i was reading this book out at wal-mart ( cause i stock them lol ) and its about ways to use household items for other uses. i came across one part that says if you take mayonnaise and lay some on glue or tar on a car it will take it off. has anyone done this? just thought it was pretty interesting.
ive heard that too.. but mayonaisse is gross so I could never be around the smell of it long enough to try
I'm hungry. Actually, I know bologna will take off paint, but don't know about mayo. It's eggs and oil. I'm going to make a sandwich now.
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
I heard peanut butter but not mayonaisse.
i have never heard either, but i would laugh if i drove by and someone was spreading sandwitch condiments on their car lol
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
i've done peanut butter on my dads truck. it works on the exterior vynal bumper and mirrors. i did it on the vynal part by the wipers on my cav and it worked. i used it to take off wax. worked great and will do it again. i learned about it on a corvette forum!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
makes sense. PB also gets gum out of hair. It's the oil in both that would do it. the oil works into the glue and cause it to lose it's stickiness, like a lubricant. So the glue, tar, whatever might need to be rubbed a bit.
hey look the college chem classes paid off! LoL
Never tried the mayo or penut butter, but id you need a quick-cheap chrome polish use just about any soft drink (doesnt have to be coke). Its the carbolic (sp?) acid in it that does the trick.
Jusr make sure its not the drink with the rye in it-that one is for polishing your own pipes.
Rice.....Part of a balanced Pontiac diet.
or if there isnt an acme around you, you can just get bug and tar remover