hey guys, i know about shaving mouldings. but i ran in to a problem.
the entire drivers side of my 2005 cavalier is a repaint. I am certain that the mouldings where not removed and just painted over. i want to shave them when i put my skirts on, but i know that im going to see the lines where the car was repainted.
is there anything i can do to avoid seeing the lines after i remove the mouldings? i don't want to paint it again because the paint is a perfect match and most likely won't be after another coat of paint.
thanks for the input guys.
I REALLY doubt the paint will match, depending on what was painted over. Was it just a touch up?
Rip em off. Worst case scenario: You need to go buy some 2 sided tape from a hardware store. Better yet you could buy it in advance
if the work was performed at a body shop, they should have removed them before painting. If not the SEAM all around the edge would start to chip off.
Even if they did take them off to paint the car when the put them back on I'm sure the paint wasnt fully cured. It will still leave an imprint on the new paint.
worst case, you take them off and the shop did not remove and painted over them, you will have a out line where the molding was and it will have to get re painted there is no way you can save it
now if the moldings were removed and then installed after assmebly, no the paint is still frersh and you will not see a difference in color
can i haz bondo
Thats why when I got my doors repainted I removed the molding before hand so I wouldn't run into this problem. Thats really sucks that your paint probably won't match.
if the work was performed at a body shop, they should have removed them before painting. If not the SEAM all around the edge would start to chip off.
worst case, you take them off and the shop did not remove and painted over them, you will have a out line where the molding was and it will have to get re painted there is no way you can save it
thats exactly what i wanted to hear guys. the work was performed at a shop, i know they painted over them, because at the time i really needed the car back and just told my body guy to paint it. i did not think for the price he was going to paint the entire side of the car.
thanks for all the in put guys, im going to leave them on.
Gah I just now seen this lol.
Pretty much what was said in this post already. IF the sides were not removed when it was painted before, only way to save it is to take them off and have it repainted without the sides on. If the sides were removed, you should be fine. If you don't know for sure, if the shop remembers ask them... if not play it safe unless you don't mind repainting.
SUPERFASSSSTZ, wrote:^^^^^^^ thanks Fallen Angel, i always look for you post when it comes to paint and body questions!!!!!
they where painted on the car so they have to stay on.
thanks again for the input guys
Why thank ya
lol and no prob. If you have any questions, feel free to PM also.