Why is it always Montreal?
This sucks... Here we go again.
RIP, my condolences.
Are video games still the in-thing to blame? It was rock music, then rap music, then TV, then movies, then video games, then the internet...what's left to blame?
Oh, that's right, the parents.
AGuSTiN wrote:Are video games still the in-thing to blame? It was rock music, then rap music, then TV, then movies, then video games, then the internet...what's left to blame?
Oh, that's right, the parents.
blame the parents? are you crazy?
Desert Tuners

“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
What do you mean? Gun control works! Look at new york, D.C. and all of the gun-free zones like schools and federal buildings.

You don't need a gun, even though the police don't reach the crime scene in time to make an arrest 80% of the time and when they shoot they miss also 80% of the time.
HERE is a link to the "Bull$h!t" episode about gun control.
Gun control =
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:41 PM
-There is no such thing as objective journalism, there never was.
-The government is best which governs least.
-The forefathers were not necessarily right.
-Religion breeds self-righteousness.
-Ignoring problems rarely fixes them.
-All men are CREATED equal.
-We DO legislate morality.
-Justice does not exist.
-Rely only on yourself.
-Legalize marijuana.
-Gun control kills!
Funny... this happens once every 17 years in Canada, this time the semi-auto RIFLE was bought legally.
The problem isn't the guns, it's the idiots holding them.
Simple point of fact: there are more handguns, shotguns and rifles per capita in Canada than the US. You can't go and buy an AK-47 without the right permit, and then buy the modification kit to turn it to a full auto. There's no where in our laws that says that you have a RIGHT to arm yourself with ridiculous amounts of weapons to ward away a corrupt and unjust government. We saw a long time ago that a well-armed society is as unruly as any other. The last time something like this happened was 1989, and as awful as it sounds, that's pretty f*cking good compared to incidents in US cities of comperable size to Montreal (which is hovering at 4 Million).
It IS ABOUT A SICK INDIVIDUAL who had access to legal weapons.
Keep the focus on what happened, not issues that are outside the story.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Funny... this happens once every 17 years in Canada, this time the semi-auto RIFLE was bought legally.
The problem isn't the guns, it's the idiots holding them.
Simple point of fact: there are more handguns, shotguns and rifles per capita in Canada than the US. You can't go and buy an AK-47 without the right permit, and then buy the modification kit to turn it to a full auto. There's no where in our laws that says that you have a RIGHT to arm yourself with ridiculous amounts of weapons to ward away a corrupt and unjust government. We saw a long time ago that a well-armed society is as unruly as any other. The last time something like this happened was 1989, and as awful as it sounds, that's pretty f*cking good compared to incidents in US cities of comperable size to Montreal (which is hovering at 4 Million).
It IS ABOUT A SICK INDIVIDUAL who had access to legal weapons.
Keep the focus on what happened, not issues that are outside the story.
It IS about gun control. It is about the useless, pointless focus that everyone is going to put on gun control rather than trying to find out what the of the real problem was. Remember the Polytechnic killings of 1989? When they had a memorial not long ago they read the name of the SHOOTER along with his victims, considering him a victim as well. That's how deep the denial goes.
It's the gunssssssssssssss... it's not anyobody or anything else's fault! Ever! How many discussions on bullying did the Littleton shootings prompt? Zero? Minus Zero? Yet the whole thing was motivated by the shooter's being bullied. Nope, people would rather blame the inanimate object that goes bang than a motivated psycho; and they certainly aren't going to look any deeper than the simplistic he was eeeeeeeevil (or in some people's case GUNS are eeeeeeeeevil).
Look DEEPER. Stop trying to find cheap, easy solutions that can be blanket applied to everyone. You could ban every weapon on earth and still find yourself reliving the mass killing scenario. Molotov Cocktails, Box Cutters, Straight Razors, Machetes, Car Bombs, Catapults, Baseball Bats, Axes, Sledgehammers, Syringes full of bleach and a Bow & Arrow are ALL legal weapons (or made with legal components) That they haven't been used shows a lack of imagination on the part of the killer rather than their uselessness as mass killing weaponry. The fact is, it's easy to kill people.
Also, let's stop acting like this was the first MURDER since 1989. There are 600 or so murders a year in Canada, that's TWO out of those 600. Let's chill out shall we?
