Just wondering if there is anyway that I can get halos for my '02. I've searched around but can only find em for 95-99s.
If I cant do this ill but just HIDs but also read that there are lots of problems with these on cavaliers. Is there a certain brand/model that i would be better off with?
no u can't but you can make them if you have a little patience, if you don't want to pay someone to make a set and as for hid's being problems on Cavaliers? only time I witnessed that is when someone has no clue what their doin when hookin them up
Skr8 Goodz in tha hood
Is there a forum on how to make them, or could anyone share some steps with me haha?
There's this awesome new website some people just made to look for stuff, it's called Google, and I swear to glob, it's the bees' knees.
For serious though, search till your eyes bleed.
Still not low enough for a signature.
noope they dont sell any halos for an 02 cavalier, only 95-99s