Taetsch Z-24 wrote:I see how its like the towers.
Quiklilcav wrote:No mention of the Muslim convert killing Private William Long, though.
Someone kills a late-term abortionist, who advocates the killing of born-alive infants, and it's all over the news about the murderer being "right-wing", and part of the hatred fueled by concervatives, but the media barely acknowledges when a young man who decided to fight for our country gets gunned down for no other reason than he represents the US.
As for Von Brunn, he's hardly right-wing, as the MSMs are trying to portray him. He has been known to be a Bush hater, and a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. He's also a known disturbed paranoid freak since the 80's, when he tried to kidnap employees of the Federal Reserve.
BigBob wrote:Scott Roeder, James Von Brunn, and Abdulhakim Muhammad should all be put against a wall and shot immediately. They are all guilty as sin. Why waste good money trying these bad men? I don't give a rat's ass about their "rights". As far as I'm concerned they gave up any and all rights when they stole their victims rights. Domestic terrorists are scum and they all should be executed. I firmly believe in the right to protest our government but taking up arms against and killing American citizens should be a capital crime with swift and final consequences.
SunfireN2o wrote:They are all guilty and should get capital punishment.
With that said, if there is a hell, Tiller is burning in it.
Weebel wrote:OK..... I didnt actually read it but let me quess...
These 2 guys did something that they should rot in hell for.... but......
they wherent terrorists attacks unless you use the term very loosley....
am I right?
sndsgood wrote:dont even know where to go on this one. do you really believe what you posted, or are you just trying to start something, this seems more like a scott white post then anything ive seen from you lately goodwrench
J03Y wrote:it's comical how you and the MSM's are trying to label this guy as a right wing nut.
Fact: white supremesists/nazis are more in-line with the left and fascism.
moral of the story, you suck.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Quiklilcav wrote:No mention of the Muslim convert killing Private William Long, though.
Someone kills a late-term abortionist, who advocates the killing of born-alive infants, and it's all over the news about the murderer being "right-wing", and part of the hatred fueled by concervatives, but the media barely acknowledges when a young man who decided to fight for our country gets gunned down for no other reason than he represents the US.
As for Von Brunn, he's hardly right-wing, as the MSMs are trying to portray him. He has been known to be a Bush hater, and a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. He's also a known disturbed paranoid freak since the 80's, when he tried to kidnap employees of the Federal Reserve.
Not even about right vs. left here. But by the way you're defending these people (says alot about you), I'm surprised you're not working for Johnnie Cochran law firm group. What's next, defend Ted Bundy?
2) the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents;
BigBob wrote:Scott Roeder, James Von Brunn, and Abdulhakim Muhammad should all be put against a wall and shot immediately. They are all guilty as sin. Why waste good money trying these bad men? I don't give a rat's ass about their "rights". As far as I'm concerned they gave up any and all rights when they stole their victims rights. Domestic terrorists are scum and they all should be executed. I firmly believe in the right to protest our government but taking up arms against and killing American citizens should be a capital crime with swift and final consequences.
J03Y wrote:it's comical how you and the MSM's are trying to label this guy as a right wing nut.Interesting... because I've known ALOT of racist growing up - the kinda people who will tell you how Hitler was smeared to look bad etc(hey - I was raised in Pekin, IL LOL) - and haven't met ONE of them that was left leaning... quite the opposite actually. Plus you are mixing things up on the political scale - on the far left is Communism and on the far right is Fascism.
Fact: white supremesists/nazis are more in-line with the left and fascism.
moral of the story, you suck.
SunfireN2o wrote:With that said, if there is a hell, Tiller is burning in it.Doubtful at best - abortion is absolutely not prohibited in the Bible - neither directly nor indirectly. There are hundreds of commands - and yet nothing on abortion. I don't think all powerful, all knowing God "forgot" to include this provision, nor somehow just "didn't foresee" this happening(it even happened to a degree in those days - and again... all knowing God). Old Testament Hebrew law even specifically separates killing the unborn from actual murder. The former resulting in a fine(maybe a cow and 3 chicken - for example) to her husband(apparently no punishment if her husband was the one who did it) and "eye-for an eye" (aka death) for the later. That is pretty clear.
CASSELL wrote:![]()
He already said it isnt about being right or left. And its not. He is simply stating.
These are terrorist acts.
Because the are AMERICAN they do not get the treatment the say, Muslim terrorists would.
No one gives a @!#$ about their political alignment. That has nothing to do with what they have done.
sndsgood wrote:copied and pasted from various locations. most of them when i look at them dont really term these two guys as terrorists unless your just painting with a very very broad paintbrush.
The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms defines terrorism as:
The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
League of Nations Convention Definition of Terrorism, 1937
Ethnic separatist violence in the 1930s provoked the League of Nations, formed after World War I to encourage world stability and peace, to define terrorism for the first time, as:
All criminal acts directed against a State and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons or a group of persons or the general public.
