I recently bought a plain 2004 cavalier. I want to "sport it up" some. For the front nose, I want the factory ground effects (LS style i think..?). Is that an add-on to the stock nose? or do i have to buy a new nose?
you buy a hole new front bumper, headlights, hood and fenders stay the same, just change the bumper..
its not an add on. its actually a whole different bumper with the front lip molded to it.
Im surprised nobodys marketed a cheap lip akin to the lss lip, im sure itd sell like a mofo
where would i find the nose and how much would it be?
also, is it the same for the back bumper? add-on or whole new bumper?
Try the classifieds or your regional forums on here or there's always junkyards. I think the LS front and rears are kind of hard to find though.
I have had some luck with parts
Yes, the rear is a whole new bumper.