WOW i cant believe some people (Vid) - Page 5 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:34 AM on
I can say with certainty after reading four pages of this thread that

1) Most Christians in here don't know their Bible very well.

2) Most Non-Christians in here don't know the Bible very well.

And really, I don't even really know the Bible that well. None of us do.

It's a big book and requires a whole reading to gain understanding. Further, learning Latin and reading it you would gain more, and not be reliant on the English (mis)translation. And then you have to wade through the history of changes....

The Bible is too big a topic to cover in any forum thread.

I will say this...

Alexis wrote:
People who base their actions on God are idiots. Cool, you have your beliefs, you enjoyed that book, don't push it on others and dont be so dammed disrespectful.

This isn't particularly to you, Alexis, but to anyone...

The Bible does preach acceptance. I apologize to any non-christian here that has gotten the impression from some "believers" that we're intolerant, mean or pushy. You have to understand that the Bible ask s us to spread the word. Unforunately, some of us have got the word wrong.

The Bible itself explicitly warns against acting high-and-mighty, against being more about the fancy robe than the word.... i.e. when preacher preaches to build his flock, rather than preaching to teach, there's a serious problem.

The fact is that most of the country is Christian, more so than not, and if we were all like these few, I'm sure life would suck a whole lot more for everyone. I think it's unfair to lump us all in together.

As for homosexuality.... it doesn't make sense to say that people aren't born gay. Gay teens have THEE highest suicide rates of any group. If it was so easy to choose something else, why not just choose it? They choose death as a way to end their own homosexuality because simply being straight wasn't an option.

I think the problem is that some people are born bi, with differing preferences. I think bi-sexual people cloud the issue. A man who had a wife, then decides he's really gay, is in my guestimation a bi-sexual who really just prefered men.


Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:12 AM on
Yes he did but the prostitute washed his. Come on now this is from sunday school!

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:16 PM on
That's only if you believe Mary Magdalene was a whore.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 4:15 AM on
Thanks Agustin.

Jesus knew that no man (member of mankind) is without sin and allowed Mary to be an Apostle (that's right, she was one) whether she was formerly a whore or not. Didn't matter as she knew and recognised the truth and that's all that mattered.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 5:01 AM on
Oh wow how horribly miss informed you guys are! Mary Magdaline was NEVER a whore! No where does it call her that in the Bible, I challange any of you to find a passage in the Bible where it calls her that. It does not, How that mis conception came about was a pope waaaay back in the day read where his feet were washed by a prostitute and directly after that it speeks of Mary Magdaline so nimrod put 2 and 2 together and came up with 1,320,694 ( or there abouts ) and called HER the whore!
Mary Magdaline was not the prositute spoke of in the feet washing that was another
un-named woman. You guys do know that there was more the one or two women around back then right? PLEASE at least read the book before you argue on its finer points. Geeeeeez!!!!! HAHAHAHA and Gam I'm surprised at the both of you for saying this without knowing what your talking about! I'm gonna mark this day on my calander!!

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 11:50 AM on
I never said she was. I said whore or not, it doesn't matter. I surprised at you for mis-reading my post.

I do know that she was an apostle of Christ and therefore deserves respect.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 12:29 PM on
Ok my bad I misunderstood you. I'll erase your name but Gams stays!

Now alow me to open up another can of worms. Who here believes she was his wife? An unmarried man back then would never have had the level of respect that he did ( cultural thing from what I've read ) and no other woman except his mother so prevelent in scripture. Well at least no others are actualy named ....... why is that do you suppose ?

