spacepingu writes "The UK military recently tested a remote-controlled passenger jet over south-west England. Although the pilot was sitting in the back of the aging BAC 1-11, he controlled it entirely using the 'UAV Command and Control Interface (UAVCCI)'. This also allowed him to operate several virtual UAVs in a simulated attack scenario. The ultimate goal is for a fighter pilot to control a swarm of attack UAVs alongside his own plane. Next March, a Tornado fighter pilot will do use the UAVCCI to fly the unpiloted BAC1-11 as well as several simulated UAVs, all from the cockpit of his own jet."
hrmmm. wingmen under ultimate control. Freakin crazy.. the main pilot could sit back and only intervene if he needs to. bad ass. each with their own weapons systems, and kamikaze capabilities.
Pretty cool, and pretty scary all at the same time.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
All they need to do is develop the control system for these UAVs for PS3 + Xbox360 - and there will
be 100,000's of top notch pilots ready in a handful of months, and they'll pay to do the training.
Put the nerds to work I say.
If I get a computer, new Monitor and Thrustmaster setup... hell I'd do it...
Well, I'd have to get one of the really awesome chairs with heating and cooling... and... Chasey Lain...
Yeah.. I'd do it, that'd be enough.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I have 3 for this:
I will keep a special cache of low-tech weapons and train my troops in their use. That way -- even if the heroes manage to neutralize my power generator and/or render the standard-issue energy weapons useless -- my troops will not be overrun by a handful of savages armed with spears and rocks.
I will not employ robots as agents of destruction if there is any possible way that they can be re-programmed or if their battery packs are externally mounted and easily removable.
I will not send out battalions composed wholly of robots or skeletons against heroes who have qualms about killing living beings.
Something tells me if we develop this tech, all three of these evil overlord rules will be violated and we will vulnerably expose ourselves in a manner not unlike a man getting a prostate exam.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
What if...
Skynet and the Matrix fornicated and had a child?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^^^Then you'd have a very @!#$ty B-flick that is worse than "Night of the Lepus."
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.