I went on their website a little while ago and found it weird that RkSport now makes products for the new Toyota Camry. Anybody else feel kinda weird that a company that only made parts for domestics is now going over to a Camry? I don't understand it really, it's not even made for tuning, I see it more as just a nice get around car, I wanna say luxury car but I know it's not.
They're making money... limiting yourself to only one make or group isn't a good way to do that
Plus, if they're making the same quality, then you know that it's going to get splashed and mimicked.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
they're just expanding the market thats all... I do think they would lose some customers over it.... but not too many...
personally i think its hot...
I hear ya, I think it's sweet too, I'd take that in a heartbeat. I just found it to be weird the first time I saw an import on rk.
Damn, that is easily the nicest camry I've ever seen.
they have to make money some how. i guess selling to our cheap asses just wasnt making them enough. cant say i blame them one bit. its just too bad for them that they are entering the import market so late.
Makes sense to me. Gotta make the moolah. And besides, as others have stated, the camry looks hawt. I'd rock it. The newer style camrys are hot to begin with though.
Lance Sharpe wrote:Anybody else feel kinda weird that a company that only made parts for domestics is now going over to a Camry? I don't understand it really, it's not even made for tuning, I see it more as just a nice get around car, I wanna say luxury car but I know it's not.
Go testdrive the new camry and you'll understand why. People are getting mad power out of them with just an exhaust and intake.

Toyota is the nicer of the JDM evils anyways.. in a sense. They've worked with GM on many projects and cross-over vehicles. Hell, Toyota Cavalier anyone? So, if they had intended to move into the import segment, the first logical step would be Toyota. About offering products for a vehicle not massively modified? It's called niche marketing or whatever. They are one of a few who offer products for those cars, putting them in the right position to push their product. I think it was very well thought out.
My next car would be a toyota if i had the money
Besides GM, Toyota is one of my favorite companies. Now If only Stewart would move over to the Camry this year, that would be great
i think the camerys are ugly, as all toyota's accually since they all look the same
except the tacoma.those are nice
kidduntradishunal wrote:Toyota is the nicer of the JDM evils anyways.. in a sense. They've worked with GM on many projects and cross-over vehicles. Hell, Toyota Cavalier anyone? So, if they had intended to move into the import segment, the first logical step would be Toyota. About offering products for a vehicle not massively modified? It's called niche marketing or whatever. They are one of a few who offer products for those cars, putting them in the right position to push their product. I think it was very well thought out.
id expect to see more products coming out for the Camry... if it gets really popular i wouldn't be surprised to see alot of stuff from TRD. if there isn't already... is there?
AGuSTiN wrote:Damn, that is easily the nicest camry I've ever seen.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Domestic cars are getting their asses kicked by Toyota in sales, I'd go foreign too!
if they lose customers over this, then those customers are biased @!#$in idiots
for the customers that they loose over the domestic owners that quit, they will regain in the camry owners so i think that it will be about the same what they should do is get a larger line of body kits and stuff to keep the domestics comming back for more
Lance Sharpe wrote:it's not even made for tuning,
cuz the cavalier is?? think about what you just said. J-bodies are econoboxes. The camry is too, to a point, but personally i think the camry is better than a J. Camry's tend to cost a lil more, therefore owners will tend to have a lil more money to mod with. I think its a great decision for them.
You have a point but how many "tuned" camrys are out there compared to the amount of "tuned"cavaliers. Guarenteed there's way more j's.
Yeah... Camry's are not geared towards youth with disposable income, they're more family cars.
They'll be a decent car for speed and handling, but there won't be much more than a few CAI's and other simple bolt on's.. much like J's were 7-8 years ago... the problem is that Camry's will continue to be the family car because they've always been a family car. Until TRD takes the car seriously, don't expect the after market to.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Yeah... Camry's are not geared towards youth with disposable income, they're more family cars.
They'll be a decent car for speed and handling, but there won't be much more than a few CAI's and other simple bolt on's.. much like J's were 7-8 years ago... the problem is that Camry's will continue to be the family car because they've always been a family car. Until TRD takes the car seriously, don't expect the after market to.
That's exactly how I felt just didn't know how to say it.
They a bizzness out to make money like all other bizznesses are WHY wouldn't they want to expand the markey base? Thats silly.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I'm kind of surprised that no one has brought up the fact that Camry's are just as american (if not more) than a lot of the chevy's, ford's, and dodge's out on the roads.
Take NASCAR for example....the Camry is the only competitor that is actually built in the U.S. (kentucky). The Charger and the Monte Carlo are both built in Canada, and the Ford Fusion is built in Mexico.