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 12:37 PM on
I believe Jesus was not married to anybody. A man back then didn't get respect if not married, but we have to remeber that Jesus had the body of man, but was not man. At least that is the way I understand it. I havn't done much thinking on this subject as it has never really interested me if Jesus was married or not. But I'll look through my Bible and see if I can find some more info.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 1:21 PM on
^ ^ ^ ^ Um, the only problem with that is, And please don't take this the wrong way! But the bible has been re-writen so many times now that thats the whole problem. No one knows what it originaly said! And why are some peoples letters and gospels cannonized and others who were apostiles not? Don't forget what the Catholic church was like back in the dark ages and even before that when women were considered less important then most animals. Think I'm kidding? heres a fun history fact about the Catholic church I bet most of you don't know. They took a vote to see which had a sole a women or animals and do you know out of all the cardinals who voted women only won by ONE vote!! Thats right one vote!! So the church back in the day was NOT female friendly AT ALL !! Hence the lie about Mary Magdalin being a whore and her exclusion of her gospel from the Bible. The Bibles a good read but isn't very factual anymore.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 1:33 PM on
^^^ Thank you for your point of view. I consider the Bible to be true and correct. I conside that the version of the Bible that we have (in every language out there) to be the real writtings of the authors who were inspired by God.
If others choose to believe that the Bible as we have it today is not is not correctly written and has been translated correctly then thats fine with me. But I for myself believe that the Bible is today was it was when it was first written.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 2:21 PM on
Ok, Maaaaaybe you took that the wrong way so let me try it this way. The Bible as we know it today was translated back when Hebrew and Arabic were still kinda a mysterious language. Take for example the comandment "Thall shall not steal" well it certainly helps curb theft the translation that was done more recently and with a complete understanding of the Hebrew language clearly states "Thall shall not steal another person" Meaning kiddnapping is a no no. Now when you think about it whick makes more seance? God worring about petty things such as posestions? I think not
or the correct translation that kiddnapping is bad which makes infinetly better seance for God to worry about a person and not a thing. There are many more such incorrect translations in the Bible but like you I do hold what it says to be dear to me. I howerer know that some things are miss-interpratations and thats why I say that its not correct or true. NOT thats its bad or wrong or should be re-done but that it needs to be realized that the true translations are not there 100%.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 4:01 PM on
This lady and her church are obviously insane, who knows what happened to them to think what they are doing is ok.

I will tell you one thing i am sure about, if they showed up at my family member's funeral, that bitch would be 6ft under by the days end.

Oh and by the way, i don't think there is a god. If there is, he is a sick bastard. If you have to worship some fool that has never really done anything for you and you have NEVER seen....then what are you going to have to do when you get up there, probably suck his thanks, i'd rather burn in hell...if it exists.

I wasn't raised this way either, i was raised in a loving christian family, i just learned to think for myself and not follow blind faith.

Fact of all human existance: Religion has been the #1 reason for death in all recorded human existance....afterall it ruled the dark ages.
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 4:25 PM on
Jackalope: I understand what you are saying. And since each language has different meaning to different words and phrases it is hard ot translate exactly what is said from one language to another. The way I see it is this. God gave knowledge to the translators so that they would translate his word the correct way so that things are understood the way he wants them to.

And for you example. I don't believe God has the word petty in his dictionary. It states in the Bible (not sure exactly what passage) the God knows every hair that falls from your head. Even the smallest of wrong doings is considered a sin. Its a sin to steal something just as much as it is to commit adultry. Thats the way I see it.

Mia Baker: God has done everything for me. You might not agree but I see it in my own personal life. He gave His only son to die on the cross so that I can be saved. Everything I own personally is because God has given it to me. If you choose not to believe in God then that is your personal choice and I respect that.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Friday, April 28, 2006 10:29 PM on
titus03 wrote:
Everything I own personally is because God has given it to me. .

Give yourself some credit.
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Monday, May 01, 2006 5:51 AM on
But then which translators are correct? The ones who originaly translated it and got things such as God's name wrong? Gods name is not jahova because the Hebrew language has no vowls! the translator "thought" thats what it should be, we now know better.

I'm not argueing your faith with you I would never presume to do that, I'm just trying to figure out what version of whos truth to follow.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Monday, May 01, 2006 8:03 AM on
Considering how many different translations of the bible there are out there now, and how under each translation lineage there are many retranslations, I think it's near-impossible to say that any right now are 100% true to the original testaments.

Not that the general gist of it has been lost.

And yes, agustin, I know a few bad apples tends to ruin things for everyone. I say take a person at their own face-value before you judge them based upon thier religion.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Monday, May 01, 2006 8:18 AM on
Thank you Keeper!! At least you got it.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 5:40 PM on
Yawey, or Jehova (say yeh-ho-va (or wa)) is a phenetic spelling. The spelling is far less importantant than the sound. It is the sound of breathing, the sound of life. All living things respire in some way, this "word" or "name" of God is really a sound, not so much a word. Take a deep breath and say it correctly, you'll realise the spelling is not important. Then remember its power, and give it respect.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 7:56 PM on

lets all take a trip to topeka and visit this disgusting, vile, filthy horrible excuse for a church

dang, i was just up there a few weeks ago.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:34 PM on
ok i came onto this thread late but i agree with somethin needin to be done bout that woman her an her followers are loony fools some of that crap there signs said itd be satisfying to see someone run her down and then beat her brains out with an alumnum baseball bat
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:58 PM on
dirty elf wrote:
RandomGuy 171 wrote:It's been proven you are born gay.

i dont want to start an argument, but please show me where so i can be informed

I second Dirty.

But seriously, this "church" is the kind of people that make me sick. Every valid point that she quotes from the Bible has been twisted into almost a cult-like stance just to make the hellstorm and brimstone speech. Reminds me of the chick in the Silent hill movie almost lol. True Christians, not ones just holding the title would and should not ever do the judging that this woman's group is doing. I did have to laugh when the one network guy asked her about her sins and she blatantly ignored him...hmmm someone is not perfect either huh?

I know where I stand in my faith (belief wise) and what I believe to be the truth, and pretty much no one could change my stance on that. I have been in a quite a few circumstances in my life where faith, not luck has gotten me through.....things that I could not have done on my own in any lifetime. And some are personal, so most likely I won't post about them unless someone seriously was curious.

and as for Mia:
I'm not going to even repost what you said above because it is disrespectful in the worst way. But your post did get me to thinking about two things.

A)One if you don't believe in heaven, hell, or God, then I have to ask you something.....what do you see for yourself in life? What is the point of living life if nothing is for sure. Nothing on Earth is. If you can name one item in our lives that is seriously incorruptable or perfect, I applaud you. But my bets are that you can't. Granted family and times with friends are meant to be remembered, but there is nothing you can place your trust in that cannot be broken...short of one person.

B)As for God never really doing anything for you, even though you seem to hold hate in regards to him, you are still watched over, whether you realize it or not. Everyday you drive to work or whatever. What is to stop that semi truck next to you from malfunctioning and slamming you; stopping your engine from blowing up prematurely; a driver falling asleep and crashing into you;etc etc the list of possibilites goes on forever. My point is that with so many different bad things that could happen everyday, the only way to get through without being stressed like crazy is faith.

It's your belief, not what I type or say, that will decide how you live your life and all that deep stuff. But I once heard a song lyric or a saying or something that I like to remember...something like" You say there is no God, you better be right." Better safe than sorry.

Oh and kudos Titus for keeping your cool so far

ShiftyCav wrote:thats probably the dumbest thing i have ever heard. you should take that serpentine belt and wrap it around your neck.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Saturday, June 17, 2006 5:48 PM on
I don't know about what "God has done for me" etc etc, but I see it this way - God probably isn't behind every falling leaf or wind knocking over your garbage can. I think that is pretty much physics right there. While I don't doubt God's ability to do everything - doing so really would negate free will. I think God chooses not to do everything for you - for very important reasons.

For one look at parents who never let their children do anything at least on their own. I'm told that my parents held me as a baby too much and for far too long. As a result I really didn't learn to walk until much later than other babies my age. Equally how can you grow and think on your own if God is holding your hand the whole way?

Also consider that the things we experience and the way we handle them partially shape who we are. We learn through mistakes, and grow stronger through our challenges and even though our pain. Show me a man/woman who has endured hardship, and I'll show you a person who is stronger for it. Consider people who are looking for a cure for cancer - most of them are doing so because they have lost someone too it. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if we have all our needs provided for, what will we invent? How will we advance ourselves?

For all I know God may do many things for me, and yet I probably would never know he did anything. Same for anyone. How do you know that anything that happens didn't happen because of God and not random circumstances? How do you know that God didn't stop something terrible from happening to you? It didn't happen so you will never know about it. If God has done something for me I may never know - and maybe God wants it that way.

Maybe God doesn't want it's(not really any sex so he doesn't fit IMO) existence proven. If God chooses to prove his own existence - well how many people would bow down to God - not because they love God and want to worship - but because of their own fear?! I mean that happens now to some extent even without God's existence being proven. I am pretty sure that God wants us to choose to love freely and choose to worship because we want to.

