Just got an 03 sunfire and Its got quite a few nicks in the hood along the front edge, Im going to touch up paint it, and I was also thinking about getting a bug deflector to cover up/ protect it from any further damage. I searched and couldn't find any pics to decide if they looked good or not. Could someone please either direct me to some pics or post some up? I would also like to know the best place to get them, and is it possible to get one in carbon fiber?
thats a full bra. there is also a half bra, which only has the part that covers the hood and not the front bumper. you can also do clear bras or stone gaurd, which is just a clear film that goes oevr top. here is the link for a place that sells them online precut for our cars, but its mostly an example because the link is for a cavalier.

Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
I don't know how much difference there is in part appearance and availability on the newer Sunfires, but I've always liked the look of the stock GM bug deflector on my '97 Cavalier.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
perhaps I should clarify, I am not looking for a bra, I know what a bra is and I do not wish to screw up my paint, I am looking for the plastic piece that follows along the front lip of the hood and sticks up a little like in the second post, thanks for the pics, but i need to see it on an 03 fire.
looks like a uni brow
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
thanks for the pic... yeah it does kinda look like a unibrow, not sure I like it...
Man, I have searched the internet for the past hour trying to find another pic of these and every damn place that sells them give me a picture of a friggin mustang

I wonder if it looks as bad from a different angle or if it is just a bad picture...
This is the only other picture I can find on short notice, but it's at too extreme an angle to make much of a judgement.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Paint it body color, shouldn't look that bad afterwards...
I've painted a car before, it was my 88 fiero and my dad and I painted it black, used professional dupont paint and primer, base coat / clear coat, the whole works, painting a car sucks, espicially black cars, sooooo many things show up even if you prep it, use multiple shades of primer to make sure its sompletly smooth, and so forth, crap still shows up, and then crap will fall in the paint before it dries, the clear coat will run...
Its basically a nightmare IMO, and on top of that you spend $600 + in materials when its all said and done
Plus I have heard that its hard to match metallic paints, and my sunfire is the metallic dark blue, (not sure of the correct name),
Basically I don't want to do it, and I don't want to spend the $$$ on professional paint or on a cf hood, unless anyone has one for sale for real cheap...??? I was looking for an inexpensive alternative, my only other options at this moment would be to touch it up the best I can and live with it or paint it black using the "$50 paint job method" on just the hood, which if you have not read about this yet, and this being a car forum I don't see how that is possible, well just search the net for it its pretty easy to find and yields some really good results.
Oh yeah one more thing, any opinions on black hoods? I personally like them but a lot of people seem to think its "ricey"
I agree with both counts. I like black hoods as a rule, but would also acknowledge that it's a look that's going to make people some of the more conservative folks in the neighborhood think you're a ricer (or a ricer wannabe).

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
hmmm.... anyone have pics of an 03+ sunfire, with a black hood? ...and not on a black car
Here's a quick 'shop of the picture above. Sorry if I got the color way off (I think I had Subaru on the brain), but it should at least give you an idea.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
actually color is really close, thanks for the chop, I like it...