The shooter killed himself.. In a sense, he was a victom.
The kid out west is the only one to do something like this and come out a live. He's in pyschiatric care and won't be out for a long time.
I'm so glad our government spent billions on the idiotic gun registry.....
Jeremy Knox wrote: Also, let's stop acting like this was the first MURDER since 1989. There are 600 or so murders a year in Canada, that's TWO out of those 600. Let's chill out shall we?
I guess I'm missing the point of this post.
I originally took the point as being that people get killed with guns in places with strict gun control laws same as they do in the US were laws are much less restrictive.
Is this the general point?
If so, then the "gun nuts" using the event to show laws make no difference are really stupid.
If Canada has 600 a year, how does that compare to just Detroit, the city where I live- population approx. 800,000 and the hundreds of murders per year here. Our city only compared to a whole country.
sig not found
Well, my point was that banning guns don't stop murders. People still get killed with or without guns. We had 151 murders with guns in 2003 out of around 549 murders total. 398 of those murders were done without guns. It's silly to ban them.
The answer here is obvious... The killing stopped when armed police shot and killed this whacko. Had there been an armed college student who wasn't afraid to shoot back OR an armed security guard, less innocent people would have been shot. We have Air Marshalls, why not the same thing for other public areas?
The solution is more trained people on the side of "normal" who carry guns. When some head case walks in with an assault rifle, he's not going to have free reign for long.
I'm not sure you can blame the parents here, he was 25. Wearing black and having a mohawk is just youthful expression, not a sign of mental disease.
Gam wrote:This is NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL.
It IS ABOUT A SICK INDIVIDUAL who had access to legal weapons.
Keep the focus on what happened, not issues that are outside the story.
article wrote:Today's incident is horrifyingly reminiscent of another school shooting in Montreal. On Dec. 6, 1989, Marc Lepine killed 14 engineering students at the Ecole Polytechnique.
The mass murder prompted tighter gun laws, which included the creation of the controversial national firearms registry. It also prompted Parliament to create the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in 1991, to coincide with the anniversary of the tragedy
Gam, this is about one sick individual but the groundwork has been laid for further gun control laws. This event will be their justification for putting the screws to normal people who own guns. I agree with you, it's like blaming the company that makes starter fluid for crystal meth, but it's going to happen.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
We are not saying that Canada is as bad as America when it comes to gun violence. Canada has less gun violence than America, no doubt about that, but it's not because there are more restrictive laws. This proves that if you want to kill, you can, even with restrictive laws. Hey, did you know you could kill with a knife, car, rope, fist, foot, fire, etc....Lets ban them! Let me list some of the states with the most restrictive gun laws:
State - Violent crime per 100,000 in 2004
California: 552
Illinois: 543
Massachusetts: 458
New Jersey: 356
New York: 441
District of Columbia: 1,371
not much gun control:
Alaska: 635 open carry w/o a permit.
Oregon: 298 Can carry in schools!
Vermont 112 No gun control laws!
Virgina: 276 carry w/o a permit.
Montana: 294 Open carry w/o a permit.
South Dakota: 171.5 Open carry w/o a permit.
Out of these states here is the breakdown of violent crime from most to least:
10.GR VA
11. GR SD
12.GR VT
GC= Gun Control GR= Gun Rights
Obviously gun control laws do not work. If you had a gun would you commit a crime just because you have it? If you were going to go kill someone would you worry about gun laws? Nope. It comes down to the people not the guns! If guns kill then spoons eat.
-There is no such thing as objective journalism, there never was.
-The government is best which governs least.
-The forefathers were not necessarily right.
-Religion breeds self-righteousness.
-Ignoring problems rarely fixes them.
-All men are CREATED equal.
-We DO legislate morality.
-Justice does not exist.
-Rely only on yourself.
-Legalize marijuana.
-Gun control kills!
The whole "Gun control is a god gift" is BS. I own 15 guns. All of them are REGISTERED and I can still go out and kill people. The problem are politicians. They don't know the difference between a gun and a flower. All they know is how to talk sh**.
