I know there have been a ton of posts lately about where to get Nite Shades, etc, etc....
If there's any interest, I'll get a few cases of this stuff in our shop and ship it out... at a pretty decent price.
Let me know if there is interest or if anyone has any questions.
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
yea i bough tit on summit for like 26 dollars including shipping.. but it does look amazing if you do it right....
i got it at pepboys for $10 a can
I am actually trying to find it. I just dont want to pay the 20 or so dollars to get it shipped. If it is a reasonable price, i am definatly in. Thanks

Go Go OG Traction!!
what exactly is it ?

wait for it... wait for it... NOW GO!! ---> '02 LS Sport <---
Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
maybe i should have read the noiteshades how to first........

wait for it... wait for it... NOW GO!! ---> '02 LS Sport <---
Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
i paid $7.70 cdn a can locally, 26 usd is alot
I'm game. I can't find it anywhere local around here.............
Polo wrote:I'm game. I can't find it anywhere local around here.............
This is the problem I'm trying to help solve...
I know most auto stores should carry it, but it seems like many don't.
I will be doing the best I can keeping the price low... Should be under $13-15 / can shipped. Maybe less. I'm waiting to get my quote back.
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
Sounds good Jason, thanks.........
if the price is right...id buy
APlusPerformance - JBodySource wrote:Polo wrote:I'm game. I can't find it anywhere local around here.............
This is the problem I'm trying to help solve...
I know most auto stores should carry it, but it seems like many don't.
I will be doing the best I can keeping the price low... Should be under $13-15 / can shipped. Maybe less. I'm waiting to get my quote back.
thats how much i paid for mine
Im in for some, keep us updated!
i'd be interested jason.... i'd also be interested in the stuff joe and everybody else are using for their orange turn signals. i cant find that anywhere either.
Adam (StealthCavalier) wrote:i'd be interested jason.... i'd also be interested in the stuff joe and everybody else are using for their orange turn signals. i cant find that anywhere either.
What's the name of it, if you know?
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
Cool, thanks alot Jason. As soon as its ready, you have a buyer.

Go Go OG Traction!!
Adam (StealthCavalier) wrote:i'd be interested jason.... i'd also be interested in the stuff joe and everybody else are using for their orange turn signals. i cant find that anywhere either.
I have an extra can sitting around

PM me if interested.