Alright, I've seen this debate on a couple of other forums, so I figured I'd try it out here.
I'd ask that everyone not resort to flaming, and try to keep the debate somewhat logical, but I can't ask the world, I know.
Who do you think will win this round between the three systems? Don't just say "PS3," or "Wii," try to give some coherent arguments for or against.
Some sales figures to start you off. Take what you will from them.
Of course, I've got my own opinions, but I want to see what everyone else can come up with.
And of course, @!#$ me on the hyperlinking. Too used to the quote button. Bah.
M$ are a bunch of hypocrites
1080p isn't needed for gaming
and now expect to shell out another $400 for a 360 with HDMI support.
This machine is purpose built, for gaming
Although I'm now seeing movie d'lds, TV show d'lds, and IPTV to come later on this year.
Was also kind of cruel how they just stopped supporting the original Xbox.
Sony loves to delay things but are listening to their consumers and releasing firmware constantly. No idea why they dropped the rumble but hey what can I do?
As for the Wii, the novelty will quickly wear off. As a member of another forum put it
Eventually you'll get tired of playing Mario Party #59, and Generic Sports Game #37
In the end it's all a matter of preference because I can tell you to go out and buy a PS3 because it OwNZ!!! But if you don't like the games they put out, why would you listen to my opinion?
I love my Wii.
Cheapest, smallest, most unique, offers better game play than any other system ever.
I have no desire to even play a 360 (I've played my friends many times, but not since getting my desire to take a step back) or PS3 (only got a chance to play at a store...meh). It's not all about graphics.
Super Nintendo FTW!
Anyhow, I think Wii will end up being the out. PS3 is ridiculously expensive and xbox 360 is
that far away. I think they'll be pretty evenly matched though. So I guess my vote goes for a tie?
Why does there have to be a war?
i like some games from each. Not like Im gonna swear off a system with bad ass games just because I dont like the company for some reason...
Game consoles are only as good as the games they support. Every succesful console has needed a killer app to sell big numbers. With Gamecube it was the Resident Evil exclusivity. Playstation 2 had Grand Theft Auto (not exclusive, but they got it a lot earlier) and the very spooky and cool semi-exclusive Silent Hill games, Xbox had awesome graphics and extra content in it's ported games plus all the Halo games were exclusive to it.
As the new console wars heat up it's hard to tell. XBox360 is cheaper but Playstation 3 does have more "stuff". The PS3 price is going to seriously hurt it though. The only way they can overcome this is to have extra content in their games and exclusive really cool title. To be honest, they're not off to a flying start. Still, never underestimate people's idiocy in buying the most expensive console because it must be "the best".
When the dust clears though, I seriously think the Wii has a good chance at being a surprise winner. It's much cheaper, has more innovative accessories and if Nintendo wises up and installs a more standard controller with games that have the option of using either the remote or controller they might really have something. They already have a Resident Evil exclusive game and a Metal Gear Solid one is on the way. This doesn't bode well for Xbox or Playstation.
Personally I think that to reduce costs they should have released a joint console called the X-Station that had all the advantages of the current (Xbox360/PS3) seventh generation consoles and backward compatibility for all previous XBox and PS1/2 games. They could have sold it for 500$ and it would have ripped the Wii a new one in sales. Innovation and adaptability is key in this market.
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I vote Wii for one simple fact, it gets you off your @$$ and moving around! What other gaming system does that as it's primary function? I've heard a ton of stories of people losing weight from playing this system! It's a healthier alternative (not to mention cheaper, even $250 is a lot for a game system) to PS3 and Xbox 360. And I have nothing negative to say about the PS3 or Xbox 360.
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Predator wrote:
As for the Wii, the novelty will quickly wear off. As a member of another forum put it Quote:
Eventually you'll get tired of playing Mario Party #59, and Generic Sports Game #37
Well whoever said that is a moron. Belittling great games that other systems have no prayer of emulating is hardly the way to go.
