Well, I got a few paint chips acting up on my bumper and truck. I want to save up for a full new paint job, but really do not have the time or money at the moment. So, to make things look a little nicer, I want to fix up some of the bad spots I got….and I have searched this, but haven’t found exactly what I'm looking for.
The chips are about the size of a quarter. I was thinking I could sand down a little area around it, prime, sand, etc, tape it off and paint it. How well would this work?
Another thing I’m debating about is the paint. I found some duplicolor in a spray can that matches pretty well, but I found out, that many people frown on this because it makes things a pain in the ass when I get around to painting it for real. So, then I thought I could get a bucket of color matched paint and use a spray gun to paint it. I looked at paintscratch, but it seems a tad pricey I think, where else could I get this paint, could I order it through GM?
I don’t want to spend a lot on a spray gun either. It would be just for touch ups and to paint small things like mirrors, handles, filler plate, etc. How good is
something like this?
Also, any other help you guys want to offer would be great. Thanks in advanced!
Just please... if you're going to spray it, don't just spray just where the chips are... do the whole/bumper/panel/etc... if you want to know why to do the whole thing, look at the post still in the upper first page on this forum about paint scratches (it has "paint scratches"in the title)
it's this post...
Sorry for the lack of a detailed answer for you, I have a ton of algebra work to get done
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, October 01, 2007 3:45 PM
so you think if im gonna try and paint it myself, i should sand down the whole bumper and paint it all? the only thing is, i was kinda trying to avoid that due to lack of time. im trying to find a nice temporary fix until i get a chance to paint the whole thing
tha_prowler wrote:the only thing is, i was kinda trying to avoid that due to lack of time. im trying to find a nice temporary fix until i get a chance to paint the whole thing
All you would be doing with a "temporary" fix is creating more work for yourself later. Just live with it until you can do it right. The best thing you can do now is invest in some Turtle Wax Color Cure polish. The chipstick will be your best friend.
Hey as long as the paint chips arn't exposing bare metal (i'm doubting this highly) then I'd just leave it go until you can afford to fix it right. If you're going to or plan on half assing it, just don't do anything to it at all
yea i guess thats kinda what i wanted to do. i just get tired of seeing all the things messed up w. my paint when i wash my car lol. guess ill wait til i can get it done right