Rodimus Prime wrote:I can't take anyone seriously that listens to that windbag.
I listen to rush = I am a moron with no speck of intelligence to think for myself
But it is not his spending that will transform our political system, it is his tax and welfare policies. In the name of short-term stimulus, he will give every American family (who makes less than $200,000) a welfare check of $1,000 euphemistically called a refundable tax credit. And he will so sharply cut taxes on the middle class and the poor that the number of Americans who pay no federal income tax will rise from the current one-third of all households to more than half. In the process, he will create a permanent electoral majority that does not pay taxes, but counts on ever-expanding welfare checks from the government.
Quiklilcav wrote:By the way, in regards to the economy, and the stimulus plan, read this:
The Obama Presidency
A very important paragraph, because it falls in with what I've been saying for months, is this:
But it is not his spending that will transform our political system, it is his tax and welfare policies. In the name of short-term stimulus, he will give every American family (who makes less than $200,000) a welfare check of $1,000 euphemistically called a refundable tax credit. And he will so sharply cut taxes on the middle class and the poor that the number of Americans who pay no federal income tax will rise from the current one-third of all households to more than half. In the process, he will create a permanent electoral majority that does not pay taxes, but counts on ever-expanding welfare checks from the government.
This is where the socialism comes into play that I and many others have been screaming about. Once you have more than half the country recieving handouts, the rest of the citizens are doomed, because the government will have an easy path to raise the taxes on the rich endlessly, and hand it all out to the rest. And the liberals will have made sure that they have the voters to support them, because no one living on handout will vote for someone who suggests we stop with the handouts.
See the slippery slope we could allow our country to start down? If this doesn't scare the hell out of you, you are just not looking at the facts.
The things that this administration wants to push through will be herralded as moves to repair our economy, but they are 100% political, aimed at completely changing what has made this country what it is.
Short Hand wrote:You lost me with your inability to do simple math. and then you made yourself a laughing stock when you said you listen to Rush.
The guy literally said he was PRAYING that Barack Obama would FAIL completely in his presidency. This literally translates to
"I hate Democrats.. & Black Democrats SO much, that I want America to fail, just so I can gloat"...
Jazer {Turbo Chica} wrote:We have certain people in America that have so much money they don't know what to do with it. FAMOUS People (Movie stars, muscians, sports players). There is no need for them to have THAT much money. They only get it because of the proceeds they recieve from people like, us. There is no real reason why they should be making THAT much money. Look at people like Police Officers & Fireman they risk their lives to get paid nowhere near what they should. I mean these people are not just rich. They are so far beyond being wealthy.You don't want A-Rod to make $1bil/yr? Don't go to the games, don't watch them on TV, don't buy products promoted by him. Go to minor league games instead.
- 25% personal income tax rate, across the board. Short term gains, long term gains, it doesn’t matter. You make a dollar, you flip the government a quarter.
- Citizenship for any non-felon who pays income taxes and can pass a G.E.D. exam, in any language.
- Government-provided health care for qualifying citizens (non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-druggie, don’t need forklift to remove from bed, etc), with a $20 co-pay to discourage unnecessary visits.
- 0% corporate taxes. The money ends up in someone’s pocket eventually, they pay the quarter.
- An eye for an eye. Insurance fraud? Company claims your assets. Rape? Say hello to little Stacy’s dad’s butcher knife. Bankruptcy? Guess you farked yourself on that one, show me your comparable assets or let me show you the border...
- 25% tax on all imported goods, 10% on exports. 1:1 international import/export agreements. A big FU to NAFTA/CAFTA/SAFTA.
- Increase in public servant salaries. Employ better eggs.
- Social Security lives, life-long tax payers don't get thrown to the curb.
- Want welfare? You'd better be missing a limb or half your mind...
Quiklilcav wrote:Sorry, I have a hard time leaving certain things up to individual states (especially since mine just royally F'ed our public universities, including ASU--the largest in the nation). I strongly support educational and scientific research, neither of which can safely be left to the states. States can tax, but a 20-25% national level would be required in order to support federal programs. You can call it socialism if you want, but I bet the upper-tiers would appreciate the cut, and the lower tiers would appreciate the support programs.Quote:Too high for federal. I'd say 15% federal, with states being able to set their own up to a maximum of 10%, and the first $20K for everyone is exempt.
- 25% personal income tax rate, across the board. Short term gains, long term gains, it doesn’t matter. You make a dollar, you flip the government a quarter.
