Report: Thousands wrongly on terror list
My favorite part ...
Maher Arar, a Canadian software engineer, was detained at New York's Kennedy Airport in 2002 because Canadian officials had asked that he be placed on a watch list. The U.S. transferred him without court approval to Syria where he was tortured and imprisoned for a year. A Canadian inquiry found that Arar should not have been on the list because he didn't do anything wrong.
Ok so his name(although it wasn't him) came up on a watch list - detain him for a little bit while you do a quick inquiry to determine if you have a terrorist etc - fine, better to be safe I guess. But they just screened his name, detained him without inquiring if he was actually terrorist etc, shipped him to Syria without any due process!! If they had done basic checks and/or put him in a courtroom at all - then the error would have been caught without needing to torture him for a year - before finding out you had an innocent man.
This is EXACTLY why you need court supervision for the "war" on terror. And no - there is no reason at all that court supervision would make us any less safe from terrorist. That is just a lie from people who want more power and less supervision - supervision which could only stop them from misusing it.
And yes - I'd say Canadian officials dropped the ball on this one too - since they requested he be put on the list - for apparently no reason.
But just imagine if another country - say France - pulled Americans off of flights, detained them while charging them with nothing, giving them no time in court, keeping them and torturing them as long as they pleased. Well needless to say - We'd be pissed...
That is exactly what happened to that Canadian courtesy of our government's terrible handling of... well everything. We need to fire all these idiots and replace them with anyone else - hell with random people - I can't see that doing/making things anything but... better
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
There are still people in jail because of those "security certificate" or whatever it's called.. The government don't seem to do anything to help them. No charges or anything!!! A deputy even said he feel safer with them in jail.....

This is becoming really, but really stupid....
EXTREMELY stupid, the criminal justice system seems to be the one comitting the crimes. This is a crime, depriving of someones liberty, against their will, when they are innocent.
seriously, someone's gotta do something about these knuckleheads in our government system, it needs a complete overhaul.
seriously, if the gvnmt doesnt shape up soon there will be a force building to MAKE it happen.
we cant allow the gvnmt to continue on this path. it is our duty as americans to make sure this stops
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Same racial profiling happened during WWII, they put anyone of Japanese decent into essentially what amounts to a prison camp. Yep, people who became citizens, got jobs, bought homes and were raising a family were taken by force and relocated to a make-shift prision. Maybe there were sabateurs, but to lock down all Japanese-Americans was the wrong thing to do.
History repeating itself, allowing paranoia and suspicion instead of facts rule the country.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Maher Arrar is a CDN Citizen. He was NOT held on the
IRPA Security Certificate... I can't say what exactly is going to happen, but I suspect that the
Commissioner of the RCMP is going to lose his job over this.
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act deals only with NON-CITIZENS... meaning permanent residents, refugees, and those with travel, work, or study visas that are resident.
I'm not going to comment further, because there is an outside possibility I may have had, or may in the future have contact with this matter.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
its a sad day when you fear the govt. more than the terrorists...
Mobius1 wrote:its a sad day when you fear the govt. more than the terrorists...
So, if I understand correctly, you believe that you are in more danger of being singled out by the Federal Government for being a terrorist, than being killed in an act of terrorism?
It's a sad day when the media instills more fear of your own government than acts of terror.
It's a sadder day to say that the Government is a poor steward of the trust people give to them.
BTW, you also should know that the terror watch list is about 160,000 names long in the USA alone (circa 2003), and, it's not just Arabs names that are on it. There's literally no demographic not covered. You COULD be one of those unlucky people.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I definitely fear our goverment more than any terrorist.
thats becuase your an idiot
I have more to fear from the government than the "terroroists". But then again i'm not a mindless automation that believes that govenrment since...oh, circa 10,000BCE has ever worked in the people's best interest.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
AMERICONIUM (Adbot Rocks) wrote:Mobius1 wrote:its a sad day when you fear the govt. more than the terrorists...
