what are some other uses you have found for plastx that seem to work very well?
of course head/tailights.
but i have used it on some other things and had great results.
dome light.
the plastic peace that covers the gauges.
underhood plastic peaces.
b piller (exterior)
door handles to get wax residue off
and even a cd i found that was so scratched it wouldnt play. after plastx it plays all the way through every song.
so has anyone found any other uses for the stuff?
Very good product. I've used it on mirrors, headlights, tails, and the cover over the windshield wiper motor.
Cell phone screens, PDA screens, Headunit CD player faces, Calculators, Gameboys, PSP's.
LOL I have never thought about using it on CD's before hmmmm..
i just realized something it says scratched cd's on the back of the bottle. lol
and i used it on the cover over the wiper moter. and daaaamn. it was all dull and faded befor and now ti looks great i can pop my hood and it shines almoset as good as my freshly claybared paint. this stuff is one of my new favorit products. i never thought it was as good as everyone said so i had never tried it untill yesterday. now im kicking myself in the head for waiting so long to try it.
do you use a buffer or can you use it just like wax?
z yaaaa wrote:do you use a buffer or can you use it just like wax?
you use it like wax. wax on and wax off
before and after pics? i've never seen this product
wow that is def impressive
sorry i didnt take any befor and after pics. but i should have cause my headlights were way worse then that. and i did the tailights on my moms satturn and they were the worst set i had ever seen and now you can see your self in them.
Go and get a mothers power ball.And then use it works really well..My 05 Sunfire fog and head lights were getting all rock blasted from 180 thousand KM of driving.Used this product with the power ball they came out looking like brand new..I was very happy..
I just found out that this products works well dealing with light overspray, but be careful and apply light pressure.
^^^ clay bar takes it right off.