Is it just me or has the news degraded down to the level of 5th grade banter? I am watching Fox News (as it is the only thing avaliable at this time slot where I am) and they aer actually putting insults into commentary. Cutting people off during interviews, expressing personal opinions, stumbling over words, turning interviews into heated debates instead of simply getting information (there is a reason the word debate is differant than the word interview), ect. The last few years, the news has just boiled down so quickly. Degraded down to this garbage that I am forced to get my world information from. What happened to the good old days? (good grief, I swore I would never say that, I am only 23!)
What do you think? I believe the whole new industry needs to take a step back and stop trying to make a political statement with every story. I just want the news. I want the facts. What happened to the facts???
*edited to add*
The woman on the news channels though are getting significantly hotter though. No more Barbra Walters. (Although she was at least professional with her interviews and whatnot) There are some serious hotties on there. I guess that is my positive view on all this crap!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:12 AM
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
the news is junk, and always has been. i always hate it how they play on words that are said by people
T2 wrote:the news is junk, and always has been. i always hate it how they play on words that are said by people
Exactly. I mean, I am no journalist, but the whole point of the news is to inform the public of what is going on in the world and letting them make their own decision. Taking specific words that were not even important when said and making it the main point of an argument. I just want to be able to trust what I see on the news.
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
thats why i like FOX where you make the decision. the news is to biased in alot of things. I listen to the radio and get my news from the Russ Martin show in dallas, Texas LIVE 105.3
I like FOX too. You know you hate to love Oreilly.
Smile, Jesus loves you!!!!! <><
Manchild-ProPain, out now,
RaiLS wrote:Is it just me or has the news degraded down to the level of 5th grade banter? I am watching Fox News
You just nailled it right on the head, Dan.
I don't want to get off on a rant here.... But....
Fox news isn't news. Not even close. It's a lot of opinion, spin and silliness, and always has been.
Rupert Murdoch (the guy that owns Fox, News Corporation, and MySpace among other holdings) basically created a "news" network that takes serious objective journalism, reporter independance, Journalistic integrity and reporter's safety, and tosses it out the window in favor of something that looks slick, and sells well. It's the main reason I don't watch their "news," the other being that clowns like Geraldo Rivera going to Afghanistan and Iraq, and proclaiming that he's armed and wants to go belly-to-belly with Hussein and Osama Bin Laden actually puts REAL JOURNALISTS' lives in serious jeopardy. (The people that were responsible for killing a bus load of world journalists in Afghanistan claimed they killed the journalists because they were told they were armed and would attack. Thanks for that one Gerry...)
Most serious journalists (ie ones that want to be respected for their work) regard Fox "News" as supermarket tabloid Journalism. Look at it like this, and remember that hindsight is a bitch and is still 20/20: on the day that the US embassies were bombed in Sudan and Tanzania (help me out if I'm wrong on this one, I'm going on memory) Fox news didn't actually give this SERIOUS PIECE OF JOURNALISM and harbinger of things to come more than 2 minutes of coverage, yet, there was a stunningly off-key rendition of "wag the dog" done by Hannity, Combs, Reilly, and 2 others (forget whom). It goes to show where their minds are... not what's important, but what SELLS.
(as it is the only thing avaliable at this time slot where I am) and they aer actually putting insults into commentary. Cutting people off during interviews, expressing personal opinions, stumbling over words, turning interviews into heated debates instead of simply getting information (there is a reason the word debate is differant than the word interview), ect. The last few years, the news has just boiled down so quickly. Degraded down to this garbage that I am forced to get my world information from. What happened to the good old days? (good grief, I swore I would never say that, I am only 23!)
You want objective journalism, I suggest turning the TV OFF. If you can, go to wikinews, Reuters or AP or even your local news paper for their electronic edition, and I believe that USA today is free online, but don't quote me on that. IF you want objective reporting, CNN Headline News (for news, editorials I don't vouch for) and MSNBC or even NPR (I think the US AFRN carries that) is a better source because they have a published journalistic integrity standard, and have an impartial ombudsman that evaluates the stories and their integrity on request.
What do you think? I believe the whole new industry needs to take a step back and stop trying to make a political statement with every story. I just want the news. I want the facts. What happened to the facts???
*edited to add*
The woman on the news channels though are getting significantly hotter though. No more Barbra Walters. (Although she was at least professional with her interviews and whatnot) There are some serious hotties on there. I guess that is my positive view on all this crap!
Again, looking good doesn't mean a fart in a windstorm as long as I can get the real information. It's one of the reasons I stick with print or radio news.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
fox news = ann coulters play ground. nuff said.
while i do watch fox news, cause i personally think greta is kinda hot...and cavuto has some humor.... coulter has seemed to weasel into all the shows so far.
she is basically the equivalent to a Voltron style robot with al sharpton, jesse jackson, and louis farakahn forming "the head"
I think they should ban professionalism altogether and just remake Pee Wee's Playhouse into a news show.
Hey Konky, what's today's secret word?
Today's secret word is "sanctions".
Now you know what to do, when anybody says the secret word, SCREAM!
I'd watch...
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
i liek bill orielly and the glenn beck on CNN headline as for the people named in above ^^^^^^ i really hate them.
Funky Bottoms (Event) wrote:fox news = ann coulters play ground. nuff said.
while i do watch fox news, cause i personally think greta is kinda hot...and cavuto has some humor.... coulter has seemed to weasel into all the shows so far.
she is basically the equivalent to a Voltron style robot with al sharpton, jesse jackson, and louis farakahn forming "the head"
I find Jon Stewart infinitely more entertaining and informative.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
its all about money
when more people watch the news more sponsors will pay up for the timeslots. so basicaly, they do show you the news, but they only show what they think will make them more money. and sensational stories about basically nothing and good honest people being pushed to the breaking point in an interview will make them money
when you beat someone in a civic people wine and make excuses
when you beat someone in a cavalier they pull over and check under thier hoods
It's usually the ones who hate fox who usually watch Fox. Its a better forum for personal debate. The rest are so far left that it's not even news. The idiot box in general is a liberal outlet. TV is usually one sided, watching it skews America and Americans towards outsiders overall. IT's become a sad state of affairs to be an American and have people think this is who they really are, when in reality, only fifty percent are like that.
Smile, Jesus loves you!!!!! <><
Manchild-ProPain, out now,
As much as i'm sick of the intellectual-equivalent-of-moldy-spam argument of liberal vs. conservative rhetoric (and knowng that those who actualy fight for one of those vs. the other are people that are more in dire need of cunnilingus/fellation and a trans-orbital lobotomy than any human I know), I have to say the best way to get your dose of information is this:
Get your hands on, and read/watch as many different news soruces as possble--including foreign ones.
Extrapolate all information that agrees with the rest. Use best judgement to fill in the blanks. Uuse all other knowledge that does not agree (mudslinging and the like) to fill the comedy quotient of the day and laugh at the pathetic feeblemindedness of how badly the waste-of-an-orgasm news editor tried to put a biased spinn on it.
You'll find that you'll be far more accurate in that method than simply relying on BBC/Reuters/AP/CNN/Fox
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Please don't go on about how all the other shows are liberal biased. CNN, MSNBC, and all the others have tried to mimic FOX News and continue to put conservative talking heads up just like them. And let me be the first to say that FOX news is not a better forum for debate. What they do in no way resembles debate. They stick four people with the same opinions and then someone from the left and then try to crucify them. Conservatives come on and they sugar coat interviews and give the subject free forum to get his point across. Someone from the left comes on and they try to beat them down with insane questions that are nearly impossible to answer sanely. Explain to me how that is a better forum for debate? FOX news express the same belief system as you though, so it's all good I'm sure.
Anyway, Gam is right. In order to get actual news you need a print outlet. Though, some are just as bad as FOX and others.
I don't even trust print in-and-of-itself.
Again, multiple varies sources, disemminate info from misinfo, lather, rinse, repeat.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Don't get me started on OReilly. Anyone with fingers and access to Google can get the truth about Bill. Doesn't take much.
I just got back from South Carolina on Wednesday. Didn't pay no mind to the news for a week as I was on vacation, world be damned. But when I tried to get back and current, I couldn't. NOT A SINGLE NEWS STATION FOR HOURS BROADCAST ANY NEWS.
Not FOX, not CNN, not MSNBC, no one.
The internet, my friends, is all we have left. And thankfully, it is the best ever.
I listen to the BBC on my Sirius radio in the car while I'm at work. It's nice to get at least a foreign view on things.
The internet is not news, most of it is opinion. Internet searches are not reliable sources, especially when it comes to factual research. Reading something does not take biasness away from the internet outlet.
Smile, Jesus loves you!!!!! <><
Manchild-ProPain, out now,
^^ who said it did?
The internet is the one place where stupid opinions don't go unchallenged. News can be verified quickly by independent sources and other readers. It's where research can be done quickly on a topic.
See, before all we had was the evening news and the newspaper. Now I have people blogging from New Orleans during Katrina. Teens in Israel talking about their day yesterday.
The internet is why it's easy to see that OReilly is a moron, morning disc jockeys rip off, Ebaum's World steals videos, and that Best Buy's incompetence is nation-wide.
I don't even trust print in-and-of-itself.
Again, multiple varies sources, disemminate info from misinfo, lather, rinse, repeat.
KOTL - This is the whole point of this thread though. There should be no reason I should have to put together 10's of differant sources to congolmerate together a feasable news story. I'm all for getting both sides of an arguement, but come on...
Get your hands on, and read/watch as many different news soruces as possble--including foreign ones.
Extrapolate all information that agrees with the rest. Use best judgement to fill in the blanks.
I'm sorry. Maybe I am not the international man that some of you may be, but I can't justify the time spent to go about getting my news in that fashion. When it boils down, I have more important things to do. Family and personal affairs come before spending hours of research time into finding out what politician lied about what. I want a non-bias source that I know I can actually trust. In this day and age though, I will never see it.
