What would look better in your point of view...celica gt-s spoiler 00-04, rsx 00-06, or high rise eclipse on a sunfire?
never seen either one on a sunfire. gts spoiler, yes. rsx, not sure which one u mean. definately no on the eclipse spoiler.
WiGM-Tuners member.
IMO the RSX and celica spoilers look about the same and I dont think either would look to good on a sunfire. I think this is because the rear quarter panels of the sunfire are more rounded while the celica and rsx have more of a boxy shape, I just thing since those spoilers have a boxy shape to them it just wont look right on a sunfire. If you really wanted a spoiler for your sunfire i think this one would look the best
RK Sport Spoiler
i dunno... cause that spoiler looks silly to me
. But hey, im getting these spoilers for like $30ea. so maybe ill place em on, snap some pics, upload, and if it looks bad- roll spoilerless?
The Rk spoiler is terrible. I've never liked it in pictures, but I saw one in person and its absolutely gag inducing. I personally like the regular Celica GT spoiler over any of these. I'd like to install one myself.
Spydarfire's old sunfire
the sunfire has nice smooth lines, the spoilers have really sharp lines. would be interesting to experiment with though..... you might be able to pull off the RSX
celica gt spoiler would look best. disregard what i said about the gts spoiler
WiGM-Tuners member.