I know there is a how-to on the 00-02 Cavalier headlights stickied... but I couldn't find anything on the Sunfire headlights. Are they assembled with the same type of adhesive that would just be cut with an exacto knife, or is it the glue that needs to be heated up (like the Cobalt headlights) ? I don't have a set here to inspect myself at the moment... but if it's the type that needs to be heated im looking for some info from someone that's done it before on a successful oven temp/length , that won't cause warp.
The mod bug is going to rape me when Im back from Germany, so Im lining up a few projects to do, lol.
Heat, exacto knife, and patience to not crack the plastic.
Never found a better way than taking a cutting disk and cutting into the grove. It's a u shape channel the lens fits into, so when u cut down into the grove through the lens your leaving the channel full, just go through the lens, u don't want to go right through the light
Gary I too have been think of this u got any pics of the grove I finally got a set of headlihhts and some projectors gonna retro fit my own..