This is a 44 page Collision Repair Manual from GM Goodwrench. It has some great info in it that includes repair info on pretty much ever panel that doesn't bolt directly on. Valuable information for the DIY'er who wants to save some money on auto repair.
Also includes exploded views with body dimensions so you can check to see if your car has been in even a small fender bender or wreck.
Table of Contents:
1. PANEL IDENTIFICATION __________________________ 2
2. RADIATOR SUPPORT ASSEMBLY ___________________ 4
3. FRONT WHEELHOUSE ASSEMBLY __________________ 6
4. FRONT LOWER RAIL ASSEMBLY ____________________ 8
5. FRONT SUSPENSION SUPPORT (#1 BAR) ____________ 11
6. DOOR FRAME OPENING ___________________________14
7. DOOR SERVICE _________________________________ 20
8. ROOF PANEL ___________________________________ 21
9. QUARTER PANEL _______________________________ 22
10. OUTER REAR WHEELHOUSE ____________________ 26
11. REAR RAIL ___________________________________ 28
12. REAR FLOOR ASSEMBLY ________________________ 31
13. REAR END PANEL _____________________________ 36
14. BODY DIMENSIONS ____________________________ 37
To download this amazing info in a .PDF, just click on the image!
95+ Cavalier and Sunfire Convertible Service Manual! A must read for vert owners!
you the man!

1997 Cavalier Z24 - 16.3 in 1320 and falling...
Just what I was looking for. Looks like I
can fix my new dent from the inside
I vote sticky
Ben, mind if I rehost these?
whitegoose( RedR-ZedR) wrote:
you the man!
Buddy Christ ftmfw!
whats with all the manuals lately ben? nothin else to do while ur drunk?
lol jk good find!
Kardain wrote:Just what I was looking for. Looks like I can fix my new dent from the inside 
I vote sticky
Ben, mind if I rehost these?
This is free information, do whatever you want with it. I'm just compiling it and posting it all here in a nice, neat, organized fashion that is hopefully easily found in a search, hence why i listed everything found in the manual in the post's title.
chesterton: nope, not drunk at all. just trying to put some info out there for fellow J members. oh, and just wait to see what i come up with in the next week or two

it might only benefit a small portion of J owners (ala us drop top guys

) but it should be invaluable nonetheless
95+ Cavalier and Sunfire Convertible Service Manual! A must read for vert owners!
yeah well you drop top guys suck... i wants one of demz...
saved and printed
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
Good info! Definitely needs to be stickified. Oh yea, get it sticky. Giggity.
how do u download this file
To download this amazing info in a .PDF, just click on the image!
FTW on the bump....
FTL on reading comprehension
did that cant get the file though
yeah the only difference in the frame from 95-05 is the tranny bracket on the manual trannys is actually welded to the frame of the car
Could someone host it on a different service? I tried to download in Firefox and IE and it just freezes then takes me to some random window. Thanks in advance!
does the freeze thing for me as well
thanks a bunch, i did manage to figure the other site after a bit, i just had to right click the link and choose save target as.
Please can you help me, I am looking for a Cavalier 1999 collision frame repair manual, I saw that they mention that they have one with 44 pages, please can you help me to obtain it or give me a copy, or tell me how to download it. Greetings
(tabs) wrote:This is a 44 page Collision Repair Manual from GM Goodwrench. It has some great info in it that includes repair info on pretty much ever panel that doesn't bolt directly on. Valuable information for the DIY'er who wants to save some money on auto repair.
Also includes exploded views with body dimensions so you can check to see if your car has been in even a small fender bender or wreck.
Table of Contents:
1. PANEL IDENTIFICATION __________________________ 2
2. RADIATOR SUPPORT ASSEMBLY ___________________ 4
3. FRONT WHEELHOUSE ASSEMBLY __________________ 6
4. FRONT LOWER RAIL ASSEMBLY ____________________ 8
5. FRONT SUSPENSION SUPPORT (#1 BAR) ____________ 11
6. DOOR FRAME OPENING ___________________________14
7. DOOR SERVICE _________________________________ 20
8. ROOF PANEL ___________________________________ 21
9. QUARTER PANEL _______________________________ 22
10. OUTER REAR WHEELHOUSE ____________________ 26
11. REAR RAIL ___________________________________ 28
12. REAR FLOOR ASSEMBLY ________________________ 31
13. REAR END PANEL _____________________________ 36
14. BODY DIMENSIONS ____________________________ 37
To download this amazing info in a .PDF, just click on the image!

Peter Pan wrote:Please can you help me, I am looking for a Cavalier 1999 collision frame repair manual, I saw that they mention that they have one with 44 pages, please can you help me to obtain it or give me a copy, or tell me how to download it. Greetings
Here you go, buddy. Enjoy.
Thank you very much, God pays you, I really appreciate it, you don't know how much I want to repair my car and use it again thank you thank you God bless you, greetings from Mexico
Wild Weasel wrote:Peter Pan wrote:Please can you help me, I am looking for a Cavalier 1999 collision frame repair manual, I saw that they mention that they have one with 44 pages, please can you help me to obtain it or give me a copy, or tell me how to download it. Greetings
Here you go, buddy. Enjoy.
Peter Pan wrote:thank you thank you God bless you, greetings from Mexico
You're quite welcome. And greetings from Canada.