The pot calling the kettle black comes to mind. Australia is not free from it's own Tyranical B.S.
even today !
That doesn't make it any less true, or right.
It's a bit factually off, it's more than a little pejorative (bordering on openly hostile) in tone... and it is dealing with the new age of globalised terrorism from a 1930's view of uniformed combat (FCOL the IRA, Contras and Mujahadeen have been doing this for 35 years). It completely forgets that the US has decreased its nuclear arsenal both tactical and intercontinental land-based devices by 20% in conjunction with the former USSR, and that Macarthur's plan to invade China was only to be enacted as a defensive measure... as well as a dozen other things.
I may not agree with the "war on terror," but, I'll take my information at face value. even if it's only 32% of Americans (and 24% in other western countries) that approve of what he's doing, give the man his due, even if he's a loose cannon/misguided f**ker.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^ That does make it a bit less true ^^
At the same time he has the events correct in principle, just no context. Besides he forgot Iron Fist under Carter in Lebanon, along with a few other events (Cambodia?).
What has the US reduction in Nukes got to do with what he wrote? Because he almost said that the two dropped on Japan were to reign in Stalon? He didn't actually say it, in fact he said little to nothing about the arms race with the USSR.
bah. not enough pictures, too many big words.
Kardian wrote:bah. not enough pictures, too many big words.
Lance Sharpe wrote:
too much reading for me
I use to have that problem ... in grade 2.