This is aasuming you already have Euro tails for a 2003 and newer Sunfire.
Heat The light in the over at 300* for about 3 min. And pry the lens off, took me about 40 min to get one lens off, reheat every few mins to resoften the glue.

Three screws release the inside part that actually has the reflector and the red balls on it. Each red lens is held in place with 2 phillips screws.

Next got get your LED's. These that i have used are 39 Diode lamp that are made by Peterson Manufacturing (PM line code). Part number M417R. These retail for $49 each from OReilly auto parts, there are cheaper ones out there but they dont have as many LEDs. These are actually 4" Semi-trailer taillight, sounds ghetto but they fit perfect.

Buy some small foam weather stripping tape, I used the 1/4" version. Wrap the light with it, this will fill in the small gap, make it fit snug, and act as a trim ring.

Push into reflector assy. till it seats one the screw bases.
More comming soon, just waiting for my CCFL halos I might be using in them.
Very good writeup. I've been planning something similar, but haven't been able to track down a set of the chrome TYC tails. I'm eager to see you finish these.
good idea but i would perfer led's in the stock tails
I would paint the trim body color or red now
good idea tho
Satch Timeline Progress Thread

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
I would love to do a set of stockers to however I dont know how to make the clear lenses

dope, I'm considering putting leds in my stock cavy tails.
why is is soo friggin hard to find tails for a 99 sunfirE???
Interesting, can't wait for the finished product. wish there was a way to clean up the look of the weatherstripping tape edge. Maybe a light VHT coat on the lens when they are done? I have also been looking at modding mine so that I could split out the stop/blinker signals into the separate lights of the TYC tails similar to the process for Toyo tails.
I was going to make the small circle light up as well while i had it apart, however the only light that would fit in it wouldnt match the big one. They only had 3 LEDs in them. Thought about socketing the small one but them the lighting wouldnt match.
Im working on a way to cover the weather strip, if my measurements are right the halos should set over the stripping. That is if they ever freaking get here.
ok the halos were the wrong size and looked kinda bad to its back together as pictured. Ill get shots soon.
Got em in the car here is the finished product, ill get some of them lit up when i get my battery and ecm back in later.
Very nice. I was just wondering if you had finished them up. Let's see em lit!
Shadowfire wrote:but haven't been able to track down a set of the chrome TYC tails.
I've been e-mailing vendors trying to get a set of black ones and keep getting this:
Sorry to tell you that all of the TYC lights for the Pontiac Sunfire have been discontinued.
I had a set of the black ones at one time. I traded them for the stockers that I have now.
Ah man thats awsome. Nice job
Proud member since 99
Not too shabby, I think I will attempt this soon enough and maybe try to incorporate the fake "signal lens" into an operational one.
very nicely done,
RobMan41 wrote:Not too shabby, I think I will attempt this soon enough and maybe try to incorporate the fake "signal lens" into an operational one. 
I would do that too I think
I was wanting to make the fake one light up also but i couldnt find a light that complimented the larger one. There was one at the store that fit perfectly, but it only had 3 LEDs for the whole 2 1/4" circle. Might have to build one.
are those pics with the brake on or off? How bout a shot of both when you get the chance.
hmmmmm wonder how they would look with red lenses?