Lawl... That bites... I'm doing evening shift next week... joy.. last week of the month so people aren't doing the welfare dance yet...
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
That sucks, there was another thing on the radio wed about the new threat of chemicals being used against us...
PHEW! Well its a damn good thing that Chlorine isn't DEADLY or anything! And how about the "crude" improvised chemical weapons the bad guys are starting to use?
Its just a damn good thing these don't count as WMD's cause then some people around here may have to eat some crow.
I hate to be I told you so BUT I TOLD YOU SO!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jack: you can make a chlorine gas weapon with bleach crystals, black powder, kerosene, parrafin wax and empty paint cans that you can get all from a hardware store.
I suspect that I may just have initiated a new HSA lockdown of all HomeDepots in the continental USA.
my bad...
Or you COULD get the chlorine liquid mixtures that are used in pool shock chemicals... (whoops, sorry Pool Supply stores) Or mildew remover (dang.. they're hitting more hardware stores... sorry!!!!)
Seriously, these wouldn't qualify as WMD's either... small yield (no MASS part) and its improvised. To top that off, there's nothing saying it existed in Iraq pre-invasion, and wasn't set up by Shi'ite or Sunnis, or by Fedayeen Hussein, or Al-qaeda.
Don't start cookin' that crow pie JUUUUUUST yet, chum.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:22 PM
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
We've been in Iraq a long time, at this point I'm inclined to believe anything that is found, even if it was WMD, would have to proven in some way that it was there before the war started. Like some documentation. We haven't even found that, much less any weapons. And there is no way in hell such a large country could be so organized to cover it ALL up flawlessly. That's what I believe.
Onto the topic.... I've always said you just can't win a war like you used to. We had to carpet bomb the Germans into submission, and nuke the Japanese. You can't break the will of a people going house to house. So unless we're going to throw away our morals, make the world hate us and just beat the holy living crap out of the Iraqi people without regard for women and children, I just don't know how we're going to win this war.
We should really start a thread and see if anyone has any good ideas.
NO MASS PART! Are you serious GAM? This is nasty stuff here! I transport thousands of gallons of it a day and BELIEVE ME when I tell you its bad stuff! If one of our tank cars would rupture it would kills thousands if not a million depending on where it would happen. Look into a train wreck a little while ago in Granitville SC or NC I can't remember but had that accident happened in say Chicago MOST of the city would have died!
BELIEVE me GAM this IS bad stuff.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jack: you're talking a significant difference in scale. Millions of gallons versus even 50... there's no comparison. The delivery methods are not at all sophisticated either.
Despite fears over the new tactic, some experts note the insurgents so far are not expert at it, meaning they may be causing widespread fear but not mass casualties.
Steve Kornguth, director of the biological and chemical defense program at the University of Texas in Austin, said the Iraq explosions are not "chlorine bombs."
"They are putting canisters of chlorine on trucks with bombs, which then puncture the canisters and release the chemical," Kornguth said. "But it hasn't been very effective because the high temperature created by the bombs oxidizes the chemical, making it less dangerous. "
Instead of dispersing chlorine gas � which causes death by inhalation � the heat from the explosion can render the gas nontoxic, Kornguth said.
In order to atomise the gas for dispersal, you have to have fairly sophisticated equipment, which is something that you're not going to make with crude tools... You need precision machining and metering equipment... and that's just not available in Iraq.
Even if it was, it's not likely that you'd have it in Iraq pre-invasion.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:In order to atomise the gas for dispersal, you have to have fairly sophisticated equipment, which is something that you're not going to make with crude tools... You need precision machining and metering equipment... and that's just not available in Iraq.
Even if it was, it's not likely that you'd have it in Iraq pre-invasion.
I seem to remember 2 sophisticated mobile wepons labs we found burried in the sand. Remember those 2 18 wheelers we found? Would they count?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
ISG hasn't figured they were a big enough problem to report to the Whitehouse and Congress... I'd take their thoughts and reports over yours, no offence meant.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Proof?
ISG hasn't figured they were a big enough problem to report to the Whitehouse and Congress... I'd take their thoughts and reports over yours, no offence meant.
Sorry bud you lost me there. Those trucks were found don't you remember them? And your right to take the reports of experts over mine thats why I brought up the trucks, they were reportd on by the EXPERTS as mobile chemical weapons labs.
Sooooo how do you take your crow?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
"KARBALA, Iraq (CNN) -- The buried labs U.S. troops found last week were not the mobile chemical and biological weapons labs one U.S. Army general suspected, according to the head of an expert team brought in to examine them. "
Your crow is starting to get cold.
Fork or spoon Jack?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
This is too easy. I need better adversaries. GAM, what do you and I disagree on?
Tastes Great, Less Filling? Errrm... I don't drink "Lite" or Light beer.
Boobs or butt? I think we can both agree boobs... Booty lube is an automatic loose.
hrmm... I know we have disagreed...
V8 N/A or I4Turbo?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Actually I'm an ass man and I'll take the V8? New thread?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I just think it is a pretty freaky thing to have in the back of your head if you are over there knowing that these things are now being dispersed. At least I haven't heard of anything being used yet.
Big problem is that there are GIANT stock piles of chem weapons in GIANT wharehouses in Saudi. I know the Saudi Arabians and the Iraqi's are not "friends" and all, but how hard would it be to raid one of those joints and help yourself to Sarin, VX, ect. I just finished my NBC Defense course and am now the NBC NCO for my company. Just kinda makes me jittery.
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.