Will the 01 cavalier body style fenders fit the 03-05?
Ive searched and i cant find anything, but they look to be the same.
not if u want to keep the 03+ front end
No man they are definetly the same, they may look different, but they are the same. This is a big disputed topic with people wanting to put toyota fenders on their cars. Fenders from 95-05 will fit all cavaliers. Its just that if you have 95-99 style you may have to cut the bracket off that connects to the corner lights so that you will be able to fit the newer headlight styles.
Thanks guys.
I was wondering because i want CF fenders and there is NO BODY that makes them for 03-05.
mines an 05.
all fenders are the same from 95-05. only difference is the corner bracket on the inside of the fenders from 95-99