The gun control was NOT to control firearms. It was ONLY and I repeat ONLY to REGISTER your gun. They would then give you a piece of paper saying it's registered with NO NAME on it. If a kid want a gun, he just need to go to a back street in Montreal and get ANYGUN he want.
The license to get guns and ammunition is good. It's a good way to keep some freak to buy a gun.
The Gun control act never restricted buying gun. they only registered them. Big thing, since I don't know how many years, all the guns sold were in a book but the goverment was so screw up and never check them. So they just ask people to clear it out for them. They hit on the wrong people. The only good thing about the registration is that you can "get" your firearms back if somebody stole them.
So yeah the gun control is BS. They need to reinforce the Customs line. There alot more illegal gun coming in than there is legal registered guns.
Also, like said above, the gun doesn't kill. It's the people behind it. Just make a little experimentation, Take a gun, load it and put it on the table and leave it there for a month with nobody touching it. It's not going to kill anybody. Now, put a stupid wacko like that guy behind it and you'll get a masacre.
It's the 3rd shooting btw in Montreal. Lepine @ Polytechnique, another one in 92 and this dumb $ss.
The answer here is obvious... The killing stopped when armed police shot and killed this whacko. Had there been an armed college student who wasn't afraid to shoot back OR an armed security guard, less innocent people would have been shot. We have Air Marshalls, why not the same thing for other public areas?
That won't change anything. It's not because you have 1 freak that do a shooting that you need to put armed staff everywhere. We are not as crazy as that. There's no reason to be scared as much. It's Canada here, not the US. I'd say that 90% of the police in Quebec can't shoot a barn door at 50yards. Also, the laws are not the same here as the states. Even if the guy as a weapon, the cops CAN'T shoot him unless he put in danger and officer's life so putting Armed staff would be useless.
It's not a big problem here. It happend 3 times in 17years. You know what are the chance of getting killed by a freak with a gun in a Cegep here? alot smaller than winning the lotery. You have more chance of getting hit by a car than getting shot. Most of the gun kill are related to drugs, street gang and Biker goups. Yeah you have some wacko that kill they wife over a divorce but 95% of the time they do it with something else than a gun.
I'd like to add that most cop freak out when they see you with a gun over here. I'm a hunter, I got my share of cops doing a routine check. a good part of them just freaked when they saw the gun(s).
So people need to stop thinking with their $ss and see the reality. Gun control doesn't work and make the country waste money.
2.3 Ho
it is obviously the schools polices that caused the guy to come into the school to shoot people the schools policy needs to change.
that was said since a poll just came out from cananda saying most canadians beleive that is was the us's policies that caused the 9/11 terrorist attack so putting two and two toghether thats what i came up with lol
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
uuuhh Ya.. That's not quite the same thing.. Pretty sure the school didn't have a 80+ year history of meddling in the maniac's affairs.
It's a trajedy.. I think it's a bit early to joke about it.
Mfk-223 wrote:The gun control was NOT to control firearms. It was ONLY and I repeat ONLY to REGISTER your gun. They would then give you a piece of paper saying it's registered with NO NAME on it. If a kid want a gun, he just need to go to a back street in Montreal and get ANYGUN he want.
Gun control DOES control firearms. Can EVERYONE go buy any gun they want? Exactly, but I do think that SOME control is good. I would feel safer in Canada than America because the people are different, but I would still rather carry a gun.
Mfk-223 wrote:The license to get guns and ammunition is good. It's a good way to keep some freak to buy a gun.
That's fine for Canada but I don't think it would fly in America, we see gun ownership as a right, not a privilege. It would just be another tax on gun owners, a background should suffice.
Mfk-223 wrote:The Gun control act never restricted buying gun. they only registered them. Big thing, since I don't know how many years, all the guns sold were in a book but the goverment was so screw up and never check them. So they just ask people to clear it out for them. They hit on the wrong people. The only good thing about the registration is that you can "get" your firearms back if somebody stole them.
I wanna look this up, I don't know about the Canadian gun laws. They are more restrictive than America though, right?
Mfk-223 wrote:So yeah the gun control is BS. They need to reinforce the Customs line. There alot more illegal gun coming in than there is legal registered guns.
