Same as the topic....i got some overspray from my clear coat on my windshield and i was wondering if i could use reducer to take it off cause nothing else will work?
You can try reducer, or lacquer thinner... just be careful not to get it on the paint
Can't you razor blade it off?
Meguiar's Cleaner Wax removes overspray. Worked on my g/f's 97 Sunfire she had. Overspray from an old body work, and from some new body work. I dunno how that would work on glass though.
Both of those methods work. ^^^
a razor blade and or steel wool triple 000 with glass cleaner
can i haz bondo big daddy said.... steel wool and glass the best. Razor blade works too but BE CAREFUL!!
i say just razor it. it Never fails, and you dont have to worry about chemicals getting on ur nice new clear coat and ruining it (just dont get too crazy and go fast with the razor cause....well accidents happen