Any J's in Peoria want to hang out?? I'm so bored here! Save me!
Im not to far from there.
taking your girlfriend out $20, Shopping at Meijers $ ?? dollers,
watching Milf's Ass and getting punch in the jaw ... Priceless...
I was born there, but I live in GA now. Sorry!
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I was out there about 2 months ago
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
I live there! Oh wait i know you.
Hey Sarah. I might roll thru there soon.
Feel free to cruze throw the Quad Cities, i'm always up for a little Domestic Desterbence...
Hey waz up i about 30 min from there
mitch murfin wrote:Feel free to cruze throw the Quad Cities, i'm always up for a little Domestic Desterbence...
Desterbence, sounds dirty.
"College is the place you go when you don't
want to do @!#$. It's a place to hide until
you figure things out. And while its important
to actually be interested in the subject you are
studying, its mainly an opportunity to get away
from society in general and continue to pursue
you interests in what is most certainly not the
real world" - Lewis Black