Fact is, I had absolutely no desire to reenter the console wars (I skipped the Ps2 and Xbox in favor of computer games) until I saw the Wii on Youtube. And when I saw it in person I was completely hooked. The games you are seeing now are just the tip of the iceberg was to what the wii-motes can do. And there are plenty of Wii-mote development videos on the net that show YOU how easy it is to write games for the Wii. The controller is incredibly capable.
As for Generic Sports Game, Madden 07 got its highest scores on the Wii, even over the graphically superior versions on the other systems. Why? Because the controls are just so much more natural. Need for Speed Carbon couldn't be easier. The Wii-mote is better for FPS's. I've seen Youtube previews for a long of Wii games and I get pretty excited. The Wii is about the Wii-mote, not the graphics, and anyone who doesn't get that hasn't tried it.
Yet the Wii not only appeals to gamers, but non-gamers are buying them at unheard of rates. EVERYONE who has walked through my front door has seen the Wii, asked to try the Wii, and then wouldn't freakin leave. Everybody loves it.
I think it's too early to call, but the Ps3 is just too expensive. The word on the net is that 53% of US Retailers have a few on the shelf collecting dust already. The Xbox360 has a huge lead and is more reasonably priced, but the Wii is currently the fastest selling system of the next-gens.
In all, my guess is the Wii will win. When you add in people like me who only want a Wii, non-gamers who are buying them, and 360/PS3 owners who also have to one, the totals will be in their favor.
Knoxfire wrote:if Nintendo wises up and installs a more standard controller with games that have the option of using either the remote or controller they might really have something.
The Wii already has two different standard controllers. The "Classic" and any Gamecube controller plugs right in.
HDTV gaming is in my opinion worth every penny. Gran Tourismo HD for example is just stunning.
Resistance Fall of Man: is just fantastic to watch in play, I suck at the shooting games, so my kids go at it.
The Wii with it's SD video doesn't cut it for me. It's a "video" game - so it is about the graphics.
Xbox-360 vs PS3 - is somehwat of a tossup, but for me, already owning a ton of PS2 games, it
was an easy decision. As far as Wii being a source of exercise, probably true, but a SD image on my
tv wouldn't be as enjoyable and i get my exercie elsewhere.
I don't think there is any winning this debate, the 3 systems all have a different reason to exist.
Everyone wants a wii because it's cheap, that all there is to it. If the PS3 was the same price don't you think they would be right up there in sales with the wii?
As the same member from another forum put it
Grandma and Grandpa don't care how many calculations the Cell in the PS3 can do in a minute, the Wii is $250 and that's there choice.
I don't care for current gen graphics. it just makes it easier for me to slap on parallax mapping and call it a day with doing somewhat less modeling and normal maps.
I feel, as well as a lot of my associates, that the console war is greatly misled this time around. It's all about awesome looking games and which console can flex it's processing and rendering muscle. At least that's what it seems like.
We wonder, what happened to gameplay? I mean, we're in a time and place that if a game looks pretty, it'll sell, regardless of if it plays like crap. We've gone through games like Beyond Good and Evil, which were amazing, looked fine, and didn't sell due to bad marketing.
If all it takes to sell a game is marketing and good looks, well christ, there's no hope for game design, all we really have to do is make it look good so it'll sell...
Not only that, but a lot of gamers especially here at my college, Can't afford a ps3 and a lot can't afford a 360. We're still playing last gen games and still having a good time. I mean the ps2 is still going to be around for a while, games like God of war 2 looming in the horizon help that out...
Honestly, this console war is crap. If you wanna base it on sales, go ahead, compare the ps3 to a system that has been out for a year longer. or compare those two to the wii which is pretty much half the price of either... of course that'll sell, simply on price point, not based on games or revolutionary graphics.
This Wii would not sell just on the price point. It has about the same graphics level of the Gamecube, and that's only $99. There would be no point to buying it if not for the Wii-mote.
The fanboys will take sh1t on the Wii, but all my fanboy buddies of MS and Sony loved my Wii, and they want one. I still don't want an one of their consoles, however, because my computer custom DVR under my TV can run my favorites games in at 720p levels and in a year, be full high-def. My main computer can do even better now.
