will a 2002 cavalier z24 front bumper fit on my 96 cavalier if i change the head lights and corner lights ?
im trying to save the few posts i have left, but dang man.. scroll down in the forum, there is a post discussing the same thing.. but im not gonna waste a post so here is ur answer from what I know, you have to change a few things other than just the headlights,corners, and bumper.. u have to have to swap wiring harness becuz teh 2000-2002 headlights use a single bulb(9007) as a 95-99 use 2 bulbs(9005 and 9006), The corner bulbs are also different sizes, 95-99 use a 194 size bulb and 00-02 use a 3157 bulb..(i have been told if u lower the windshield fluid resovior(sp) under the battery tray is a connector that u can swap harnesses instead of splicing into ur original wiring) Now this isnt as easy as it looks.. there is a mount on the 00 needed to use for the corner lights but u can easy rig it using ur stock 95-99 fenders but doing some cutting on the mount and using a ziptie or sumthing to hold the corner in so it doesnt bounce around while driving.. It has been done many times and next spring i am doing the same. Good luck with it. What 00 front bumper are u planning on using? Just a stock one or a Aftermarket?