Criminals will get guns if they what them, no matter what you do, unless you bankrupt the county trying to stop them. The trick is to keep CRIMINALS off the street, they have many other weapons to choose from so taking their gun away does almost nothing. Did you know that an man armed with a knife can take out a man armed with a holstered gun before he can shoot if he is within 25' (7.62 meters for you canucks) of the gunman? If you're trained to use a knife it can be VERY deadly.
Mfk-223 wrote:It's the 3rd shooting btw in Montreal. Lepine @ Polytechnique, another one in 92 and this dumb $ss.
The answer here is obvious... The killing stopped when armed police shot and killed this whacko. Had there been an armed college student who wasn't afraid to shoot back OR an armed security guard, less innocent people would have been shot. We have Air Marshalls, why not the same thing for other public areas?
That won't change anything. It's not because you have 1 freak that do a shooting that you need to put armed staff everywhere. We are not as crazy as that. There's no reason to be scared as much. It's Canada here, not the US. I'd say that 90% of the police in Quebec can't shoot a barn door at 50yards. Also, the laws are not the same here as the states. Even if the guy as a weapon, the cops CAN'T shoot him unless he put in danger and officer's life so putting Armed staff would be useless.
If you were in that school when the shooting started I bet you would wish you had a gun. If you are right about the police you should be pissed, they should be pretty good if they don't let you have guns and force you to rely on them for your safety. Are you saying they can't shoot a criminal unless he points his gun at them? What if they shoot at a civilian? FWI you wouldn't want to use a pistol at that range.
Mfk-223 wrote:It's not a big problem here. It happend 3 times in 17years. You know what are the chance of getting killed by a freak with a gun in a Cegep here? alot smaller than winning the lotery. You have more chance of getting hit by a car than getting shot. Most of the gun kill are related to drugs, street gang and Biker goups. Yeah you have some wacko that kill they wife over a divorce but 95% of the time they do it with something else than a gun
Same here in America.
-There is no such thing as objective journalism, there never was.
-The government is best which governs least.
-The forefathers were not necessarily right.
-Religion breeds self-righteousness.
-Ignoring problems rarely fixes them.
-All men are CREATED equal.
-We DO legislate morality.
-Justice does not exist.
-Rely only on yourself.
-Legalize marijuana.
-Gun control kills!
COPs can take down any armed civilian who refuses to disarm. They can also shoot at anyone who aims a gun at someone else.
I know this because a long time ago there was a guy walking down the street with a paintball gun. Police were called by a concerned citizen who thought it was a real gun. The ploice also thought it at least could be a real gun. When he was promted to "drop the weapon" he responded "it's not a gun" and was promptly shot. That was 20 years ago, but I'm pretty sure things haven't changed that much.
I also wouldn't count on them having poor aim. They train frequently and love the gun range.; Yes, they kill a lot more paper than people, but I hope that is true of all police forces.
^ Not in quebec. Most of the time if they shoot without a good reason they get suspended. They are really stricted about that.
Gun control DOES control firearms. Can EVERYONE go buy any gun they want? Exactly, but I do think that SOME control is good. I would feel safer in Canada than America because the people are different, but I would still rather carry a gun
No it doesn't. FYI the gun control law is in place since 01. It didn't change anything else than the registration and license to get ammunition. Before the gun control law, you could do the same thing as now. You couldn't buy any kind of firearms before the law. There's 3 class of firearms in Canada : Prohibited, Firearms with restriction and normal firearms. That was there way before the law. The law itself is a big joke. It's to register the firearms in Canada. Those that are registered and legal. The ones that are not are illegal of course. A firearm that is registered doesn't block something to use it to kill people. So the law doesn't work. If the law would block some firearms it may do something but you just need to know the right person and you can get anything you want. I'd like to add that they found I don't rember how many containers of illegal firearms in Montreal old port coming in from other country. All those guns were not legal in Canada but they would have end up on the street. There was some pretty impressive WWII machine gun with 250+ ammunition belt. The law "worked" there because they fell on the guns otherwise the law would have never done anything. Also, before the law those guns would have been seized too. I had guns before the gun control law was put in place and it was the same way as today. The only thing different is that I had to register 15 firearms. I got 15 papers with the firearms number and what kind it was but nowhere does it say that it's mine. All it say it's that it's registered. There's about only 40% of the firearms in Canada that are registered.