BTW, I have a high-def Sony Wega 52" and the Wii's graphics just aren't a concern. It's a video "game", not a "video" game, to me,
Actually: the ball on this is in Nintendo's court...
the PS3 is stunning, but what's new about it? At this point, nothing. If you think Mario Party 59 gets old, how about FPS 237 or street racing game 1040? Really, having played one, it's just new window dressing on the same games
The Xbox 360 is solid, but really, what on it can't you play on a home computer? the PS3 is very soon going to be fighting that same battle. Most people have home PC's that theyy upgrade semi-regularly, and because of this, eventually a lot of people, especially those into FPS, will likely move to the PC.
The Wii will all depend on what Nintendo DOES with it. If they continue the innovation like Twilight Princess and keep that ball rolling, they will come out as a force to be reckoned with. If they stick with Mario Party du jure, then yes, it will go about as far as an 82 cavalier wagon that's missing 4 sparkplugs. If they come up with new things that are fun, like, say, a redeux of Wrecking Crew, a redeux of Sonic Blast Man (remeber the game with the boxking gloves in the arcade where you had to hit a target with so much force?), or Star Wars: Lightsabre bet your ass it will sell.
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The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
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This has remained surprisingly civil. Wicked.
predator wrote:Sony loves to delay things but are listening to their consumers and releasing firmware constantly.
Are they? Their consumers want a $700 system with a format they're not sure is going to win?
Their consumers are seemingly wanting a cute little white box that lets them swing around a controller.
I'm not knocking Sony as they've done some great things for gaming in general, but I think this PS3 is less about listening to their consumers than it is trying to make sure Blu-Ray is the next standard format.
predator wrote:As for the Wii, the novelty will quickly wear off.
Depends on whether it stays a novelty, or if it's actually fun. I agree with you though, I own a Wii, and I want to see what it can do.
WannaBzee (aka BadAceDesign) wrote:i like some games from each. Not like Im gonna swear off a system with bad ass games just because I dont like the company for some reason...
Well put. I agree. But at the current pricing, most people aren't going to buy all three, but they will buy the one that offers the most. Let's be honest, there aren't many people who are going to shell out $1400 for three gaming systems, plus accessories, plus games for all of them. That's why there's a "war."
Knoxfire wrote:When the dust clears though, I seriously think the Wii has a good chance at being a surprise winner.
I'd love to see that, just because it'd be a riot to see the least advanced system win out, but we'll see what kind of games Nintendo can get out for the system. They can either really take off, or really mess it up.
AGuSTiN wrote:Fact is, I had absolutely no desire to reenter the console wars (I skipped the Ps2 and Xbox in favor of computer games) until I saw the Wii on Youtube. And when I saw it in person I was completely hooked.
Same here, although I have a PS2 I played a bit, it's pretty much been collecting dust. Played the Wii at a friends house, and I wanted to go get one that night.
AGuSTiN wrote:In all, my guess is the Wii will win. When you add in people like me who only want a Wii, non-gamers who are buying them, and 360/PS3 owners who also have to one, the totals will be in their favor.
Good point about people with a 360 or PS3 also buying a Wii.
RatZero aka RatBastard wrote:HDTV gaming is in my opinion worth every penny. Gran Tourismo HD for example is just stunning.
Meh. I've seen it on my computer for years now. Granted, I'm not playing on a 52" screen, but I for whoever said I'll get tired of playing Mario Party #59, or Generic Sports Game #37, also needs to realize that eventually I'll get tired of being a marine trying to kill aliens, or racing around on a track, no matter how "good" it looks.
Predator wrote:Everyone wants a wii because it's cheap, that all there is to it. If the PS3 was the same price don't you think they would be right up there in sales with the wii?
I dunno. It'd be a lot closer. Most people would still probably own the Wii, as well as another system. As far as Grandma and Grandpa, well, most grandparents aren't into the games, and they're buying systems for their grandkids. Most of them don't care about price--they just want to spoil their grandkids.
I'll bet you they bought the Wii because it was *asked* for.
Miles Prower (Formerly Nari) wrote:We wonder, what happened to gameplay?
