it''s just like the band aid thing vs the bandage thing. Me, I don't really give a @!#$.
yeah really. either is fine for me...i tend to say tissue more but i use kleenex everyonce in awhile.
first post in the war forum....woohooo
I learned this in school... the company just cleverly made up ads and people started calling their products that under their brand name. Very well done!
I'm going to have to say i would say, "pass a tissue"
but it is very close, when the debate between pop or soda comes around, i always say pop...
with this one, it's probably 60\40 split maybe?

Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
its the same thing with velcro....i would say tissue though
I say
Kleenex (no matter what brand)
Coke (usually dr. pepper)
Bandaid (whatevers cheapest)
semen sponge?
seriously though i am a tissue guy and i can't stand how every drink in the south is
[bad southern drawl]coke? what kind?[/bad southern drawl]
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
im gonna go jump in my jacuzzi..i mean hot tub
AnDaZZo wrote:im gonna go jump in my jacuzzi..i mean hot tub
It's actually a whirlpool bath.
Hot Tubs have a circulating pump that heats the water...

I'm splitting hairs, I know, but on the other hand you have more fingers.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
For that matter, do you use plastic wrap or Saran wrap..
etc etc etc.. I'm sure we can come up with a few hundred of them..
Here we say do you want a pop? or a drink? But tend to offer Kleenex brand tissue even if it's not.
If someone asks me for a Bandaide I usually will say, I have Elastoplast, will that be OK.
If the ask for Saran wrap, I'll explain that Glad wrap clings better and streches further.
If they ask for a kleenex, I just clam up cause I don't want whatever they've got.
How about a laptop or notebook computer?
This could last for days its really just personal preference.
I do say Band aid but usually I pass a tissue.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
Jbody2nr wrote:How about a laptop or notebook computer?
This could last for days its really just personal preference.
I do say Band aid but usually I pass a tissue.
I work in the industry and I can assure you the "laptop" is out. We are not to call them that because of health concerns. Do not operate your notebook computer on your lap, especially if you are male and would like to have children in the future.
I didnt know a shirtsleeve had two other names.
^^^ EWWW!!!!
Laptop vs. Notebook:
At Compaq Laptops were actually called that when the computer had a Lan/Modem, a Diskette drive and CD drive... a Notebook, on the other hand, was one that had none, they were all peripheral.
Splitting hairs?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^^^Before i got laid off at dell, they explained that they started calling them "notebooks" instead of "laptops" is because people would keep it on thier laps for hours and hours and it would burn their legs, somethin' like that. WHATEVER!
Yeah... Compaq/HP had the distictions, IIRC IBM has always called them notebooks.
Hell.. didn't Antec or some company have a combination laptop heat/radiation shield and burger platter?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM wrote:Splitting hairs?
Try but to no avail.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.