I've got z24 cavalier (1996) that i've been wanting to fix up, but I kind of want something unique as well as original to stock body style. So I was wondering if any one had any suggestions as how to go about lowering the existing z24 kit?
Maybe cut the top off and and something to expand and fill the gap? (sorry for my terminology)
What I want it to look like:
Thanks guys
If you can get your hands on a technic lip:
that will give you a stock yet lower looking front.
For the sides you might considering going with 03+ Cavalier LS Sport Side Skirts. The skirts do not indent in the center like the earlier years and give the appearance of being 'lower' than the skirts you have now. They may also actually be lower but I do not have any measurements to confirm.
For the rear you may want to go with a Wings West lip for the 95-99.
I think those three things would give you a lower more aggressive look without deviating too far from stock or requiring a lot of fabrication.
-Z Yaaaa- wrote:^^ that rear ww lip is for a base bumper.
Good catch. I'm not too familiar with the 95-99 body style, especially the Z's.
you could give it a try at extending the front bumper cover, but i think it would be near impossible to do it in a way to hide it with the shape, it's a very curvy bumper with a quite sharp centre vertical crease. i'd just grab an import fighter front if you can find one, or the technic lip as previously mentioned.
Go with base reD and base front, pick up the wings West base lip kit. Call it a day.
It'd be easier to just drop the car on Eibach Sportlines and Tokico D-Specs...
Would sportlines be good on the tokico blues?
ShadyCav wrote:Would sportlines be good on the tokico blues?
For the front yes, rear I wouldn't chance it.
Wow thanks guys. lol Some really good ideas and I have been looking at the ww lip kit. They do look pretty nice, I've debadged my car already besides the side trim, haven't done that yet because i'm scared it'll be two-toned or leave a black mark
good luck with Technic lip I have been looking for one for 6 years noone will sell, and Zyaa to far to kick in nuts and steal his lol, Sorry Brad had to....
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
a clean look I think would be technic front lip, import fighter sides, 03+ LS Sport rear bumper. Would be like a OEM + look in my opinion.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Keep the 95-99 Z front bumper, grab some 00-02 Sunfire skirts, 03-05 base rear bumper with a 00-02 rear lip/valance.
Will newer cavalier bumpers and side skirts fit right on a 96? or will some modifications have to be done?
hmmm oh really..........send me message on fb Ill see if my funds can be collected
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen