Ok, here in Ontario, Canada the teachers of colleges have gone on strike and they have been on strike for the past 3 weeks and because of this 150,000 students are losing out on their education that they need to contribute to the economy, help pay bills, and start a future. What the teachers want is smaller classes however this takes time and money (200$ million CDN dollars). Also to make smaller classes we would need to build bigger schools and hire more teachers (PITA) or limit the amount of students entering college (BAD). Some teachers complain about the workload but they make 100k CDN, thats good!. On top of that the liberal gov't here in Ontario is being a hypocrite first they say that education is important and that its a priority but when 150,000 students are out of school they don't step in and force the teachers to go back to school. Also I'm expecting that we'll be out of school for the next week because yesterday the teachers union and the colleges broke their talks and they want a new managerment team to talk to make a deal.
So heres where I make my final remark, some people should not have the right to strike, this includes police, firefighters, ambulance workers, and other essential works like teachers. They have no right to mess with my future, the country's economy, and the workforce.
What makes these people any different from you? If they are not satisfied with what is happening to them in regards to their employer, they have every right to protest after going through all other channels first. I could agree with you if your statement was, "Employees should not have the right to strike as the immediate response to dissatisfaction with their employer. They should be required to exhaust all diplomatic resources first and then strike as a last resort."
"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
Yes Jacob, if someone decides they want to become a teacher, cop, firefighter, whatever, then they shouldn't expect to have better working conditions. They should just put their heads down and take whatever crappy deals that's thrown at them.
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Glace: There's a difference between striking and job action.
I work for the police, I can't go on strike because I'm essential personnel, however, I CAN come into work during the week wearing jeans, I CAN limit my work output to only that which is necessary, and the rest will just get backlogged.
Teachers are not termed as essential personnel, because, you're not going to DIE if you don't go to school. If they were termed essential, assume all hell would break loose.
College Teachers would have had my sympathy if they hadn't walked away from the table. At that point, they're prolonging the strike and hurting the students... At some point there has to be concessions made because you're not going to be able to bleed a stone.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
i wonder if students will actually get reimbursed for this
Fat effing chance.
When I was in college, the Teacher's went on strike, and I didn't get a nickle back even though I was responsible for the entire curriculum. The curriculum was adjusted because of the lack of lab-time, but other than that, I hated having the courses weighted on the final exams... what a pisser.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Guys i'm not saying they don't have the right to protest against problems in their job, but they should still go to their job. Me personally I view teachers as essentials even though no one will die, well maybe (no teachers = no doctors = death). I personally want to continue my education and get something out of it and not sit around at home or work long hours because teachers decided to strike.
We will be reimbursed if we loose our semester so anything that we have learned from Jan 3 - First week of march will be lost and we'll have to start over, that means new assignments, midterms (again!), and the same lectures. I'm fed up with this and I wish that the gov't would legislate them to go back to work before I loose my semester.
I find something adherently disturbing when people rely on something so much that they can't live without that institution.
I won't argue the merits or detractors of this particular strike, but if the teachers want to address a grievance by a strike, and this somehow brings your life to a screeching hault, then i think it's you that have the dependency complex.
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The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I'm totally affected by this strike.
In total, I've been off school for a month now, counting this being the third week of the strike and the week before the strike, was my spring break.
I think its stupid, I have applied to University to futher continue my studies, and this better not have an effect on that.
On the bright side, I'm working full time making some much needed money.

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]I find something adherently disturbing when people rely on something so much that they can't live without that institution.
I won't argue the merits or detractors of this particular strike, but if the teachers want to address a grievance by a strike, and this somehow brings your life to a screeching hault, then i think it's you that have the dependency complex. I don't think this is even remotely close to what he said. Where did he say that he couldn't live without it? Where did he say his life came to a halt?
The teachers have a right to strike as a last resort to failed negotiations, but he has a right to bitch about it since he has paid for a service that they are not providing. I'm glad he's pissed and not happy because of the time off. It'll force faster negotiations if more people are inconvenienced.
The options are easy.....they loose the right to strike--they retain the right to QUIT.
In which case you end up with no, or lesser-quality teachers. Trust me on this one.
After a 15-year aviation career I got so disgusted by the post 9-11 "security" crap that I up and quit within 18 month. So did the vast majority of the long-term professionals I worked with. Most of us wont even fly the airlines anymore, let alone work for them.
What you ended up with a situation where most of the current staffers are either part-timers who dont give a @!#$, fresh-out-of-school inexperienced wannabees who dont know thier @!#$ from a static port hole, or mid-eastern new immagrants who can barley, if at all, speak english AND dont give a @!#$ (exactly the kind they were trying to keep out).
@!#$ 'em. Let everybody walk. Let 'em crash. I plain and simple am now in that catagory that dont give a @!#$ one way or the other---except I dont work around them anymore.
Take away the "right to strike" or otherwise too much @!#$ with the teachers and you will find the colleges in exactly the same boat.
Rice.....Part of a balanced Pontiac diet.