It's usually the ones who hate fox who usually watch Fox. Its a better forum for personal debate. The rest are so far left that it's not even news. The idiot box in general is a liberal outlet. TV is usually one sided, watching it skews America and Americans towards outsiders overall. IT's become a sad state of affairs to be an American and have people think this is who they really are, when in reality, only fifty percent are like that.
Fox news is the whole reason I started this little rant. Well, they are not the "whole reason", but they was the preverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". Just watching a so-called debate on TV left me with such a headache that I actually went and medicated myself. It blows my mind that something that completely lacks in substance can be used as a tool to dissiminate information to the masses. The guy they were interviewing didn't have a chance to take a breath. He was hammered with about 3 questions at the same time, 2 of which were completely off topic for the sole purpose of confusion. After attempting to sort out the crap that was thrown his way, he replied with about 3 words before being interrupted that they had to go. Not 5 mins after that the commentator made a snide comment on the interviewie on how he couldn't answer any of his questions. Absolutely blows my mind.
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
It's usually the ones who hate fox who usually watch Fox.
Wrong, I detest Fox, because the few times I watch it for information I inevitably turn it off in disgust.
jbody4jc wrote:Its a better forum for personal debate.
Wrong, there is nothing personal about news, Fox interjects opinion into news reporting... Fox News is not News at all, also, how is it personal if you don't have a say in it?
jbody4jc wrote:The rest are so far left that it's not even news.
Wrong, Editorial determines liberal/conservativeness... JOURNALISM is objective, or at least when your're a news organisation it is... Fox is more theatre than anything.
jbody4jc wrote:The idiot box in general is a liberal outlet.
Wrong, read Michael Brock: The Republican Noise Machine before you pop off another unqualified remark like that.
jbody4jc wrote:TV is usually one sided, watching it skews America and Americans towards outsiders overall.
Almost right: Most people get news from television for up to the minute information, but if they want condensed and thorough information, they go with Peridocals.
jbody4jc wrote:IT's become a sad state of affairs to be an American and have people think this is who they really are, when in reality, only fifty percent are like that.
Wrong, it's only 13% at the best of times. And you're giving a LOT of people way less credit than they deserve.
jbody4jc wrote:The internet is not news, most of it is opinion. Internet searches are not reliable sources, especially when it comes to factual research. Reading something does not take biasness away from the internet outlet.
Here is where I really wonder.
News Sites=facts.
If you'd actually read real news outlets (Reuters, AP, NBC, BBC, CNN, NPR, Al-Jazeera, etc, etc.) you'd be able to differentiate. Actual reporting of world events requires actual reporters in the actual locations filing actual reports. Blogging is at BEST armchair quarter-backing or punditry, bitching or finding fault without actually doing anything about it.
I'm not trying to belittle what you think, but jbody4jc, you NEED to educate yourself about new and traditional media. You're getting led around by the nose (by Goldwater/Nixon era mythmongers at that).
If you want a short list of reading matter, I'll point you to some links and books... If you don't, that's fine, but I'm going to keep shooting down bad reasoning.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
i know a good book "How to talk to a liberal if you must " and as for Augustin i was waiting for you to jump in on this one lol. and tristian too did i spell it right this time cuase i'm not going to scroll up to check?
Rails: Personally, i don't turst any single source to tell me anything except what they want me to hear. As such, even though there *should* be an unbiased news source, there never will be. Even if i started a news outlet that i would personally do my best to seem unbiased, my bias would *still* be injected into it--it's human nature.
In other words, if you are going to cite something, the more sources in agreement, the better. As for personal everyday news, it's all in what you yourself go digging for--and knowing where to look.
So, i agree that we shouldn't have to find 10+ different news sources, but IMHO, if you want to get as close to the actual story as possible, you need to. The more you err towards a single source, the more likely what you have is a single biased account of what actually happened.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
This is exactly the same point Jon Stewart made about Crossfire.
And has been a personal crusade of mine for a little while know.
useless news is not news. now.. i have to go write to my paper and ask them to report news instead of a gossip column on the front page.
I wrote this post a long time ago, a real long time ago, back in 94.
I love Al-Jazeera
Probably THE best place to get information.
Since they don't have political parites, you just get the truth. Not to mention that you get to see a completely different side of the story, or completely new stories that the (evil) networks never talk about.
CNN is the worst site on the face of the planet.
I did extemp. speaking for my high school speech team. After doing some research, I just quit refrencing CNN. I mean there is something wrong when a ground breaking story unfolds and both the BBC and Al-Jazeera cover it on their front pages, but CNN has some BS with blackberries being allowed on flights.
I mean, personally, I'd much rather find that out as a wonderful little "suprise" if you will, than to have that be the BREAKING NEWS of the day.
And for all you Fox haters, just get the @!#$ over it. The only reason that they are openly bashed is becuase they put a conservative spin on it. ABC, CBS, NBC all are liberaly biased, just watch them a little closer and you get what I mean.
And yes, Jon Stewart is friggin funny as hell, and informative, as GAM has stated.