does anyone know if anyone still makes the fully shaved cf trunks for 05 cavaliers?..if so, where? or does anyone have one for sale?
I <3 3COT3C! does.. but they no longer have teh carbon fiber weave visible on them like they used to.
heres the mine.. but this is their older style with teh visible carbon weave.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:22 PM
yup no one makes them anymore. you either have to get a cf one with the inner tail lights or get a fully shaved oem lid and wrap in in cf, or just get a oem shaved lid (i have one for sale by the way

yeah u aint sh!ttin they aint made anymore! i offered the classglass guy $1000 to make one like he used to and refused cuz he said "too many ppl were b!tching about the weave not being perfect". so oh well, his loss i guess.
but ive decided to go with a JSP one anyway.
the JSP one? whats that?....i really want the cf look....or i would buy the plain shaved goin for a 2 tone of a real light yellow and cf.... so i want the cf hood, trunk and fenders...
I <3 3COT3C!
jsp is the other company other than vis that makes the lid. both lids still have inner tails though