I was wondering if the rear bumper Combat (RBC) from KKO Crazy Kustoms with Fiber Flex for a 2 door will work with a 4 door and what sides would I need if I have a z24 front bumper? I want to stick with the z24 front bumper.
not sure how well of a match this is so thought I better check with everyone for some ideas.
Does another website carry the Combat rear bumper?
I just saw a used combat bumper in search and I don't want one now..........help!
Have any suggestions for sides and rear bumper with a z24 front bumper on a 4 door?
Bomex sides and bomex rear??????? i dont know; just buy a whole bomex kit,lol
Just do a z24 sedan, get the rear and sides; few guys on here have done that and it looks good and clean.
98 j-body sedan
Sounds like good advice! I wonder if anyone on here has a rear bumper and sides? If so let me know!
bomex sides and a IF rear IMO
or better yet, IF sides and rear
Where do I find the IF rear and Sides?
Are you sure there is an IF sides and rear bumper??? Never heard of that name!
Got anymore ideas?
IF = Import Fighter....made by rksport
anyone of those names can get it for you
or check the classifieds...it pops up alot
for a better idea of what it looks like, look up Ruen in the members section
Looks real good except I couldn't get a pic of the rear bumper in that kit.
i was thinking of the Wings West Custom Style Rear Valance from Gravana Tuning but that would be $455 with shipping to east coast. I am wondering if there is any other place to get that rear bumper closer to me? Still have to get side skirts with that!
email jason@aplusperformance.com
he can prolly help u out