there was a thread about this a while back, and there was a picture of a yellow cavalier posted. I loved the way it looked, and wanted to do this to my car also.
Today, I went to the junkyard, and was able to get a PAIR of 96 sunfire sideskirts for $25.
What all has to be done to get these things painted and mounted? They are blue, and my car is silver.
I want to get this done as cheaply (but quality!) as possible.. so I guess I would have to do all the prep work myself.
What should I do? Hit it with 200 grit sandpaper (wet or dry?) until all the paint is gone, and then hit it with something like 2000, and prime it? (what kind of primer? or should I let the painter prime it?)
As far as mounting goes, how should I mount it? I don't have any holes or anything to screw into, so I guess I'd have to drill my own in there. or would some 3M double sided mounting tape or something work?
Thanks for any info!
work on mounting it first, drill the holes like its done at the factory, once your happy with the fit, then worry about painting it
btw, no reason to remove all the paint unless its flaking off or chipping. just scuff and paint
what should I scuff it with? like a green scotchpad, or sand paper lol..
use scotch brite to scuff it. just take off all the shine. let the painter prime it.
2004 Cavalier, 2.2 ecotec, 5spd getrag
do you ever notice that the ones who talk the loudest have the least to talk about?