What it comes down to is the games they offer along with the adaptability of the console.
Just take Silent Hill. It's the closest thing you'll ever get to "playing" a movie. (It's also about a million times more engaging than the actual movie they made from the game btw) and even though it's not High Def, it's still an amazing almost free roam game. If the PS3 utilises it's qualities to the maximum to bring out as much as it can from the game, then that's great. If Konami, who makes the game, creates a really cool player interface that's innovative and user friendly. That's even better. (Totally off topic but what I hope they don't do with Silent Hill 5 is follow Resident Evil 4's example and make it more action oriented. It worked with RE because the whole style of the series really functionned better with more intense gameplay and was action oriented anyway. SH, on the other hand, functions better with a spookier athmosphere and more "realistic" gameplay. Your character is always painfully human and really not that great of a shot. If they start messing around with that they'll ruin the series.)
This is my opinion only, but I honestly think Sony is really dancing on the edge of nothing with it's PS3.
#1 It's expensive. Something that is overlooked over and over again by companies is the attractiveness of affordability to the consumer. Most people don't give a crap about service or quality or brand names. If they can buy something cheap and keep it for a few years it's ALWAYS totally worth it. That's why 50$ Wal-Mart DVD's are going out hand over fist and high-tech feature loaded players like the Toshiba HD-A2 that costs 500$ are just sitting there ignored.
#2 It's loaded with useless features like Blue-Ray discs that ARE genuinely cool but the technology is too ahead of the current reality. Most movies weren't shot with Blue-Ray in mind so forget watching movies on it unless you're a big fan of Pixar; and while it WILL become useful in the game world eventually I believe, it's not being used now.
#3 The most important aspect of wether or not the PS3 will sell, is that there's really no games for it at the moment and any really cool game is at best a year away from release. SO WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY IT??? I'm not Sony's butt boy, neither is anyone here I suspect. We buy consoles for the games we can play on it. THE END. I didn't buy an Xbox because there were more games on the PS2 I liked. Image quality, frame rates, CPU power really meant nothing to me overall. I'm a technogeek so I took it somewhat under consideration but then I saw that almost all the games I wanted to play were on the PS2 so I bought that regardless of the fact that the Xbox was technologically better.
I hate to say it, but Wii really has the best bang for your buck. Especially now that I know you can plug an honest to God CONTROLLER in the thing. As a matter of fact, I may buy it. I always wanted to play the old Gamecube Resident Evil games and this gives me a chance to get a new console and some hella cool stuff to play.
Predator wrote:M$ are a bunch of hypocrites Quote:
1080p isn't needed for gaming
and now expect to shell out another $400 for a 360 with HDMI support.
Your a bit uninformed there, the current output on the 360 can do HDMI.
I have all 3 systems. The 360 is great because the online marketplace is awesome, if PS3 would get off their buts and make the online component better (firmware patch in march for net problems) then it would be a tossup.
As it is right now the systems that get the most play in order would be. 360, Wii, PS3. These are slighlyt skewed in the fact that the Wii gets more action than the PS3 right now because of all the gamecube games I borrowed from a friend.
The game library just isn't there for the PS3 yet. Out of all of them the Wii is still the most fun to play(get the component cables it make a significant difference), and the weather and news channels on the wii just make it that much better. The Wii tv, and reciever all start up in about 5 seconds and I can check the weather for where I'm traveling by just spinning the globe with the wii-mote.
What it comes down to is the games they offer along with the adaptability of the console.
Well, what Sony got away from was the fact that a gaming console is for gaming. If I want all the other stuff, I'll buy a PC, or a standalone unit.
The PS3, in my opinion, is nothing more than Sony's push to get Blu-Ray into the market and make it the standard. Their hope is that the PS3 gets into the hands of gamers, and therefore people buy Blu-Ray movies over HD-DVD.
Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but sales figures prove that people want, first and foremost, a gaming system. Not the other crap. Take Blu-Ray out, and the system drops in price significantly, and people would buy it.
As well, the Cell processor is at this point a pile of uselessness. Think about it, how long have dual core processors been on the market? And now how much software actually takes advantage of two cores?
