CNN link
NEW YORK (AP) -- Three years after the city banned smoking in restaurants, health officials are talking about prohibiting something they say is almost as bad: artificial trans fatty acids.
The city health department unveiled a proposal Tuesday that would bar cooks at any of the city's 24,600 food service establishments from using ingredients that contain the artery-clogging substance, commonly listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated oil.
I guess NYC health officials read the org forums.
The Ban Smoking thread
me wrote:Why stop at smoking? With this logic, let's make all non-healthy foods illegal. And make everyone purchase a gym membership and force them to go, just to get everyone is in shape. We'll make being fat a crime, and put overweight people in prison.
The slide down the slippery slope has started. What's next, banning pre-packaged foods that have "partially hydrogenated oils"? And if this is accepted, then banning more food ingredients would come next. Red meat could be added to the list, then McDonalds burgers are suddenly Mcillegal and eating one is a McCrime.
What do you think about this?
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
u dont get it though.
trans fatty acids are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY unhealthy, and many foods have been using it for no real reason.
oreo reforumlated their recipe to get rid of it and they still taste the same.
not only do trans fats make you fat, they also lower good cholesterol AND raise bad cholesterol.
trans fats should be regulated in the food industry the same way soem other ingredients in the past have.
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Nathaniel O Flaherty wrote:u dont get it though.
trans fatty acids are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY unhealthy, and many foods have been using it for no real reason.
oreo reforumlated their recipe to get rid of it and they still taste the same.
not only do trans fats make you fat, they also lower good cholesterol AND raise bad cholesterol.
trans fats should be regulated in the food industry the same way soem other ingredients in the past have.
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
Should it be illegal to go to a tanning bed? How about going to the beach? Sugar can be replaced with artificial sweeteners. Should companies be forced to eliminate sugar because it makes us fat? Alcohol is bad. Prohibition anyone?
These laws set a bad precedent.
Just don't eat the fatty foods and STFU.
sugar is no where near as bad for you as trans fats.
and actually ireland recently banned tanning bads for everyone under 18 because some kids under 18 were tanning and studies show the more you tan the more your risk of skin cancer.
people are stupid, you can not rely on peoples judgment to help themselves. if you could, we wouldnt need laws, jails, speed limits etc...
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Nate: the problem I see is this: Who exactly is fit to make these laws? Because people making laws just isn't cutting it.
Seriously, TFA's were used because they had 2 major benefits:
- Extrordinarily long shelf-life
- replaced normal fats in basically every way
When they were originally used in the late 70's early 80's they were touted as the next big health craze, and the thing that would end world hunger because of spoilage. The major drawbacks were minimal, and largely unstudied (the FDA still treats the drug and food companies like their clients when it's actually every American consumer).
Either way, the restaraunts that are going to be affected most by the ban is fast-food places, but, most have already switched to 100% pure vegitable oil for fries and other food items because of the consumer demand. Now, if they could just start using something other than Utility Grade Beef in their burgers.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I can understand banning smoking in enclosed areas without proper ventilation, but trans fats is a form of genepool chlorine and really, anyone vain to the point of self-destruction (tanning beds) deserves malignant melanoma anyway--especially nowadays when we know overexposure to UV rays and the sun is bad.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Gam wrote:
Either way, the restaraunts that are going to be affected most by the ban is fast-food places, but, most have already switched to 100% pure vegitable oil for fries and other food items because of the consumer demand. Now, if they could just start using something other than Utility Grade Beef in their burgers.
Red meat is bad for you. It's going to get added to the list right after dairy products are banned and before the manditory government exercise programs. We'll also ban bleached flour, processed sugar, coffee (even decaf, which is full of chemicals that are worse than caffeine), food coloring and every other food that isn't a veggie or tofu.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
I dont eat fast food, but I think its hilarious that not only have people become so fat that not only is the cholesterol lowing drug market a multi-billion dollar one, but also big brother has to step in and pry the Whopper from our fat greasy bloated hands. Only thing that sucks about it is all the fat-arses are making health care costs rise.
Labotomi wrote:
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
Should it be illegal to go to a tanning bed? How about going to the beach? Sugar can be replaced with artificial sweeteners. Should companies be forced to eliminate sugar because it makes us fat? Alcohol is bad. Prohibition anyone?
These laws set a bad precedent.
Let them prohibit alcohol...maybe my car insurance rates will decrease, but you better believe I'll be making beer in my basement
honestly they dont even really need to ban it because of like gam mentioned consumer demand. people are actually pretty educated on trans fats being bad and wont buy grocery store items with it in it which would lead to the natural phase out of the substance by the producers.
however, i dont see banning it or regulating it STRICTLY to help speed up that process.
it is sad that people cant get out of the way of their own fat asses and eat correctly but i just dont have a problem with big brother trying to force the people incapable of making good decisions into the right choice.
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
The world is overpopulated. Obesity is just thinning the herd
I'm on the fence with this one. Extra medium.