Also consider that most of the suffering any of us has endured - really can't be blamed on God but is a result of the actions of other (free-willed) humans. If God was to stop someone from driving drunk, he would be taking their free will from them. Well that drunk driver may run over your mom, and while that is sad - this is the result of someone choosing to drive drunk.

Now maybe God has done nothing else for you or me but one thing. Even if God did let your brother etc die - he never would have lived in the first place if the universe wasn't here. You can't loose what you never had, and that includes your life/existence. I at least know God did that much(not that I doubt the big bang or evolution I just think those are not random events - that God is behind them). Maybe God has only done that one thing, but isn't that one thing enough?

This is what I believe. I'm know that not all agree with this and you are all entitled to your beliefs. So please don't be a dick and say stuff like "God is just a fairy tale to control the stupid masses" etc. Saying that you don't believe is sufficient. You don't have to believe anything. Saying that only idiots believe in a fake God - well then you are just being a disrespectful @!#$. And yes I know that there are so called "Christians" who do the same(they are not a representation of a real Christian) and they are no better for sure. So please be better than them, thanks.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:57 PM on
I just noticed something reading though
Alexis wrote:Dude, you're quoting a book that, before its NUMEROUS revisions, spoke about unicorns and dragons as being real.
I'm curious to know where you got this "ultra-reliable" bit of information. LOL. Please don't believe everything you here. I have plenty of friends who want to give legal advise too, and while they really don't know what's legal and what is not - but they sure think they do and aren't afraid to share their expert opinion with you or me.

This doesn't suprise me though, many Christians have some crazy idea about the Bible too. I mean this is right up there with some guy telling you how Stephen Hawking just proved that gravity is really a form of cold fusion. its rediculous and even more baseless. You can believe whatever you want - but before critizing any religion(not just christianity), do what you SHOULD do before discussing any subject - Get your facts straight and know what the @!#$ you are talking about.

Yes I know this doesn't stop many Christians but as I said above - be better than them. "but mommy - he did it first" is a pretty sad defense. Take Scientology, I will admit one thing - I can't say I don't believe in it because... I know nothing about it. I can't say I believe different when I don't really know what they believe. I certainly have no basis for arguing against or critizing their beliefs. Even if I knew everything about theri beliefs - I have no right to critize it. I will never tell a Scientologist how his/her beliefs are wrong, but I will tell him/her my beliefs(if the subject comes up anyways) and let them come to their own conclusions.

I COULD argue against Athiesm - easily in fact because I do know about it. I have a greater under understanding of physics than anyone I know(in person), and equally I understand the true core of REAL SCIENCE is mathematics. What is called Darwinian Evolution is NOT a real science but a belief system(if not religion) that incorporates science. The difference is - they think they have the answer and attempt to prove it is true. Any real science will look for an answer without presuming to know that answer already. Basically if it isn't proven then it isn't a scientific fact - it is a belief and nothing more.

I have ZERO right to tell you that you are wrong and equally you have no right to tell me I am.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:59 PM on
Bastardking3000 wrote:While I don't doubt God's ability to do everything - doing so really would negate free will. I think God chooses not to do everything for you - for very important reasons.

For one look at parents who never let their children do anything at least on their own. I'm told that my parents held me as a baby too much and for far too long. As a result I really didn't learn to walk until much later than other babies my age. Equally how can you grow and think on your own if God is holding your hand the whole way?

Thats a good point too. I didn't neccesarily mean that everything is taken care of for us, just the things that you could not make it through. You are right that somethings require us to show our character and make it though as it can open our eyes and make us better people. But also remember that if He is not holding your hand through a certain situation, He is next to you ready to help you if you falter.

ShiftyCav wrote:thats probably the dumbest thing i have ever heard. you should take that serpentine belt and wrap it around your neck.

Re: WOW i cant believe some people (Vid)
Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:32 PM on
I haven't read all the pages yet but after watching that video it made my blood boil.

3 things come to mind after seeing the ladys interveiw.

1) This lady needs her face fukd
2) People like this make others who claim the same religion look bad.
3) I wonder what "sins" she is guilty of.......

Maybe i will take the time to read all of this later

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