let me know if you can help me get some under car lighting (street glo) for pretty cheap!!!
kragen had an ad for the apc kits for $69.99
Elmer the wricer hunter..."Shhh be vewy vewy quiet...I'm huntin wrice"
Kill da wriiiicer...Kill da Wricerrrrr..kill daaa wriccceeerr!!!
Check my site.
<img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/newjbosign1210b.gif>
<a href="http://www.krimotorsports.com?source=JBOsig"><img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/krimotorsportsbluemini2.jpg>
"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
yeah why is this in here and why am in here in the first place I though I was clicking Mid East forum. LOL
But I do need a Gold line or a really good 36" White neon tube. I bought a 6 piece kit and my front tube broke
but don't expect me to look at this thread again because I don't normaly come to this section lol