That's right, very little. If Sony thinks developers are going to really push the Cell, they've got another thing coming. The 360 is by-and-large much easier to program. The PS3 is going to get a lot of ports until they figure out how to use the Cell properly. By the time they do, it won't matter, as it'll be antiquated technology.
But, that's my opinion. I'm kind of glad this happened, because maybe Sony won't rest on their laurels next time around and the competition will be fierce. That's what I want to see, because I want awesome stuff, and that only arises from competition.
IamRascal wrote:Predator wrote:M$ are a bunch of hypocrites Quote:
1080p isn't needed for gaming
and now expect to shell out another $400 for a 360 with HDMI support.
Your a bit uninformed there, the current output on the 360 can do HDMI.
I have all 3 systems. The 360 is great because the online marketplace is awesome, if PS3 would get off their buts and make the online component better (firmware patch in march for net problems) then it would be a tossup.
As it is right now the systems that get the most play in order would be. 360, Wii, PS3. These are slighlyt skewed in the fact that the Wii gets more action than the PS3 right now because of all the gamecube games I borrowed from a friend.
The game library just isn't there for the PS3 yet. Out of all of them the Wii is still the most fun to play(get the component cables it make a significant difference), and the weather and news channels on the wii just make it that much better. The Wii tv, and reciever all start up in about 5 seconds and I can check the weather for where I'm traveling by just spinning the globe with the wii-mote.
I will Paypal you $250 if you take a pic of the rear of your X360 with an "HDMI out" output, not some Multi-out to HDMI or some other XXX to XXX adapter.
degenerated wrote:
This has remained surprisingly civil. Wicked.
Predator wrote:
Sony loves to delay things but are listening to their consumers and releasing firmware constantly.
Are they? Their consumers want a $700 system with a format they're not sure is going to win?
Wow good thing I got mine when it was $600, I didn't know price went up $100. Go take a look at Blu-Ray sales Vs. HD-DVD sales and give me that same line about not knowing which format will win.
Yes, they are listening to their consumers. We just got new firmware fixing some visual problems with PS2 software.
Predator wrote:I will Paypal you $250 if you take a pic of the rear of your X360 with an "HDMI out" output, not some Multi-out to HDMI or some other XXX to XXX adapter.
your comment was "and now expect to shell out another $400 for a 360 with HDMI support". Which is bunk because you can purchase a cable that connects to the multi-out and do HDMI.
Truthfully thats a really sad argument for choosing one system over the other.
If they come up with new things that are fun, like, say, a redeux of Wrecking Crew, a redeux of Sonic Blast Man (remeber the game with the boxking gloves in the arcade where you had to hit a target with so much force?), or Star Wars: Lightsabre bet your ass it will sell.
I just want a new Punch Out! game.
King Hippo is going DOWN!
IamRascal wrote:Predator wrote:I will Paypal you $250 if you take a pic of the rear of your X360 with an "HDMI out" output, not some Multi-out to HDMI or some other XXX to XXX adapter.
your comment was "and now expect to shell out another $400 for a 360 with HDMI support". Which is bunk because you can purchase a cable that connects to the multi-out and do HDMI.
Truthfully thats a really sad argument for choosing one system over the other.
I never said that was the reason why I chose the PS3. I just go to my game collection and make a comparison of PS2 games versus Xbox games that I own, that and the fact that I really don't see anything on X360 or Wii that really stands out to
ME. I can wait for the games on PS3 to come in because I know they will be quality and fun, just like they were on PS2.
I buy my systems based on games that absolutely amaze me, for example:
NES: Super Mario Bros
Genesis: Sonic 2
SNES: Killer Instinct
PS1: Resident Evil
Sega Saturn: NiGHTS
N64: Super Mario 64
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2
Xbox: I did not buy, my brother did
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4
X360: No reason to own one yet
Wii: No reason to own one yet
And to quote myself because I knew it would end up like this
Predator wrote:In the end it's all a matter of preference because I can tell you to go out and buy a PS3 because it OwNZ!!! But if you don't like the games they put out, why would you listen to my opinion?