If you were in that school when the shooting started I bet you would wish you had a gun
No cause I would have got arested for shouting somebody. The only time you can shoot somebody and still be free it's if somebody get in your house and is dangerous for your life. Then you can shoot him but he has to be inside the house. Otherwise you end up behind the bars. Believe it or not that's how it is.
If you are right about the police you should be pissed, they should be pretty good if they don't let you have guns and force you to rely on them for your safety. Are you saying they can't shoot a criminal unless he points his gun at them? What if they shoot at a civilian?
The cops here have access to shooting range but they can't shoot for s***. If I could go back and take picture of the shooting range they were using around here I would. There was more hole on the walls on the side and around the target than there was on the target. They don't have to practice and there's not much training at it.
If the criminal only point the gun at them and doesn't threaten (sp?) the officer, they can't really shoot. The criminal need to put the officer life in danger before the officer can shoot. If the Officer shoot, he'll be under investigation to know what really happen. Even if the guy shot a civilian but is no threat to an officer, they don't have the right to shoot.
I wanna look this up, I don't know about the Canadian gun laws. They are more restrictive than America though, right?
You need to take a class of 16hours about guns useage and safety. that will give you an hunter card. Then you need to get a possition and acquisition permit to buy and own guns. Then if you want to buy ammunition from Canadian tire or Walmart, you "need" your license.
The guy at the store that sell guns or ammunition need to have his license too.
2.3 Ho
Dudly George had a stick and was shot. The officer who shot him was investigated but found not at fault. He was very remorseful (that should be noted as that officer was recently killed in the line of dudy and cannot defend himself). George was inside a bus, it was though there were guns on the bus and he was carrying a stick. The officer did not have a clear enough view of George and should not have shot, bnut he was not covicted of any offense in the end. He was an OPP officer.
For Americans. Not all provinces have the same laws regarding many things. It seems our Quebequios friend has found one more difference. At least between our two provinces.
I also remember from when I was young, the OPP shot a guy they had pulled over for speeding becasue he drove off once the officers were out of their car. I believe they said the car itself was a weapon, so they shot and killed him. They were punished for that one, but not severely. Makes you think twice about running from COPs eh. I think they would have faced much more severe punishment if that happened now though.. That was in the 70s.
OPP = Ontario Provincial Police. We also have RCMP in my home town. 3 levels here.. City, Povincial and Fedual.. Aren't we lucky
Hahahaha wrote:uuuhh Ya.. That's not quite the same thing.. Pretty sure the school didn't have a 80+ year history of meddling in the maniac's affairs.
It's a trajedy.. I think it's a bit early to joke about it.
so are you saying its warranted if you do it for a long time?
bud i do agree that my lol was uncalled for an i apologise for that.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
Yeah I must agree that gun control laws do more harm than good. And even if Gun control laws could actually prevent every single shooting death in the nation, heck even every violent death of any nature - I would still be against them. Why? BECAUSE NOTHING IS WORTH THE COST OF LOSING YOUR RIGHTS. Period. I don't even own a gun, and I don't want to - but I sure as hell support your right to have one.
And lets be honest here - that right wasn't given to us by our forefathers in order to guarantee hunting rights - it was given too us because they just got out of a bloody revolutionary war to free us from a government that hindered our rights. It was given to us so that the general populace could be well armed in the case that THIS "NEW" GOVERNMENT(it was new back then) became too corrupt and began to trample on our rights(hint hint) - and we had to overthrow it and start over. Of course nowadays that would never happen because we the American people have lost the spine to stand up to a government that strips more rights daily(and a government that no longer serves "the people" but rather serves the powerful elite) - and also because an AK-47 is no match for a cruise missile. Rest assured, the American Revolution would never have taken place back then either if todays overly-trusting, "Pro Big Government," "Make me safe at any cost," - American where alive and dominant back then.
