a lot of damn money... and if I was rich.... I still wouldnt have a pompous wedding like that..... I'd do it on a tropical beach near sunset.... and still do it somewhat inexpensiveness... to a point..
My idea of a wedding is, guns being fired in the air after the kiss the bride part, me wearing a yellow Zuit Suit, and enough booze to get a city drunk afterwords..... it should be a party..
I need to find someone that thinks like I do...... and find some common ground on the wedding plans..... not someone that has a COMPLETELY different outlook...
But back on topic LOL..... I've learned from my experiences not to confuse sex with love.... I want to find a girl that every time I look into her eyes.... I think "god damn your so freaking awesome... I love you" all the time...
If your with a person that you will spend the rest of your life with... putting off a wedding isnt going to make a difference...... I swear some people think if they get married they are more likely to stay together and thats why they do it.... but if your having those thoughts... you shouldnt get married in the first place...
I know we have problems but I love you so I'll marry you should never be a thought...
And just some advice for you women out there (if you come across this) YOUR NOT GOING TO CHANGE HIM!..... and if your marrying someone that you want to change..... your just a bitch...