I wasnt sure where to put this post but i decided here... anyways theres some rust on the black coolant pipe right above the header that runs along side of the engine... i hope i explained that well enough... but does anyone know if it'd be safe and or troublesome to get that off to sand it and respray it black and is it even worth my time?
Well I'm guessing you have a 2.2L? any way a little surface rust is ok..
After time coolant will start turning to acid. So if the rust is brown then it just a little surface rust. But if you start getting green anodizing then You got a leak somewhere, I Tend to keep a eye on my rad, because if you see any "green Rust" down there, that means your rad is on the way out and is being eaten from the inside out... very common on older cars.
lol i know about the draining the sunfire thing thanks either way shifted, and thanks for telling me about the green rust i didnt know that thanks, but would i be able to sand it down and respray or should i just leave it be or replace it? i really dont like the rust on it i'd be willing to buy a new one of i had to.. if so how much do they run does anyone know?