Definition of Terrorism under U.S. Law
United States Law Code – the law that governs the entire country – contains a definition of terrorism embedded in its requirement that Annual Country reports on Terrorism be submitted by the Secretary of State to Congress every year. (From U.S. Code Title 22, Ch.38, Para. 2656f(d)
(d) Definitions
As used in this section—
(1) the term “international terrorism” means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than 1 country;
(2) the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents;
(3) the term “terrorist group” means any group, or which has significant subgroups which practice, international terrorism;
(4) the terms “territory” and “territory of the country” mean the land, waters, and airspace of the country; and
(5) the terms “terrorist sanctuary” and “sanctuary” mean an area in the territory of the country—
(A) that is used by a terrorist or terrorist organization—
(i) to carry out terrorist activities, including training, fundraising, financing, and recruitment; or
(ii) as a transit point; and
(B) the government of which expressly consents to, or with knowledge, allows, tolerates, or disregards such use of its territory and is not subject to a determination under—
(i) section 2405(j)(1)(A) of the Appendix to title 50;
(ii) section 2371 (a) of this title; or
(iii) section 2780 (d) of this title.
FBI Definition of Terrorism
The FBI defines terrorism as:
The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Quiklilcav wrote:I did not defend them, I pointed out how both you and the MSMs are all over these two, because they are trying to tie them to the "right-wing", but have all but ignored the American Muslim convert who gunned down William Long 10 days ago. The point was that you are trying to come up with a double standard, when the double standard is on the left, not the right.
Does Cheney come out and speak about every terrorist who commits an act? No, but he made a statement regarding the irresponsibility of the actions of the Obama administration regarding the enhanced interrogation techniques. So you are now trying to spin this and say "why aren't they waterbording these guys, or speaking out about them?" when it's far from the point. They interrogate terrorists who they know through various other sources of intelligence gathering to be part of a terrorist cell, for the sole purpose of finding and stopping the others. They do not just capture or arrest people and immediately start torturing them, as the left would have everyone believe.
Nice attempt at smearing the Republicans on this, but it was a failed attempt at best. If the past two weeks expose anything, it's the liberal media's bias toward reporting anything they can convince people is because of the "right-wing" movement. Also, it's telling that the Obama administration didn't even acknowledge the slain member of the millitary for 3 days, but were morning the loss of Tiller immediately (he was one of them).
Taetsch Z-24 wrote:Quote:
2) the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents;
Same thing I learned in Anti Terrorism Class's....
All I'll get in to is this.
Water Boarding, or what not, is used to find information.
For instance, I would have no problem doing it to IRA people.
If you REALLY think your going to get Viable Info from them, go for it.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:
....being that there are thousand or even millions around that are the same as Roeder and Von Brunn, why don't we do the same interrogations as we do Muslim radicals?
Suspect's Son Sorry It Was Guard At Museum, Not Dad, Who Died
By Bill Turque
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The son of James W. von Brunn says that he wishes it had been his father, not U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum guard Stephen T. Johns, who died in Wednesday's shooting and that von Brunn's hatred of Jews was a plague that ruined his family's life.
"I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr. Johns, and not my father who lost their life yesterday [Wednesday]," Erik von Brunn, 32, says in a written statement to ABC News. "It was unjustified and unfair that he died, and while my condolences could never begin to offer appeasement, they, along with my remorse is all I have to give."
James von Brunn, a white supremacist, has been charged with killing Johns and remains hospitalized with gunshot wounds to the face from two other museum guards who returned fire after Johns fell.
In his statement to ABC and a phone interview with The Washington Post yesterday, von Brunn said his father's bigotry was a shadow over his life. He said in the interview that he was too young to know his father when James von Brunn went to prison for 6 1/2 years for attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board at its District headquarters in December 1981. Erik von Brunn, now 32, was nearly 11 when his father was released.
"Even from that moment, he still had those beliefs," said von Brunn, reached by phone at his mother's home in Homosassa, Fla., about an hour north of Tampa. "It was always a part of our life." Erik von Brunn is an aspiring teacher and science fiction writer who recently graduated from the University of Maryland.
He said he had a decent relationship with his father, "in comparison with other families that I know." Although the elder von Brunn never insisted that his son share his views, Erik von Brunn said, his father was disappointed when he did not.
Erik von Brunn declined to say when he last spoke with his father or whether they were estranged. Still, he said, he never imagined that his father's rage would consume him to the point that he might take another life.
"I never had any inclination to think that. The man is 88 years old. I never would have thought he could do this," he said. "It really hasn't sunk in yet. It's a shock."
In the statement, von Brunn directly addresses white supremacists. "For the extremists who believe my father is a hero: it is imperative you understand what he did was an act of cowardice," he writes. "His actions have undermined your 'movement,' and strengthened the resistance against your cause. He should not be remembered as a brave man or a hero, but a coward unable to come to grips with the fact he threw his and his families lives away for an ideology that fostered sadness and anguish."
Larger-than-usual crowds have been visiting the museum since the incident, officials said. A little more than 8,573 people visited Friday, surpassing the June daily average of 7,320.
Yesterday also was busy, with lines out the door and thousands coming to visit. Sara Bloomfield, the museum's director, said one tour guide hugged her and told her, "Our hearts go out to you."
"People are not going to be deterred," Bloomfield said. "Some came out of defiance. Some came in tribute to Officer Johns. Some came for an important educational experience. The public is really coming back in full force."
Three memorial funds have been set up for the Johns family -- by the museum, his security company, Wackenhut, and the American Jewish Committee.