Quiklilcav wrote:1) You're not going to find all the illegals, get over it.Quote:No. Anyone here illegally right now gets deported, and they can put their name on the waiting list, while having their picture posted on a government website for employers and law enforcement to access. Legal imigrants are granted citizenship based on the above, but exam in english, and must have a home or apartment lined up first, and not living in someone's basement so that we end up with overcrowded houses, towns, and cities. If you don't find a way to make a living, and you get evicted, you get deported as well.
- Citizenship for any non-felon who pays income taxes and can pass a G.E.D. exam, in any language.
Quiklilcav wrote:Having sat the first four days of this week on the jury for a medical malpractice lawsuit (decided for the defense in the end), I can't agree with that part more. However, I feel people will be less likely to sue the government than individual corporations (a government which actually supports them, not this one). How about a law where a plaintiff loses benefits if they unsuccessfully file a malpractice suit. They can pay for their own coverage after that, which may be a little discouraging to those looking for some free money. Government coverage will not be required, only offered. Quality will only drop if providers stop getting paid.Quote:If the government controls the entire health care system, the quality will drop. They just need to end all the forced free/uninsured services, and end all the fraudulent lawsuits to everyone and their brother.
- Government-provided health care for qualifying citizens (non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-druggie, don’t need forklift to remove from bed, etc), with a $20 co-pay to discourage unnecessary visits.
Quiklilcav wrote:I originally thought 0%, and it would be a good idea in the long term. However, I feel short term it would lead to higher quality products being produced and sold here. Right now our primary exports are what, crops, and .... ?Quote:0% on exports. If the country they are going to decides to tax them, that's their perogative, but we should be letting the stuff go out for nothing.
- 25% tax on all imported goods, 10% on exports. 1:1 international import/export agreements. A big FU to NAFTA/CAFTA/SAFTA.
Quiklilcav wrote:That post looks like Christmas. LOLI realized that when I previewed. I didn't want to use blue for fear of being called a 'socialist lib-tard'
OHV notec wrote:Quiklilcav wrote:Sorry, I have a hard time leaving certain things up to individual states (especially since mine just royally F'ed our public universities, including ASU--the largest in the nation). I strongly support educational and scientific research, neither of which can safely be left to the states. States can tax, but a 20-25% national level would be required in order to support federal programs. You can call it socialism if you want, but I bet the upper-tiers would appreciate the cut, and the lower tiers would appreciate the support programs.Quote:
- 25% personal income tax rate, across the board. Short term gains, long term gains, it doesn’t matter. You make a dollar, you flip the government a quarter.
Too high for federal. I'd say 15% federal, with states being able to set their own up to a maximum of 10%, and the first $20K for everyone is exempt.
Quiklilcav wrote:1) You're not going to find all the illegals, get over it.Quote:No. Anyone here illegally right now gets deported, and they can put their name on the waiting list, while having their picture posted on a government website for employers and law enforcement to access. Legal imigrants are granted citizenship based on the above, but exam in english, and must have a home or apartment lined up first, and not living in someone's basement so that we end up with overcrowded houses, towns, and cities. If you don't find a way to make a living, and you get evicted, you get deported as well.
- Citizenship for any non-felon who pays income taxes and can pass a G.E.D. exam, in any language.
2) There shouldn't be a waiting list, the system is WAAAYYY too lethargic right now. Without the current wait, illegal immigration as it is right now would be drastically decreased.
3) Try lining up a house without a job, or a job without citizenship. Citizenship must come first.
4) I have yet to hear a convincing argument for English-only, most of the people arguing for it can't speak English themselves (I'm looking at you Chris). Our language has constantly evolved, it's not like you have to learn Spanish.
5) How many Americans do you know of who have recently lost there jobs and had to foreclose? You going to boot the whiteys across the border as well?
Quiklilcav wrote:Having sat the first four days of this week on the jury for a medical malpractice lawsuit (decided for the defense in the end), I can't agree with that part more. However, I feel people will be less likely to sue the government than individual corporations (a government which actually supports them, not this one). How about a law where a plaintiff loses benefits if they unsuccessfully file a malpractice suit. They can pay for their own coverage after that, which may be a little discouraging to those looking for some free money. Government coverage will not be required, only offered. Quality will only drop if providers stop getting paid.Quote:If the government controls the entire health care system, the quality will drop. They just need to end all the forced free/uninsured services, and end all the fraudulent lawsuits to everyone and their brother.
- Government-provided health care for qualifying citizens (non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-druggie, don’t need forklift to remove from bed, etc), with a $20 co-pay to discourage unnecessary visits.