On course with the rights issue - does anyone else find it funny that while most conservatives support your rights as it relates to guns - they openly support taking most of your other rights away? (keep in mind this neo-conservative mindset is 100% contrary to traditional Conservative thinking - which values the individual's rights above all else) And in the same breath the Liberals while wanting to defend many of your liberties from the Neo-Cons, want to strip you of your constitutional right to bear arms - even though it is written in plain english that they are NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - to do so? Of course they also want to impede on your freedom of speech/expression if it is deemed "offensive" etc etc, and some conservatives do too. Many from both sides want to impede freedom speech/expression if it is "obscene" etc. Many want to further legislate their own sense of "morality" on everyone believe in it or not. Our rights mention no such stipulations or limits - they are what they are - FREEDOMS - and they are free from arbitrary limitations or stipulations - no matter if you agree with them or not. No matter what party you subscribe to, the "bill of rights" is a Washington D.C. slang term for toilet paper.
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Mfk-223 wrote:
No cause I would have got arested for shouting somebody. The only time you can shoot somebody and still be free it's if somebody get in your house and is dangerous for your life. Then you can shoot him but he has to be inside the house. Otherwise you end up behind the bars. Believe it or not that's how it is.
If the criminal only point the gun at them and doesn't threaten (sp?) the officer, they can't really shoot. The criminal need to put the officer life in danger before the officer can shoot. If the Officer shoot, he'll be under investigation to know what really happen. Even if the guy shot a civilian but is no threat to an officer, they don't have the right to shoot.
GAM, can you verify this? A criminal shoots someone, but the police can't shoot at him because he isn't shooting at the police? Maybe it's my American acting up, but this doesn't sound right.
In the US, if your life is in danger you may use deadly force to defend yourself. You may not use deadly force if the person only has his fists for weapons. If someone breaks in your house, you don't have to verify that they are in possesion of deadly force, you may shoot them on sight.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Mfk-223 wrote:No it doesn't. FYI the gun control law is in place since 01.
I understand what you're saying, the gun control law of '01 just requires you to register. I misunderstood because you said "gun control" not "the new gun control law", that made me think you were speaking about gun control in general and not just the new law.
Mfk-223 wrote:Quote:
If you were in that school when the shooting started I bet you would wish you had a gun
No cause I would have got arrested for shouting somebody. The only time you can shoot somebody and still be free it's if somebody get in your house and is dangerous for your life. Then you can shoot him but he has to be inside the house. Otherwise you end up behind the bars. Believe it or not that's how it is.
If it came down to getting shot or shooting I bet you would shoot and deal with the consequences later. If you own a legal handgun and someone is in your yard or on the sidewalk in front of your house killing someone you love you can't get your gun to stop them without going to jail? That sucks, what about other weapons?
Mfk-223 wrote:The cops here have access to shooting range but they can't shoot for s***. If I could go back and take picture of the shooting range they were using around here I would. There was more hole on the walls on the side and around the target than there was on the target. They don't have to practice and there's not much training at it.
I think officers should at least have to qualify weekly and go through a thorough training class annually. Sadly, it's not much better down here and we have WAY more crime.
Mfk-223 wrote:If the criminal only point the gun at them and doesn't threaten (sp?) the officer, they can't really shoot. The criminal need to put the officer life in danger before the officer can shoot. If the Officer shoot, he'll be under investigation to know what really happen. Even if the guy shot a civilian but is no threat to an officer, they don't have the right to shoot.

You're kidding, right? A criminal can point a gun at a cop and not get shot? I bet that don't really happen in the field. You're also saying that they can't shoot if the criminal shoots a bystander, I doubt that.
Mfk-223 wrote:You need to take a class of 16hours about guns useage and safety. that will give you an hunter card. Then you need to get a possition and acquisition permit to buy and own guns. Then if you want to buy ammunition from Canadian tire or Walmart, you "need" your license.
Not too bad, but what about cost? Do you happen to know if there is a list of guns approved or banned in Canada or if it is just a general description of banned features?Most of the gun enthusiasts and 2nd amendment defenders would raise al kinds of hell if they tried that here. The funny thing is in Texas we only need 10 hours of training to carry a gun. However, almost all instructors recommend getting a lot more training.
-There is no such thing as objective journalism, there never was.
-The government is best which governs least.
-The forefathers were not necessarily right.
-Religion breeds self-righteousness.
-Ignoring problems rarely fixes them.
-All men are CREATED equal.
-We DO legislate morality.
-Justice does not exist.
-Rely only on yourself.
-Legalize marijuana.
-Gun control kills!