My brother blew his tranny in his 02 z24 about 2 months ago, So instead of fixing it he just stopped paying his payment so the bank will come get it. (i know not good for credit). So he calle me today and told me to come take whatever parts I want off of his car, so i took his AEM CAI and his sideskirts.
His side skirts are covered in burnt rubber tho, what is a good way to clean them off.
Also the stock side skirts bolted in the fender wells and underneath, could I just bolt them to the fender wells and us a 3m tape for the rest?? any suggestions??

try a degreaser and just scrub. something like simple green, will be safe on the paint. can't answer ur other question though
Wow, your brother is a smart one.
certsfire wrote:peanut butter works wonderds! i take it to the track to 2 reasons now 
are you serious!? ive herd wd-40 works but make sure you wipe it off quickly and not leave the residue on there.
yep, works on anything sticky like sap,ashphalt, tar, rubber ect..
Ill try simple green and wd40 this weekend, theres alot on there.
Wow, your brother is a smart one.
Its not the smartest thing but what else can he do, hes tight for money as is, and has twins on the way. His warranty ran out about 20,000 miles ago and know his tranny is gone. No money to fix it, so why pay for a car you cant drive?
and just so you know I didnt take offense to that just saying his reason.
But hey I got sideskirts and a AEM intake for free

certsfire wrote:yep, works on anything sticky like sap,ashphalt, tar, rubber ect..
wow thats kinda a cool thing to know, i always knew it took gum out of carpet and hair but never thought of other uses!!
windex usually works too. spray it on and let it soak for a bit then it usually just rolls off.
nasty04cav wrote:Ill try simple green and wd40 this weekend, theres alot on there.
Wow, your brother is a smart one.
Its not the smartest thing but what else can he do, hes tight for money as is, and has twins on the way. His warranty ran out about 20,000 miles ago and know his tranny is gone. No money to fix it, so why pay for a car you cant drive?
and just so you know I didnt take offense to that just saying his reason.
But hey I got sideskirts and a AEM intake for free
maybe if he didnt drive like an ass his car would still be running. stop making payments on your car is retarded. its gonna stay on his credit for 7yrs. good luck for him ever getting approved for a loan again
maybe if he didnt drive like an ass his car would still be running. stop making payments on your car is retarded. its gonna stay on his credit for 7yrs. good luck for him ever getting approved for a loan again
Who said he drives like a ass??? please dont assume things. doing a burn out at his work is not driving like a ass.
But not paying for it is his only option. It sucks for him but whatelse can you do. Hopefully he can save money and get a cheap car.

Burnouts is most likely the reason his trans went in the first place. If you are gonna have fun like that, at least make sure you can pay for the repairs the vehicle is gonna need as a result of your having fun (ie: burnouts). No matter where he is doing the burnouts.
Armor All rims cleaner work too, I don't think it hurt paint, spray, wait a little, clean the mess and make sure you clean it well after so there's no rim cleaner remaining. I didn't had any problem with that.... and I wash my car every weekend during spring and summer.....
uh ok, he still has to repay the remaining balance that he owes on the car right?....(or the difference at auction), in other words, he's paying for something he doesn't even own anymore...I'd rather pay for a car with a screwed up tranny, than pay for a car that I don't even have access to anymore ....any ways good luck with the skirts...
uh ok, he still has to repay the remaining balance that he owes on the car right?....(or the difference at auction), in other words, he's paying for something he doesn't even own anymore
dont know if he knows that, too late now. If so hes going to get even less at auction do to the fact some peices are missing. They took the car on open TB. Sucks for him.
and again I am not taking offense to any comments.
But back on track I washed the side skirts today, got all the loose dirt/grim off of them. I will try to get the rubber off tuesday. Theres a good amount on them. But as far as the paint, im not concered if a chemical makes it peel or discolors them, I have to get them painted to my color anyway.

I would try kerosene or mineral spirits to remove the rubber. The question about using 3M tape has been asked here before. 3M makes a heavy duty tape for exterior use that is rated to hold 3 lbs/foot of tape. If your skirts are relatively light in weight, I would give it a try. The front and rear screws will do a lot of the work. Just keep an eye on the skirts for awhile to see if the tape appears to be holding up. If it works, you can be the guru on how to mount skirts using 3M tape.
If you're having them repainted, I wouldn't worry about it at all. The painter will sand them before painting and will take off anything that's on them.
3m adhesive, tar, and wax remover. It's what I used to remove my badges. I bought a spare wheel from someone who raced srt-4's. There was quite a bit of rubber on the inner part of the wheel that came off with this stuff and some elbow grease.
"The J's weren't designed to be sports cars, the suspension sucks, the brakes are tiny, and the target market for our car doesn't need to be able to do any more than 65mph." - Shifted
A more accurate observation has never been typed. These should be the starting points before any serious performance modification. What's the point of making a serious performer if you can't control it's power?
nasty04cav wrote:Quote:
maybe if he didnt drive like an ass his car would still be running. stop making payments on your car is retarded. its gonna stay on his credit for 7yrs. good luck for him ever getting approved for a loan again
Who said he drives like a ass??? please dont assume things. doing a burn out at his work is not driving like a ass.
But not paying for it is his only option. It sucks for him but whatelse can you do. Hopefully he can save money and get a cheap car.
well it true. the fact you just said from doing burn outs at his work, i bet thats the reason the trans went. i blew my trans 2 years ago and had it replaced. i was talkin' to my mechanic about it and he was tellin' me that the trans that the cavs come w/ arent that strong and cant handle doing burn outs.
does peanut butter seriously work??
3M makes a heavy duty tape for exterior use that is rated to hold 3 lbs/foot of tape.
anybody try it??
If you're having them repainted, I wouldn't worry about it at all. The painter will sand them before painting and will take off anything that's on them.
Thats a good point. Do they go down to bare plastic, or just scuff the paint???
the fact you just said from doing burn outs at his work, i bet thats the reason the trans went.
100% agree
does peanut butter seriously work??
even if it did, I wouldnt be caught trying it.

that 3m stuff is the same thing they use to put the side molding on.