So, if I understand correctly, you believe that you are in more danger of being singled out by the Federal Government for being a terrorist, than being killed in an act of terrorism?
It's a sad day when the media instills more fear of your own government than acts of terror.
The American government has ruined and killed more American lives than any terrorist can HOPE to achieve. And I'm not even including the Civil War.
And that's a fact.
any government has ruined and killed more lives in their own country as soon as they declare war they have "killed" lives. any war you enter your going to lose peope. it sucks but its war.
War on Drugs?
War on Terror?
War on Poverty?
War on Illiteracy? (especially in the oval office)
Seriously... what other war of futility is next?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Rabid Racoon (Gabe) wrote:any government has ruined and killed more lives in their own country as soon as they declare war they have "killed" lives. any war you enter your going to lose peope. it sucks but its war.
And do you ever notice it's the war-monger's lives that are never ruined? Hell, i'd give my upper left nut to see Bush's daughters deployed to Iraq.
You want the war...YOU fight it.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Originally it was answering to you augustin. Well for one she would have to join th service. then two get shipped out and yeah even if it were draft she still wouldn't be drafted because shes female. but even if she was male what president or senators son ever got send to it be democrat or republican.
^^^and you don't see anything wrong with that?
Personally, i think the whole Iraq II conflict would have gone over a lot better by pitting Bush and Hussein in the Octagon, selling tickets and billing it as a pay-per-view event. Think of the amount of people that would buy into that.
But instead we have American soldiers and Iraqi citizens dying,. while the political brass remains unscathed when they wanted the war in the first place. Maybe i'm demented, but i find that @!#$ up, and even more @!#$ up how we bow and scrape for our political leaders when all they do is shaft us with the red hot spike.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]Personally, i think the whole Iraq II conflict would have gone over a lot better by pitting Bush and Hussein in the Octagon, selling tickets and billing it as a pay-per-view event. Think of the amount of people that would buy into that.
But instead we have American soldiers and Iraqi citizens dying,. while the political brass remains unscathed when they wanted the war in the first place. Maybe i'm demented, but i find that @!#$ up, and even more @!#$ up how we bow and scrape for our political leaders when all they do is shaft us with the red hot spike.
To quote Gam...
I'd pay to see Saddam and Bush duke it out. I'd bet on Saddam, he's taken over a country and survived living in a hole. Bush couldn't live without air conditioning...
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
and remember, we, and any other county, can use the proceeds to balance their budgets.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
John Wilken wrote:[quote=Keeper of the Light™]Personally, i think the whole Iraq II conflict would have gone over a lot better by pitting Bush and Hussein in the Octagon, selling tickets and billing it as a pay-per-view event. Think of the amount of people that would buy into that.
But instead we have American soldiers and Iraqi citizens dying,. while the political brass remains unscathed when they wanted the war in the first place. Maybe i'm demented, but i find that @!#$ up, and even more @!#$ up how we bow and scrape for our political leaders when all they do is shaft us with the red hot spike.
To quote Gam...
THUNDERDOME! pay to see Saddam and Bush duke it out. I'd bet on Saddam, he's taken over a country and survived living in a hole. Bush couldn't live without air conditioning...
Fixed that for ya
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
when is the last time a leader of a country went to war and actually fought in the war?? remember its Clinton that could be tried for acts against humanity not Bush. I just find it funny how you all can find every crease in bushs pants yet clinton even if he did supposably do such a great job yet screwed up alot can be given the blind eye. why not judge the teo equally if it comes to your hatred against bush.
We are not talking about Clinton. If you wan to talk about Clinton, go start another thread. What in the world do Clinton's mistakes have to do with Bush's?
BTW, if Bush went to war on false pretenses AND is torturing people, I think that's crimes against humanity, too, is it now?
then most of the cabnet would be going under. as well as head of the CIA that gave him the info.