I painted my tails
what do you think>>>

they are way 2 dark not much I can do now
Looks good, but I hope you can see your light through them in the daytime, bc if not you may get a ticket for it. But I like them. Hopefully nothing happens. If you want too, you can remove the paint from the circles with the 3M headlight restore kit. If you do it right, which isnt hard at all, it will pull the paint off the circles, and shine them up at the same time. Goodluck!!
Yeah, it looks great! It would probably still look awesome even if you have to take the tint off of the circles.
Sig'less since '02!
yea the circles will stay till i get a ticket, glad i have a third brake light still
wht do you think if i paint this part of my bumper black,
this was done with Mircosoft paint! at my g/fs and no photoshop
not a fan of the black bumper. your car would look better with the circle part of the tails not so tinted, tinted windows, lowered, and wider tires. i would know because i drive a grey 03 sedan too, nice job on the tails though
well if it do it your way then 2 cars will look the same...
tint is so next going 5% woohoo
then lowering the car 1.8 inch Drop in Front, 2.3 inch Drop in Rear
so wider tires... so you thinkin 225/55/16...
Kooter Kicker wrote:well if it do it your way then 2 cars will look the same...
tint is so next going 5% woohoo
then lowering the car 1.8 inch Drop in Front, 2.3 inch Drop in Rear
so wider tires... so you thinkin 225/55/16...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the way you did ur lights has been done many times before. So its not as unique as you think.
Mike Z A.K.A SNEEZY wrote:Kooter Kicker wrote:well if it do it your way then 2 cars will look the same...
tint is so next going 5% woohoo
then lowering the car 1.8 inch Drop in Front, 2.3 inch Drop in Rear
so wider tires... so you thinkin 225/55/16...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the way you did ur lights has been done many times before. So its not as unique as you think.
oh i know, i saw a guy with a white cav with them all blacked out, i stole that idea,
but i got your point
Well dont take it the wrong way, I wasnt trying to be a @ss but it did sound that way, so sorry. But it does look good tho. Just not the black bumper part.
oh no worrys man, i know you werent, tuff skin when i'm new to a site. but thanks for tellin me you like them the gf thinks i'm an idiot haha, want till she sees the windows when i tint them.
looks good. where in ohio are you?

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
columbus ohio, some family lives in akron
Kooter Kicker wrote:well if it do it your way then 2 cars will look the same...
tint is so next going 5% woohoo
then lowering the car 1.8 inch Drop in Front, 2.3 inch Drop in Rear
so wider tires... so you thinkin 225/55/16...
225/50R16s are the correct size if you want to run a 225 tire.
Boost > N/A

180hp in 1989 or 260hp in 2008, you decide. Quad < Ecotec
Did you paint them or nightshade? When i did mine with nightshade they came out a little too dark so i just wet sanded with 1000 grit on the main brake light circle until a little red started showing through and then cleared them and they came out perfect. I can't say if that would work for paint and if you used actual paint well then you're an idiot.
Lose the ugly gold bowtie and do the 3rd brake light and it will look almost as cool as mine.
Kooter Kicker wrote:columbus ohio, some family lives in akron
Hit up the Mid East forum, we have a few people here in Columbus and have little meets every once-in-a-while.
Tails looks pretty good though!
Nightshade the 3rd breaklight & remove the bowtie and I think it'd look better. Still a little dark for my taste tho, I like people to be able to see my breaklights.
i left the bowtie because i would of had a huge silver whole and ran out of time so i stuck it back on. i was going to do the third brake light but can out of time,
and yes i used nightshade
and Scott (Silver Z) i'll never be as cool as you
Kooter Kicker wrote:i left the bowtie because i would of had a huge silver hole and ran out of time so i stuck it back on. i was going to do the third brake light but can out of time,
and yes i used nightshade
and Scott (Silver Z) i'll never be as cool as you
I ran into the same issue with the huge white spot when I took off my bow tie. Just taped the trunk off and quick sprayed that spot black and problem solved. Don't do something if it's rushed.
Glad you know that, it'll save us both a lot of time.
i'm redoing my lights, gonna paint the outsite silver and the circles black.
That will look good actually. Keep us posted, and put up some pics when ur done. Im curious to see how it all plays out! Goodluck.
i sure will, i'm a little worryed about getting rear ended the way it sits not, gota sand some back off, then have my buddy jake spray the silver and clear so it looks better than from a can