On one hand, it's a great idea because it WILL make people healthier, no doubt about it. On the other hand......... people won't be happy...maybe?
Maybe I'm less on the fence than I though.
John Wilken wrote:Gam wrote:
Either way, the restaraunts that are going to be affected most by the ban is fast-food places, but, most have already switched to 100% pure vegitable oil for fries and other food items because of the consumer demand. Now, if they could just start using something other than Utility Grade Beef in their burgers.
Red meat is bad for you. It's going to get added to the list right after dairy products are banned and before the manditory government exercise programs. We'll also ban bleached flour, processed sugar, coffee (even decaf, which is full of chemicals that are worse than caffeine), food coloring and every other food that isn't a veggie or tofu.
Well then, I'll just be about my business
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:
Well then, I'll just be about my business EATING A BABY!!!
...As long as you wash it down with soy milk or distilled water.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Nathaniel O'Flaherty wrote:why would u drink distilled water? that gives u major diarhea and sicky feelings

I've been drinking distilled water for decades, never had that happen. Distilled water is just regular water that's been purified.
And from what I've heard, it's the preferred beverage to serve with baby.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Actually, I prefer a nice Chianti that's been decanted for 5-10 minutes before pouring... its good with baby. I also tend to serve Fava beans with it...

Now if I've completely creeped you out...
Distilled water != purified water.
Distillation is done by either boiling water and taking the evaporation, and re-boiling... basically, taking out all the minerals out of the water. By drinking that, you're actually making your body more susceptible to Osteoporosis because the minerals from your body will try to seek a balance with the water coming in that has no minerals.
Check the mineral content and if it says 0, it is not for human consumption... it's a solvent for all intents and purposes. The same thing with "Source" water; basically it's the water that's been created directly from igniting a Hydrogen/Oxygen mixture (or the stuff that'll come out of the tailpipe of a hydrogen car).
Not to mention it tastes like crap. Purified water is usually only boiled once after filtration to kill any waterborne viruses. <-- Food for thought.
WHO hasn't linked distilled water conclusively to anything, but it's also not dismissing a causal link. Also, there are references to Centres for Disease Control articles that may help. The diarrhea that Nate was talking about happens because there are no electrolytes in the water, and if that is your main beverage, you're slowly tapping out minerals you need. BTW, all joking aside, using distilled water will cause serious problems for infants and children.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
John Wilken wrote:The slide down the slippery slope has started. What's next, banning pre-packaged foods that have "partially hydrogenated oils"? And if this is accepted, then banning more food ingredients would come next. Red meat could be added to the list, then McDonalds burgers are suddenly Mcillegal and eating one is a McCrime.
If Alcohol and Marijuana are any indication - McDonalds will be more popular than ever. All the cool kids will be doing chicken nugget rounds. "Hey little Timmy - wanna buy a Big Mac? I've got the GOOD sauce here." The funny thing here is the dealers might actually use their sandwich bags to hold... sandwiches
BradSk88 wrote:The world is overpopulated. Obesity is just thinning the herd 
Umm your crazy - There is nothing "thinning" about this herd - in any way shape or form. I'm afraid that obesity is a far too slow killer of stupid people, and they only cause health care cost to rise. Besides, for everyone 10 that die, one takes their place - because he/she is as big as the combined size of the 10 that died. Worst of all - THE BEACH - they ruin the beach.
Seriously though - although most people might be too stupid to run their own automobiles, let alone their own lives, all this over-regulation has gone WAY too far. Regulation and freedom are mutually exclusive. I'm completely against this...
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
While he is right there, its funny that Rush of all people should make that point. Todays modern Conservatives are worse than Liberals - or anyone except some totalitarian regimes like China, USSR, etc) - ever where at telling people "what is best for them" - and wanting to legislate it. Only someone like Rush can be right and yet so wrong about the same subject.
This country is turning totalitarian so fast it isn't funny. The only thing that is almost holding it back is the fact that the far left and the far right can't agree on "what is best" for everyone. This is "dangerous" or "immoral" or "offensive" etc etc - so make it illegal. The childish bickering between Democrats and Republicans is really the best defense we have against further erosions of our freedoms, and other forms of regulating our lives. It isn't freedom if you didn't have a choice.[/mini-rant]
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
john distilled water is not good to drink. for all of the reasons gam listed.
plus if you have taken a basic biology class, you would know, when you introduce pure water around cells that have water with other substances, water will diffuse to the area of less watery solution. this means the pure water rushes into the cell that has a less watery solution. possibly then causing cell to become lysed. meaning the cell swells with water until it bursts.
that may not happen when drinking DI water because it mixes with other body and food fluids in yoru stomach but if you drink to much it can deffinitely cause gastro intestinal stress.
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Bastardking3000 wrote:
BradSk88 wrote:The world is overpopulated. Obesity is just thinning the herd 
Umm your crazy - There is nothing "thinning" about this herd - in any way shape or form. I'm afraid that obesity is a far too slow killer of stupid people, and they only cause health care cost to rise. Besides, for everyone 10 that die, one takes their place - because he/she is as big as the combined size of the 10 that died. Worst of all - THE BEACH - they ruin the beach.
Seriously though - although most people might be too stupid to run their own automobiles, let alone their own lives, all this over-regulation has gone WAY too far. Regulation and freedom are mutually exclusive. I'm completely against this...
I was going to point out the oxy-moron as well... but I was just finishing my leg of infant... I FULLY advocate rapid eugenics of idiots. You fail to signal a left turn, *snip* your little goodies... put 9 items in the 8 items or less lane at the grocery store, *snip* no more idiot kids... I think breeding should be curtailled and confined only to those that have decency, honesty and integrity enough to actually teach their own kids right and wrong... THEMSELVES. For those unfortunate idiot-innocents that have kids, make sure the line stops with them!!! Hell, I'm in favour of a mass culling of people, we can do it with cattle, we can damned well do it with people too.
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
While he is right there, its funny that Rush of all people should make that point. Todays modern Conservatives are worse than Liberals - or anyone except some totalitarian regimes like China, USSR, etc) - ever where at telling people "what is best for them" - and wanting to legislate it. Only someone like Rush can be right and yet so wrong about the same subject.
AND make you want to punt him in his big, fat, idiot testicles and inflict REAL pain and take away his Oxycontin and Viagra supplies... all at the same time. I'd seriously punt him in the uglies just to see his jowels tremble.
This country is turning totalitarian so fast it isn't funny. The only thing that is almost holding it back is the fact that the far left and the far right can't agree on "what is best" for everyone. This is "dangerous" or "immoral" or "offensive" etc etc - so make it illegal. The childish bickering between Democrats and Republicans is really the best defense we have against further erosions of our freedoms, and other forms of regulating our lives. It isn't freedom if you didn't have a choice.[/mini-rant]
It's the choice between irritating and annoying.
The answer isn't more political parties... I don't think I'm going to EVER stop saying this.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Quote:
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
While he is right there, its funny that Rush of all people should make that point. Todays modern Conservatives are worse than Liberals - or anyone except some totalitarian regimes like China, USSR, etc) - ever where at telling people "what is best for them" - and wanting to legislate it. Only someone like Rush can be right and yet so wrong about the same subject.
AND make you want to punt him in his big, fat, idiot testicles and inflict REAL pain and take away his Oxycontin and Viagra supplies... all at the same time. I'd seriously punt him in the uglies just to see his jowels tremble.

Uhhh....That's Rush as in Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Pert. They're Canadians, maybe you've heard of them.
I'm not a fan... other than Roll the bones, I have little use for them.
I thought you meant Rush... of the Limbaugh variation.
And that statement is laced with sarcasm and irony on its own.
I'd still punt Limbaugh in the testicles to see his jowels wobble. That guy needs an enema.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Ahh..
I'm not a fan... other than Roll the bones, I have little use for them.
I thought you meant Rush... of the Limbaugh variation.
And that statement is laced with sarcasm and irony on its own. 
I'd still punt Limbaugh in the testicles to see his jowels wobble. That guy needs an enema.
Maybe Georges "Rush" St Pierre could kick Rush Limbaugh in the nads while Rush plays the solo from "working man".
And thanks to both of you for the chemestry lesson about distilled water, I didn't know any of that other than not to give it to babies.
(seriously, no sarcasm.)
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Cheers then
If we ever get together, I'll have have Baby-back barbeque...
I want my baby-backbaby-backbaby-backbaby-backbaby-back,
I want my baby-backbaby-backbaby-backbaby-backbaby-back... Riiiiiibs....
Chiiiillllliiiiii's baaaaaaby-back ribs.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Labotomi wrote:GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Quote:
"Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" -Rush [/sarcasm]
While he is right there, its funny that Rush of all people should make that point. Todays modern Conservatives are worse than Liberals - or anyone except some totalitarian regimes like China, USSR, etc) - ever where at telling people "what is best for them" - and wanting to legislate it. Only someone like Rush can be right and yet so wrong about the same subject.
AND make you want to punt him in his big, fat, idiot testicles and inflict REAL pain and take away his Oxycontin and Viagra supplies... all at the same time. I'd seriously punt him in the uglies just to see his jowels tremble.
Uhhh....That's Rush as in Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Pert. They're Canadians, maybe you've heard of them. 
Oh my bad - I thought Limbaugh too.
But wait a minute - Canada is to blame for RUSH the band?! I'm sorry GAM and all the other Canadians here - I know Canada has done good things too but this is too much to atone for - Canada must now be burnt to the ground!! You must all be "cleansed" for the good of all mankind - to assure that no band like Rush will never again threaten our eardrums.
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Then I declare Jihad on the USA for the abomination known as Michael Jackson.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.